Hey guys and gals I am trying to improve the sound quality on my A7s without spending a million bucks buying a dedicated microphone.
Any ideas ????
Hey guys and gals I am trying to improve the sound quality on my A7s without spending a million bucks buying a dedicated microphone.
Any ideas ????
ly, no-oh! - At least not yet.
A couple of questions, though...
What is it about the quality you're trying to improve?
What sort of/where is the microphone located?
Are there not some that cost < "a million bucks"?
CC, Image editing OK.
A few refs from a search on "sony a7s video sound settings"...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v1avV2vkGgk - if you can understand his accent;
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AZUhgHIT5Bk - not reviewed;
https://www.reddit.com/r/videography..._ii/?rdt=64356 - skimmed only.
Maurice I need some help, I have forgotten how to post photos, if you would Kindly refresh my memory please.
Post as attachments: https://www.ausphotography.net.au/fo...To-Posts-On-AP
Link to external source, like Flickr: Basically, click the "Share" curved arrow, then select your size for posting; copy the BB Code
and then paste that in the position you want it in your post. The old link to this procedure is here: