View Full Version : We are waterlogged - some of my flooding images in Tweed News online

25-01-2012, 2:22pm
It is pouring here. Our rain so far for the week Monday 24mm; Tuesday 42mm; today (since 16.30 yesterday) 126, and the guage has bout 20mm in. And it is still coming.

We went out this morning and got the 9kg gas bottle filled in case of power outages, and stocked up with groceries, to make sure we had enough cat food, veges etc. All the roads we used are now (1pm) closed!

I sent some pics from out morning excursion to the Tweed News and they are in their photo gallery (http://www.mydailynews.com.au/photos/galleries/flood-waters-rise-in-tweed/#/0) from the floods. The #10-16 are mine - has my name at the top.

25-01-2012, 2:52pm
We're a bit waterlogged at the moment too, although the rain has eased here since about midday. It seems the system is swirling away from us and moving in your direction. Stay dry and stay safe Odille.

25-01-2012, 2:55pm
Yep, eased off a bit on the northside, thank goodness. Looking at the radar though Odille it is swinging back into your area so good luck with it. Stay safe and dry!

25-01-2012, 3:09pm
Chinderah was evacuated this morning and just came over that Fingal is being evacuated and Tumbulgum & South Murwillumbah are under evac alert. So grateful that we live on a hill.

25-01-2012, 3:14pm
Stay safe everyone. :th3:

25-01-2012, 3:25pm
Parts of Logan are flooded too, some worse than others. Roads around here are cut, and some of my friends can't get their kids to school. Stay safe everyone!!

25-01-2012, 4:29pm
We are flooded also. Stay safe everyone.

25-01-2012, 4:42pm
I feel for you all, around here we have had temps in the high 30's to mid 40's for the last 10 days and no rain in sight, so send some down.

27-01-2012, 8:38am
The ABC newsite (http://www.abc.net.au/news/2012-01-25/tweed-river-floodsjpg/3793242) has also used on of my images.

27-01-2012, 8:48am
Stay safe everyone, crazy weather. Had a look Odille :th3:

Tom J McDonald
27-01-2012, 10:49am
analog6, how much does one get paid for those kind of pictures?

27-01-2012, 3:39pm
And in the Sydney Morning Herald's slideshow (http://www.smh.com.au/photogallery/environment/deluge-in-northern-nsw-20120125-1qha6.html) too!

Tom, I'm afraid for these type of reader contributed shots you don't get paid anything - but you get a bit of coverage, which is all good.

28-01-2012, 7:43am
And today I made the (electronic) front page of the Tweed News. Link (http://odillesphotos.wordpress.com/2012/01/28/made-the-electronic-front-page/) and image on my blog

29-01-2012, 2:27am
Hope everyone stays safe and dry!


29-01-2012, 2:33am
Hope everyone stays safe and dry!


The same from me too...... ( Jules Wife ) !

We are all thinking of you all !


Maureen :)