View Full Version : Doesn't really count but might be being published, and even paid.

08-02-2012, 9:54pm
The 4WD trip I did on the long weekend with a bunch of other photography enthusiasts who also love 4wding, is apparently going to be published in 4WD Action magazine or one of its sister publications.
The story has been written, and all who took pics on the trip have been asked to submit any photos we wanted to make available to go with the story.

We've all submitted a selection of our pics, and when the story is published we all split the $700 fee ($700 split 4 ways if they use at least one pic from each person taking pics on the trip).

So if they pick any of my shots, I'll not only have been published, but paid for it as well. Woohoo!!!
Of course, it hardly counts in a magazine that actually ASKS its readers to submit stories and has a set fee for stories with pics, but I'll be pretty happy anyway if any of mine end up in there.
Though the contract states they're buying the photos from you and they then own the pic, and that whilst you can keep one copy for your portfolio, you probably can't do anything else with them. But I can live with those conditions if they publish them.

Anyway here's hoping :)

08-02-2012, 9:59pm
Good luck - sounds like a great opportunity. I'm excited for you and hope you are successful in getting a photo published ... it all counts in my opinion. :th3:

09-02-2012, 12:25pm
Great news.

Good luck, and I hope they only use YOUR photos so you can keep all the dough.

Could go towards a nice new lens!

09-02-2012, 12:54pm
I'm pretty sure it's going to be split 4 ways whether any of us don't get any pics published or not, but it's paid the fuel for the entire trip and then some. So can't really complain. But something comes to mind about eggs, hatch, counting?
Though on the plus side, there are some shots that I was the only one that took - for example in the glow worm tunnel, we all took long exposures of the glowing worms, but I was the only one that took an actual photo of a worm itself with a light on, so since they're planning a break out box with seperate information relevant to the story, and one of those is about the glow worms, there's pretty good chance they'll use at least that picture simply because I'm the only one that took one, not necessarily because it's any good :)
Will be months before it ends up in print. The deadline for the pics and story is this coming Monday, but the actual publication of the story is often months and months later from what I have seen previously.
Will let you all know in a couple of months I guess.

09-02-2012, 6:27pm
It counts :th3:

old dog
09-02-2012, 7:09pm
and the best part is you had a great trip...

10-02-2012, 11:51am
Good to see that they are willing to cough up some $$ rather that taking advantage of you, sounds like its a publication with a good set of morals, unlike a certain budget airline in Australia... :)

10-02-2012, 11:54am
Congrats on getting publishes. Hope it is the first of many.

10-02-2012, 11:59am
Of course, it hardly counts in a magazine that actually ASKS its readers to submit stories and has a set fee for stories with pics,

Says who lol ?

10-02-2012, 7:54pm
Thats great, i bet your excited, I know I would be.

10-02-2012, 8:15pm
Yep. Pretty much so, but it's still not a certainty they'll pick any of my pictures. There were 4 people taking pics on the trip, and 4 people submitting pics, for an article that will be lucky if it is much more than a couple of pages, so it becomes a game of odds, and definitely not guaranteed.

04-05-2012, 6:16pm
Yep. I got published, and paid!!!
Woohoo. Does this make me a professional?

I sure hope not, because when you split the payment for the article between the four main photographers that contributed, it only came out at just over $100 per person.
About 2/3rds of the fuel bill for the weekend at the time.
But considering it's a national full colour magazine, I'm pretty happy. Especially as I wasn't doing the trip for that reason, so any money towards fuel was a major plus.

Only about 4 of my images were included in the article, but with four contributors, we all only got about 4 images published.
So if you happen to be browsing your newsagent next week and see issue 181 of "4WD Action" then leave it right there and don't look through it, because I didn't like any of the images of mine they chose LOL. Obviously Editors and I have different ideas as to what pictures look good ;)

But I'll say it again. I GOT PUBLISHED AND PAID!!!! WOOHOO!!!!!!

Duane Pipe
04-05-2012, 6:25pm
Paid to have fun. Well done and good luck:beer_mug:

04-05-2012, 7:32pm
Of course it counts:) Well done :)

Mark L
04-05-2012, 9:01pm
So if you happen to be browsing your newsagent next week and see issue 181 of "4WD Action" then leave it right there and don't look through it, .....

Okay, I won't.
Well done to the five of you. :th3:

05-05-2012, 7:16am
In all honesty, compared to the photos here, these were just happy snaps. But the other three photography enthusiasts and I are all pretty happy with it.
You can expect to see even MORE "milky water" photos appearing everywhere though, as they included in the article a "How To" break-out box, with details on how to create them. LOL. Just what the world needs - more milky water photos ;)

05-05-2012, 7:30am
Congratulaions :th3: But I can't promise I want look :).

05-05-2012, 9:11pm
Congrats on the publish. I am a regular reader of 4WD Action, so I'll be sure to check it out.

06-05-2012, 4:33am
Well done! Publication is publication, whatever the terms!

06-05-2012, 7:40am
Yep. I got published, and paid!!!
Woohoo. Does this make me a professional?

I sure hope not, because when you split the payment for the article between the four main photographers that contributed, it only came out at just over $100 per person.
About 2/3rds of the fuel bill for the weekend at the time.
But considering it's a national full colour magazine, I'm pretty happy. Especially as I wasn't doing the trip for that reason, so any money towards fuel was a major plus.

Only about 4 of my images were included in the article, but with four contributors, we all only got about 4 images published.
So if you happen to be browsing your newsagent next week and see issue 181 of "4WD Action" then leave it right there and don't look through it, because I didn't like any of the images of mine they chose LOL. Obviously Editors and I have different ideas as to what pictures look good ;)

But I'll say it again. I GOT PUBLISHED AND PAID!!!! WOOHOO!!!!!!

Better upgrade you to intermediate level then...:lol:

06-05-2012, 3:13pm
Better upgrade you to intermediate level then...:lol:

That's what I was afraid of ;)
It could be worse, you could upgrade me to "Professional" which would doom me for sure.

Lance B
06-05-2012, 3:19pm
Well done and a hearty congratulations!

Allan Ryan
07-05-2012, 4:26pm
good on ya mate :)

how about putting up one of the pics here ???

07-05-2012, 4:57pm
Not sure I can. The contract gives them the rights over the images. So I'd be posting something I don't have the rights to now. I doubt they would mind with credit given to the mag and the page it's on etc, but not sure it fits the site rules here, and best not risk doing something the mag wouldn't like either. Besides, they were little more than photos of 4wds going through mud puddles, which are hardly good enough to put up on here, as they'd be little more than happy snaps to anyone on here. All my nicely composed, and beautifully shot scenery shots got ignored by the Editors.
EDIT: LOL - the words "the site rules" automatically got turned into a link to them. I'd love to claim the credit for going to that much trouble, but looks like it's an automatic system.

12-05-2012, 2:04pm
Mongo did not get past the words "published" and/or "paid" - it counts !