View Full Version : February Poll - Nikon D800

01-02-2012, 3:12pm
With the Nikon D800 out in 7 days by all accounts, what decisions are you making ?

01-02-2012, 4:24pm
Hi Darren,
Its gonna be a nice camera - no doubt.
But having the D700 means that low light and focusing are pretty decent and apart from MP and video (which i'm not keen on anyhow) there's not a whole lot that can tip me into buying it - certainly not the price.
I would rather they -
1. made VR/IS/SR on-board in-camera so that lenses that don't have VR get stabilized
2. screen overlay of some functions like horizon
3. In camera PANORAMA function
4. Live histogram

But since that won't happen I dont see the upgrade as being enough to warrant it.
If they implement some of these functions then i will be interested though.

Cheers Neil

01-02-2012, 4:44pm
What will you do after D800 is available ?

Get up, have breakfast, shower, go to work....

01-02-2012, 7:01pm
Possibly sell my D700 and upgrade, but if earlier rumours are true and it will be a slower body with higher resolution sensor, but no better AF or ISO performance than the D700, I will just keep the D700.

01-02-2012, 8:33pm

If the rumours are true, it will mean that Nikon, finally, are offering:

(1) a full frame camera
(2) at an (almost) affordable price
(3) with a modern hi-rez sensor
(4) a quality focus system

..... all in the same unit. This is a major first. Until the D800, you could have:

1 and 2 (Canon 5D Mark I)
1 and 4 (Nikon D3)
1, 2 and 3 (Canon 5D Mark II)
1, 2 and 4 (Nikon D700)
1, 3 and 4 (Canon 1Ds Mark II, Canon 1Ds Mark III, Nikon D3X)
2, 3 and 4 (Canon 7D, depending on where you want to draw the "hi-res" line you could include the Nikon D300 also)

but no matter what you did, you couldn't have all four good things in one camera.

Until now.

If the rumoured spec turns out to be true, and there are no unexpected stuff-ups, the D800 will mark a watershed in the development of digital photography. It will go down in history as one of the cameras which changed the photographic landscape - or rather, as a camera which signposted a sea-change, for unless I miss my guess there is a very similar product likely to be announced by Canon any time now - another one that nails all four criteria instead of only three. And because there will be two great, more-or-less affordable full frame cameras, the two companies will have to work very, very hard on pricing, on quality control, and on further improvements to remain competitive. What's not to like?


Oh, and what will I do? Nothing. I have no present need for another camera body. I don't need a high-spec focus system for the landscapes I use full-frame for, and don't use full-frame for the birds I have high-spec focus systems for, so there really wouldn't be a lot of point in me upgrading to either of these excellent new cameras. In a perfect world, I suppose I'd get a D800 to go with a Nikkor 14-24/2.8 .... but then in a perfect world that much sought-after lens would take filters .... so I suppose I'll let the old 50D soldier on for a few years longer. The 10-22 is still just as sweet as ever, and money just can't buy a full-frame substitute for the excellent Tokina 10-17 fish (the Canon fisheye zoom was only invented so that the term "brain dead" would not feel lonley) .... so it's gravy for me.

01-02-2012, 8:48pm
From what I understand of the Sony A900, it's focus system was pretty good.

It's (D800's) video ability will be the clincher for me.
If it's as good as the D4's specs,then I'm in!

I'd personally prefer fewer pixels, and better high ISO ability .. ISO204K would make for interesting possibilities ...

D3x would make a sub par fast action camera due to the low(er) frame rates it was capable of shooting.
I've seen you guys(birders) at work and y'all tend to shoot at 10fps or so .. D3x is only a 5fps camera in 12bit mode and drops down to an effective 1.5fps if you prefer to shoot in 14bit mode.
(an issue with the Sony sensor .. D300 has the same issue @ 14bit)

01-02-2012, 8:50pm
Well, since I'm thinking of upgrading from my D300 which is well past its best, the spec. for the D800 looks pretty tempting. Probably the best landscape solution available unless you move up to a larger format, and better for birding than what I have now. It would suit my lens collection better than the FX D300 too.

Hugely tempting.

01-02-2012, 9:13pm
Cheers Arthur. I take your point about fast action - indeed, so do most birders, it seems, as those who use full frame bodies (not all that many) mostly use 1Ds III which can do 5pfs (no ifs, buts or maybes - any resolution, any bit depth). But most don't, and in the main they use 7Ds and (if they can afford it) 1D IVs - again because of no-compromise 7 and 10fps with good pixel density. The D800 might just change that, and if Nikon release a D300s replacement one day, tht could make things really interesting. :)

Do we have a frame speed figure for it yet? (Well, a rumour anyway.)

And (most important!) do we have a price?

