View Full Version : My New Cross-Media Project

07-02-2012, 11:07pm
Hi Everyone,

I am a classical flautist. I am a classical flautist who has not been working as hard as she should be for the past two years. What does that have to do with photography? Well, up until now, not much. It was my mentor for flute who has suggested this new project - A selection of flute repertoire with a visual multimedia aspect. Apparently, this is all the rage in the classical world at the moment, this would DEFINITELY be breaking new ground within her studio and I personally have never embarked on something so.... modern! (Okay, maybe not so modern to most of the world, but from someone who has grown up in the archaic world of classical flute and classical ballet, it's practically space-aged!!). In my initial thoughts on this, I am considering landscape type shots, in a varying tonal ranges, grouping similar tonal ranges together and using those photos to compliment the music, cycling through shots, I guess, although I am open to other suggestions - I am very new to this world and have to admit that I haven't seen much of this.

So if you can offer any suggestions, people's work to check out for inspiration and understanding, ideas, thoughts, anything - Please let me know!!



08-02-2012, 5:28am
Throw your heart and soul into it and you will be rewarded. You have the discipline so good luck. cheers Brian

08-02-2012, 8:27am
Thank you!! I will do!!

08-02-2012, 4:04pm
Sounds like a great idea.

What do you think about adding some video of you playing the flute too?
I would think that most people would like to see the person who's playing, and would add some extra interest to having stills and the music.
If you could edit the video so that you are shown what is playing as you were playing it, it would ad some extra dynamic to the media.

08-02-2012, 11:22pm
Thank you, Bennymiata!! That is an intriguing idea... Although, I enjoy photography so I can be behind the lens, LOL! Although, maybe to book-end the video, I could possibly start with a either a video or a still of me taking my first breath and then me taking my final bow at the end... Hmm... ideas, ideas, ideas!! Thanks!!

08-02-2012, 11:38pm
Perhaps some more abstract / unusal photography. However, the title / subject of the musical piece may point you in the right direction. If the music is about people, then use candid shots. If it is a "dark" musical piece, then use lifeless black & white.

12-02-2012, 10:43am
Thanks! I'll keep all of that in mind!!