View Full Version : Boo Hoo Hoo

04-02-2012, 1:58pm
Oh Dear my 70 - 300mm Canon zoom finally died yesterday aftertnoon. From the moment I bought it it has given me trouble and I had it repaired under warranty in March last year. The problem was the zoom mechanism kept on sticking when I tried to retract the zoom, it stuck out anywhere form 1 cm to 5 or 6 cm. Canon supposedly replaced a part but it continued to have the same problem although much less frequently. It didn't occur all the time and sometimes I could go for weeks or months before it happened again.

Two weeks ago I was using the zoom to photograph my daughter sailing and it started sticking again. Then my camera flashed an error message that said" camera unable to communicate with lens clean contact points" I also noticed that the lens was becoming very hot around the mount so I turned it off immediately and cleaned the contact points and changed lenses.

I pulled the 70-300 out yesterday to photograph some lorrikeets on my back deck and was getting some bizarre readings eg I had camera on 400 ISO and 5.6 aperture (sunny day)and I could not get the light meter to say correct exposure no matter how slow I dialed down the shutter speed. I thought this was odd so I bumped up ISO to 800, same strange response from camera.I tried a few different things before realising that there was a serious problem and putting lens away.

I also forgot to mention that the zoom mechanism has a very strange feel to it now. Off to Canon on Monday morning. I am hoping that as this has happened within 12 months of the first repair they will repair it again for free even though my lens is actually out of warranty now.

06-02-2012, 5:45am
That's a bit of bad luck. Stick to your guns on the repair warranty as you have already paid once for this repair and it appears they have done a quick fix. Having said that let me say this: Most companys are pretty good when you return an item under their repair warranty so I expect you won't have troubles. Keep us informed cheers brian

06-02-2012, 8:56am
There is a warranty that comes with the lens and another that comes with the repair. Just because it is "out of the warranty period" may not be the end of the matter. Also, from what you recount, the problem with the lens seems to have been long standing and arguably never right and never fixed properly - which is a further basis for pressing your rights. Depending on what Canon/repairer say to you when you take it back, contact the Dept of Fair Trading who will give you some advice and often contact the manufacturer/repairer for you. You may ultimately be advised to lodge a consumer claim with the Consumer Trader and tenancy tribunal. Good luck

06-02-2012, 8:59am
And if it has always been a CARP lens there are (I'll stand corrected) implied warranties about merchantability.

06-02-2012, 11:02am
Thanks for all your advice everyone.
I have just got back from Canon HQ in North Ryde Sydney and the verdict is that this time it is a different problem to the last repair. This time it is the aperture is stuck fully closed down and will require replacing at a cost of approx $250 to me. The original repair only has a warranty of 6 months and it is almost 12 months since it was repaired last time. Lens is also out of new warranty by about 18 months.

06-02-2012, 11:28am
(Hmph! and Hmph! again.)

20-02-2012, 10:06am
Well guys, I have just got back from Canon with my newly repaired lens. I am about to go and test it out and see what it's like now that it has been fixed. It cost me $138 which is less than the predicted $250 so I guess I should be grateful for that. Will post some pics soon. Romeo and Juliette my two regular Lorrikeets have just arrived so they will probably be my test subjects!!
Hopefully no more trips to Canon!!

20-02-2012, 2:02pm
I hope that all goes well with the lens.

16-03-2012, 9:45pm
If you purchased your lens with your credit card, it is always worthwhile checking the terms and conditions of your credit card provider as some cards come with an automatically extended warranty (more often gold / platinum cards) and therefore you might be able to recover your out of pocket expenses through that service.


Thanks for all your advice everyone.
I have just got back from Canon HQ in North Ryde Sydney and the verdict is that this time it is a different problem to the last repair. This time it is the aperture is stuck fully closed down and will require replacing at a cost of approx $250 to me. The original repair only has a warranty of 6 months and it is almost 12 months since it was repaired last time. Lens is also out of new warranty by about 18 months.