BTW: I'm still predicting that Canon will NOT replace the 5D II this year, not directly. I'm tipping that they will introduce a 3D (think 7D body, weather sealing, and AF system with a soupled-up 5D II/1Ds III sensor) which will sit a bit higher than the D800 in the overall scale of things and cost just as much or a bit more (but much less than the genuine pro models), AND retain the 5D II as well for another year or so, allowing it to become cheaper and cheaper. Eventually, they'd do a 5D III (think 60D with big sensor) but not until after the 7D II is released.

But just one thing: IF the D800 rumours are correct, what can Canon do to position the D3 above the D800 without (a) making it very expensive, and (b) crippling sales of the 1D X?

And another thing - are we really going to see a 36MP D800? I'm all in favour of upping resolutions, at least in full frame cameras which have lagged a bit behind the APS-C world, but that seems a trifle excessive. But whatever - I should think that they know what they are doing.

01-02-2012, 9:15pm
PS: the answer to most of my questions, I very much fear, is "yet more useless damn video junk".

01-02-2012, 9:26pm
simple - Mongo is making no decisions to do anything but wait to see what it has to offer. Mongo does not make decisions on mere speculation; and there is no shortage of that !

01-02-2012, 10:03pm
I have a Nikon D7000 and I'm so dam happy with it I will not be changing, so Mint Sauce for me.

02-02-2012, 6:09am
While I have a mix of full-frame and cropped sensor lenses, what I have and would really need would be a replacement to the excellent cropped sensor Nikkor 10-24mm zooom and it doesn't really exist. Yes, you can get a zoom wider than a 15mm full-frame but not without considerable bulk, cost and the loss of front filters.

I am more likely to pick up a D7000 or D400(?) to replace my D90.

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk

02-02-2012, 6:31am
Hmm, what decision will I be making - oh wait, I know, get my 5D2 out and use it haha

02-02-2012, 7:09am
While I have a mix of full-frame and cropped sensor lenses, what I have and would really need would be a replacement to the excellent cropped sensor Nikkor 10-24mm zooom and it doesn't really exist. Yes, you can get a zoom wider than a 15mm full-frame but not without considerable bulk, cost and the loss of front filters.


16-35mm f/4 ? :confused013

Yeah, 16mm isn't exactly the same as 15mm(equiv) but it's kind'a close .. and you get VR and a constant aperture to make up for the 1mm shortfall at both ends.

02-02-2012, 7:13am
I am perfectly happy with my D700 and can't see any good reason to upgrade right now.
What I would really like is a new wide angle lens to suit it. I have the 20mm, but something a little wider would be very welcome.

I @ M
02-02-2012, 7:22am
What I would really like is a new wide angle lens to suit it. I have the 20mm, but something a little wider would be very welcome.

There are plenty of choices really, the only limitations are whether you want to be able to screw a filter straight onto the lens or whether you are prepared to spend the extra mony on a an expensive filter attachment system. :confused013

Nikkor 16-35
Nikkor 14-28
Sigma 12-24
Tokina 16-28

I am finding the Tokina 16-28 to be a very versatile lens and strangely enough it has become a bit of a favourite for portraits even at 16mm. :cool:

I @ M
02-02-2012, 7:29am
Getting back on the topic. :D

A D800?

It definitely will be cool bit of gear but I will wait and see what the real world says about it when it is released.

02-02-2012, 7:58am
I do not need to spend anymore money
I do not need to spend anymore money
I do not need to spend anymore money

Yet! :D

02-02-2012, 8:19am
Thanks Andrew, my ideal wide-angle would be the Nikon 14-24 but price, weight and issues with filters and the fact that I already have a 20mm lens make me inclined to be patient to see if a new prime comes out.
As for the D800, I will be curious to see how the real world reviews come out too, but I have no plans to give in to Nikon Acquisition Syndrome at this stage.

02-02-2012, 8:39am
What will you do after D800 is available ?

Wait for the D700 price to come down or buy a 2nd hand unit off those that must upgrade. The D800 is not such a quantum leap forward that I must have it when the D700 does everything that I want already.

02-02-2012, 8:44am
SWMBO says if i break my camera i go without! :(
no upgrade for me. :p

02-02-2012, 10:42am
SWMBO says if i break my camera i go without! :(
no upgrade for me. :p

I got the same when I bought 2 planes!

Lance B
02-02-2012, 10:51am
If the D800 with 36Mp has:

* high ISO IQ at least as good as the D700,
* with the DR of the D7000
* but with the added benefit of higher resolution
* 100% VF
* minimum features, speed etc of the D700.

Then I'm probably in.

02-02-2012, 2:42pm
Lance, youve read the spec sheet then, it is supposed to be all of those things

02-02-2012, 3:00pm
Shooting the same old crud at higher resolution doesn't really appeal. Mint sauce for me...


