Hi everyone

I am a new member and have recently purchased a Canon 5D Mark II with the 24mm- 105mm lens.

I am looking at complimenting this with either the Canon 100mm - 400mm lens, or the Sigma 150mm - 500mm lens.

I have read a number of editorial and user reviews at various photographic and review sites, as well as a number of threads on this forum about the pro's and con's of both. As most would have seen, the confusing thing is that the range of views is so diverse that in the end I just end up more confused!

So where to next....I take a look at the example photographs posted by the various reviewers to take a look at the evidence.

Now I am not sure if it is my untrained eyes, or if I may need glasses, but I am finding that even when people are saying one area is soft, or sharp, or the colours are not as well saturated as the other, I am struggling to see a huge difference.

Is it just me, or are the differences between the actual output quite minor and reviewers being particularly thorough with their assessments?

Sorry if this question sounds a bit naive!