View Full Version : Just reinstating....

09-02-2012, 6:50pm
......my account, as requested by admin.

Just came back to look around.

09-02-2012, 7:32pm
also reinstating mine to keep looking around :)

09-02-2012, 7:48pm
OI! Stop hijacking my thread. This was _important_ to me. :D

Mark L
09-02-2012, 9:36pm
Well don't just look around, get involved. It's more fun.:)
Now today was one of those days that I wish I hadn't got out of bed. To start with......
Sorry OldNick, I was about to hijack your thread.
Welcome back. :th3:

09-02-2012, 10:03pm
HAH! Good one..............

...........so..............what happened?

Actually I have already posted a couple of comments on shots and I am in the middle of a DOF study/"thought" process on someone's shots, about shooting flowers. All about lens length, DOF, distance to subject....catches me every time.

EDIT: Just getting back in to shooting, with a new camera to fan the flames....so just re-learning and have not had any real oppo's yet, so nothing to post.

Mark L
09-02-2012, 10:31pm
HAH! Good one..............

...........so..............what happened?

Well I was supposed to go to Sydney for a few days to keep my farther company in hospital so that Mum could take a break (this on short notice, spent morning reorganising weekend commitments), but she rang and says don't come, he's being transferred to Orange, can you go there tomorrow. Great, I'll take the chance to mow the lawn (green weeds). Half done and starts p..sing down rain. Bugga, sit down for a ciggie and 2 dogs run past me onto a main road. Jeez, slippery road, don't want an accident go get dogs, herd them back to where they may have come from. Now I'm soaking wet.
Have lunch, time for a little siesta, fading into a light sleep and the bloody phone rings. ..........and then the afternoon got worse. ..........

I took some photos of the moon highlighting some clouds tonight. I'll look at them tomorrow and hope that something good happened today. The camera offers some escape from .......
Thread hijacked. You did asked Nick. :D:)

10-02-2012, 7:40am
:gday: & Welcome Back
- lets see some new photos in the main CC forums (http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/forumdisplay.php?5) maybe try a competition or 2 and have fun!