02-02-2012, 6:44pm
I'm thinking take away the 800 and add 1X :D

02-02-2012, 10:04pm
Lance, you've read the spec sheet then, it is supposed to be all of those things

LOL! Did you read the 'spec sheet' of the D4 before it was announced.
What were they .. somewhere between 18 and 22Mp .. 13fps ... built in WiFi, 2Tb hard drive, RAID5 file server, auto upload to FB, Flickr and iTunes App compatibility .. CS7 and ACR7 capability, AI .. etrc,m etc...

They looked more like the spec sheet of Thunderbird 5 than anything resembling a Nikon camera.

Nikon spec sheets only have relevance when Nikon post them! ;)

Do the spec sheets specify ethernet connectivity too? How many card slots, and if multiple, how many kinds? And are any XQD?
What are the video specs.

It's only a few more days now .. maybe only 2 or so .. Nikon have just announced a swag of compacts, which is usually the indicator that there are new DSLRs to come too within a few days.
While the D4 broke this usual tradition, the events of the year leading up to the announcement of the D4 were (to put it mildly) extraordinary to say the least.
It seems that Nikon must have tried desperately to stick to a deadline for the D4's announcement as it's an Olympics year and it must be worth a lot of dollars to them in terms of sales.

It's now time for the D700 and D300 replacements to surface.

If it is to be a 36Mp sensor(for D800), what's surprising is the lack of any activity from Sony, who seem to be a very close 'partner' of Nikon's over the past few years! :confused:

They also recently announced a few new P&S cameras too, maybe they're building up for a new camera announcement in the immediate future as well.

03-02-2012, 9:29pm
Well, we will see.....I dont think that anything in the d4 eventually surprised. The closer the release date the more accurate the rumoured spec. It will out there in use by Nikon ambassadors right now I suspect.

04-02-2012, 7:59am
I would likely do nothing as I'm usually a late adopter rather than a leading edge buyer (unless a specific need for another DSLR comes up).
All the rumored specs would be nice upgrades but I've come to a realization that there aren't many more things I 'need' in a DSLR. Of course I'll take all of these niceties as they come when I do eventually buy/replace my cameras but it'll be based more on my selfish wants rather than anything I NEED. I guess I'm just not that demanding a user. Well actually I am, but my must-haves (fast everything, except fps cos I never shoot in continuous drive mode) are already present in all prosumer DSLRs.
What would be nice if is if the cameras communicate natively with my smart phone.
OT: can eyefi let me do that?

Art Vandelay
04-02-2012, 10:29am
36mp ! crikey. you could take a high res image of the whole of Tasmania from up top one of their mountains.

04-02-2012, 2:38pm
Hopefully this means the price of the other camera I want will go down to something slightly more affordable so I'll be able to buy THAT.

04-02-2012, 4:28pm
Someone wants a D700 ;)

05-02-2012, 8:58pm
Here 'ya go .. some semi official D800 info:

... photographydailynews.com ... (http://www.photographydailynews.com/2012/02/nikon-d800-breaking-news/)

Info captured from Chassuer d'Image which is a well respected print media publication.

Some hoopla over the NDA and a restriction/embargo by Nikon to the French, due to some leaked info on the D4 earlier in Jan.

Too much politics for a non essential life issue I reckon! Couldn't give a rats about garbage like that really.

Specs according to them look OK except for the frame rate, and lack of XDQ card type(which is definitely the future storage solution for fast cameras).

Don't really care for 'ultimate resolution' myself actually .. I want more of a balanced camera setup .. so an expensive D4 may be my only option now.
(the video specs looked good tho)

I'll be looking into it with more depth and cash n hand towards the end of this year tho .. at the moment I'm thinking a D4 is looking like better value for money.

Feb 7!!

06-02-2012, 10:04pm
36mp ! crikey. you could take a high res image of the whole of Tasmania from up top one of their mountains.

Only when it's not raining. I believe there is a day forecast when it won't rain as early as June this year.

Sorry. My mistake. That day I mentioned, it's no good.


But there is the whole of August, which is going to have at least four rain-free days, I'm reliably informed. You should be able to get an excellent shot on .... oh .... sorry.


06-02-2012, 10:31pm
Hmm...what will I do. Probably go to work so I can earn the dosh to think about spending money on a camera lol.

If the specs read anywhere near the speculation I wouldn't mind getting my hands on one - if anything so I can step away from the D300 (I would rather have a second full frame body) and have my options with video if I want it (with a 14-24 attached - I am liking that idea for a supercell storm up close and personal in timelapse terms). Is it my highest priority - probably no....but if things fall my way I might just have the dollars available at the right moment. Its sort of a toss up with biting the bullet and going from the 70-300 VR to the 70-200 VR2 and this. As mongo says....a lot of talk and no action at this stage. If they do come up to specs I will probably go and sell my soul to try and get one prior to US chase season - the temptation might overcome my willpower.

