26-01-2012, 3:17pm
thank you for letting me join the forums
just a little about my very basic photography past. my first camera was an old brownie box camera ( b/w) when i was 10 years old later followed by a gift from my grandmother( fujica) from her overseas trip to japan, when i was about 15
a few years later i found a second hand Ricoh A100 with rikenon P zoom 1:3.5-4.5 35-70mm macro ( which i still have )
i have removed the pin on the lens so i may be able to use it in the future
last week my wife gave me a new pentax kr +18-55 lens for recognition of another passing year( too old to worry about how many now)
while browsing a second hand shop i discovered a sigma DG 70-300 mm lens for the right price i hope
havent been able to get it to work yet.
my interest range from macro ( flowers bugs spiders old metal working machinery) outdoors animals old buildings sunsets/ rises clouds close up of peoples faces and anything that will stay still long enough to get the camera on focus. im sure i will have plenty of question to ask as i get my head around the learners section :confused013:confused013
just a little about my very basic photography past. my first camera was an old brownie box camera ( b/w) when i was 10 years old later followed by a gift from my grandmother( fujica) from her overseas trip to japan, when i was about 15
a few years later i found a second hand Ricoh A100 with rikenon P zoom 1:3.5-4.5 35-70mm macro ( which i still have )
i have removed the pin on the lens so i may be able to use it in the future
last week my wife gave me a new pentax kr +18-55 lens for recognition of another passing year( too old to worry about how many now)
while browsing a second hand shop i discovered a sigma DG 70-300 mm lens for the right price i hope
havent been able to get it to work yet.
my interest range from macro ( flowers bugs spiders old metal working machinery) outdoors animals old buildings sunsets/ rises clouds close up of peoples faces and anything that will stay still long enough to get the camera on focus. im sure i will have plenty of question to ask as i get my head around the learners section :confused013:confused013