View Full Version : Elements 10

31-01-2012, 6:06pm
I just stepped up to Elements 10 from Corel X3 . I cant find Skin smoothing, Noise removal and Warp brush ,as I had these on Corel I would of thought that they would also be on Elements 10. any advice or help would be greatly appreciated, Thanks

31-01-2012, 7:21pm
Photoshop Elements is just that - elements. Elements concentrates on the basics like sharpening, contrast, and other general edits. It was never created for full-on post work though you can do most things - you just go about it the long way around. I don't use Elements though I am pretty sure it has a basic noise removal tool. If all else fails - RTM. :)

There's heaps of tutorials available online for free which help you to understand the program - I'd link a few of the 20 good ones I've found in a single search here but you can pretty much google them yourself just as easily. :)

01-02-2012, 3:14pm
Look under Enhance>Sharpness for noise reduction, and you can apply various blur filters to selected areas for skin smoothing.
The blurs are under the heading, Filters.

Elements does just about everything, it's just that you need to know where to look.
I'm sure it is as powerful as Corel, it's just the nomenclature that may be different.

If you go to the Adobe site, www.adobe.com, they have lots of video tutorials to help you out.