07-02-2012, 9:30am
What will you do after D800 is available ?

I'm expecting to...
Look at the price, fall off my chair, then whisper to my D3000 "we'll be together for a while yet!" :D

PS. Great to see you back Darren.

07-02-2012, 10:31am
Here it is folks


Price will be $3,300

07-02-2012, 12:08pm
Druelage. Is that the AA removed price Kiwi? Seen some comments that there is a 300$ difference if you don't have the AA filter. Looks a good camera - and slightly smaller and lighter than the d700 which is very impressive.

07-02-2012, 12:35pm
Not sure mate.

07-02-2012, 12:36pm
I will pass, it's too slow for many sports and BIF, and it seems the ISO performance on paper isn't going to be markedly improved over the D700 if at all. The 36mp will kill the need for a DX body to get reach with the 400/2.8VR, but I think I would rather buy a D4 and make do with a D7000 or the D300s replacement when it comes.
My D700 is safe for now.

07-02-2012, 1:08pm
Looks awesome but-I don't make money from photography, I can't even use my current camera properly, only one of my lenses will be useful on an FX body and lastly, my bank account is not an unlimited resource!

07-02-2012, 1:22pm
Having read in some more detail, I think the main market for this particular camera is probably designed not to look for fast FPS - realistically this is a sensible design idea to differentiate the camera from the D300 replacement - the D400. In terms of those looking for D300 equivalent performance in an FX body for reach, on paper it seems thats possible with this camera - 6FPS with the battery pack at 15.3MP in DX mode is pretty close, except for those really want the high FPS for sport and BIF. I think Nikon is doing well with this new generation - it comes down to sensible design:

Want an entry level good DX but don't need pro features - go a D7000.
Want a specialist DX fast camera for sports etc with higher resolution - go a D400. (coming soon)
Want a high resolution landscape camera, good noise performance, FX with the potential to use decent DX as well - Go a D800
Want a good resolution top of the range FX camera with high FPS and all the pro trimmings - Go a D4.

And if you don't like the new models and want to save some dosh - you can still get excellent cameras like the D700, D3S which have now been superceded. Video wise, comes down to personal taste.

In my case, features that attract me to the D800 include the addition of CF/SD dual card slots, the video capabilities, the moderate DX replacement (which I really don't use that much anyway) in a single body, the addition of the bracketing button (sounds silly, but this will prove useful). There are a few other aspects which I like about the camera, but I think it will be a nice replacement as my primary body with my D700 dedicated to second body duties (on the plus side, I have been meaning to go to two FX bodies so I don't have to lens change so much anyway), with the D300 being retired and looking for a home.

07-02-2012, 1:44pm
The still rumored price is a bit of a shocker for me.
I was expecting about $4k USD given the rumored specs so I'm pleasantly surprised if it holds true.
Question is is the D800 made in Thailand, quite possible and if so, it may have benefitted from lower production costs there.
Furthermore, perhaps Sony has figured out a way to lower costs of fabricating FX sensors.

07-02-2012, 2:00pm
I would say that this camera is aimed at wedding/fashion/product/studio/landscape/commercial professional photographers....pretty big group.

07-02-2012, 2:10pm
Well that makes it official.

07-02-2012, 2:13pm
Damn, it is priced at $3000 and $3300 for the D800 and D800E respectively.

07-02-2012, 2:37pm

why not upgrade but could I afford to buy lenses matching the resolution of that kind of sensor, probably not.

I @ M
07-02-2012, 4:34pm
Oh dear,
I have never commented on buying a new model body before it was released but all I can say now is ------

----- there goes the credit card. :eek:

07-02-2012, 7:04pm
Now that all is known - Mongo will buy one !

07-02-2012, 7:40pm
Furthermore, perhaps Sony has figured out a way to lower costs of fabricating FX sensors.

Perhaps the lower price is due to the sensor being a Nikon design, and not reliant on Sony!

What I now don't get tho, is that the D3x is still not listed as a discontinued model, and the performance of the D800 overshadows the D3x.
So is it safe to assume that the D3x is about to be discontinued in the immediate future, and if not, does Nikon seriously expect anyone to purchase one, now that the D800 has arrived?

Surely there's a faster(performance) D4x on the horizon in the very immediate future for Nikon. There must be a market for one, even if it's small, but priced above the D4 by a small amount.

07-02-2012, 7:46pm
Good sharp pricing. Must start saving.

07-02-2012, 8:42pm
be intrested to see the local price..given that the USD of $3000 equates to $2800au...but I expect we will still get shafted here Id expect a $3600 local prices

07-02-2012, 8:50pm
What's the bet it comes in at $4k AUD. If it does, it'd be worthwhile flying to the US and buy a D800 there, stay for a holiday and come home.

It'll be one popular model at $3k USD. Better pre-order now if you want one at launch.