Hi all,
It's been a long time between landscape photo trips in between kids sport and school commitments.
I would love to get back in the fold and share again![]()
Hi all,
It's been a long time between landscape photo trips in between kids sport and school commitments.
I would love to get back in the fold and share again![]()
Call me Dylan! www.everlookphotography.com | www.everlookphotography.wordpress.com | www.flickr.com/photos/dmtoh
Canon EOS R5, : 16-35mm F4 L, 70-200F4 canon L, 24-70mm 2.8IIcanon L, Sirui tripod + K20D ballhead + RRS ballhead. |Sony A7r2 + Laowa 12mm F2.8, Nisi 15mm F4
Various NiSi systems : Currently using switch filter and predominantly 6 stop ND, 10 stop ND, 3 stop medium GND
Post : Adobe lightroom classic CC : Photoshop CC. Various actions for processing and web export
WB, and by all means![]()
CC, Image editing OK.