View Full Version : SORRY.......HERE is the CAT......can you find it this time.

old dog
09-02-2012, 2:02pm
apologies for the cat becoming a gorilla but now I have changed the gorilla back into the cat. Sounds a lot like Dr Seuss methinks. Anyway can you find the dang cat????


09-02-2012, 2:09pm
Top, Right of middle near the red thingy???? :umm:

09-02-2012, 2:28pm
It's mostly white with grey patches and making its way to the front centre.

09-02-2012, 2:47pm
Left centre (almost) above the motor with the four-belt pulley and below what looks like the remains of a spoked wheel. Cheers :food04:

09-02-2012, 3:07pm
Black & White?

09-02-2012, 3:38pm
Yes left side half way up. This image has done the rounds on Facebook but it was too small to see anything. Now I have found the elusive cat LOL

old dog
09-02-2012, 6:54pm
looks like most of you have spotted the moggy...once you see it, it sure stands out.

09-02-2012, 7:27pm
Yes, I saw the cat (Felix campo junquae canis ancianopsis). And thanks for the tip!

Mark L
09-02-2012, 7:41pm
I prefer gorillas. :D

10-02-2012, 6:28am
There are a heap of these:



10-02-2012, 12:24pm
fk !!!! You guys playing with my mind?

old dog
10-02-2012, 7:31pm
gee Rick....I looked so hard at the two you put up and no way could I find any cat. Much harder than mine....

sorry Phil about your mind...:eek:

10-02-2012, 7:53pm
gee Rick....I looked so hard at the two you put up and no way could I find any cat. Much harder than mine....

Simple reason, Canus Ancianus: they were taken in Cheshire, where all the cats are invisible except for their :Ds. You have to look for these. Search for a pair of "s"es separated by a mile.

11-02-2012, 8:24am
gee Rick....I looked so hard at the two you put up and no way could I find any cat. Much harder than mine....

sorry Phil about your mind...:eek:

:shh: look in the center of the 1st pic and look at the rockwall on the right in the 2nd pic of ricks..:shh:

old dog
11-02-2012, 1:33pm
thanks Am....:lol:

thanks jimbob for the heads up on the two Rick put in. Isn`t it funny....I could not find them initially but after you telling me where they are, I see them straight away...:confused013