View Full Version : Nepean weir reserve - combined birding afternoon and sunset shoot. Saturday 4th february

23-01-2012, 6:50pm
Welcome to the 2012 Sydney Meets Group!

Ok, I thought that we could kick off the year with a combined shoot at Nepean Weir Reserve in Penrith on Saturday, 4th February. This is a little gem of a place with lovely picnic areas, walks, river views, abundant bird life (well, the times I have been there) and a rail bridge that passes over the river with the setting sun behind it.

I am thinking that we could meet around 4pm and those that wish to do some bird shots can do their thing, then have a a bit of a social get together with some dinner in the park and then head on down to the river for the sunset.

I have never been here at night so I have no idea how safe the area is with the local riff raff. If anybody knows what the area is like please let us know.


PS: If the meet goes ahead it would be great to see some new faces. :)

23-01-2012, 7:25pm
Hmmm count me in for now

23-01-2012, 10:16pm
Count Me and Atilla in this one :-)

24-01-2012, 5:33am
Yep count Lyn and myself in Sounds good

24-01-2012, 7:12am
Sounds great, count me in along with the family.

24-01-2012, 7:20am
Sounds great, count me in along with the family.

Dont forget the cricket bat

24-01-2012, 12:18pm
This is a little gem of a place with lovely picnic areas, walks, river views, abundant bird life (well, the times I have been there) and a rail bridge that passes over the river with the setting sun behind it.

I am thinking that we could meet around 4pm and those that wish to do some bird shots can do their thing, then have a a bit of a social get together with some dinner in the park and then head on down to the river for the sunset.

I have never been here at night so I have no idea how safe the area is with the local riff raff. If anybody knows what the area is like please let us know.

There can (at times) be some 'riff raff' there, but more importantly, the gates near the rowing club (not the Licensed premises, but the shed that stores the rowing boats) do get locked at around sunset to stop said 'riff raff' coming in. Best to park near the (Licensed) Rowing Club (well light and lots of security) and walk in, or run the risk of collecting your car in the morning!! I am talking about the little building inbetween the club and the start of the loop road in THIS (http://maps.google.com/maps?q=Penrith,+NSW,+Australia&hl=en&ll=-33.743915,150.684496&spn=0.006245,0.009602&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=48.374125,78.662109&oq=penrith+nsw&vpsrc=6&safe=high&hnear=Penrith+New+South+Wales,+Australia&t=h&z=17) link...

I wished that I could come along, but I could well be down at the PM's 11 in Canberra...

24-01-2012, 1:13pm
Would have loved to have come along but I'm afraid that I will be overseas that weekend.

24-01-2012, 4:22pm
Hey, count me in!! How could I miss one so close to home?? There isn't all that much Riff raff, most of the Riffians don't go down to the weir from what I have seen, I have done night shoots down there a couple of times and never seen anything that worries me. Trust me, Penrith isn't as bad as people make it out to be. I see the worst of all areas of NSW and "The Riff" rarely gets a look in. I feel completely safe walking around Penrith at night by myself, particular on that side of Victoria Bridge (the bridge you are talking about).

Victoria Bridge is of historical significance to the area and it paved the way to easy access to the mountains. It's of sandstone and iron gidder construction. Work on the bridge commenced in 1864 and was completed in 1867. It replaced two bridges that were previously washed away in floods. Initially, they thought that the contruction was far too high above the water than it needed to be, 2m in fact, but this proved valuable when the floods hit in 1867 and the waters rose to just 1m under the bridge's structure and would have surely damaged this structure. This had to be pushed along as the absence of this bridge threatened to hinder the construction of the rail line over the mountains. They had to build a secondary bridge as the horses of the time were spooked by the trains. This is on the weir side of the bridge. Sorry - I love history, particularly colonial history and I am a local, who loves her area and I get a bit excited if there is an opportunity to talk about it!

You can get some great shots of the original Victoria bridge from the other side of the bridge while you are waiting for the sunset if you aren't birding - It is an amazing structure and there is also The Log Cabin on the other side up the hill, which is also of historical significance, there are lizards, ducks and lots of wildlife to shoot down there. If you stay into the early mornings you may see some locals staggering back from Panthers too!

WORD FROM THE WISE - BRING AEROGUARD!!!!!!!! The mosquitos were REALLY bad when I was down there last, a couple of weeks ago, especially at the times we will hopefully be there.

Hurray!!!! Very excited!!! A shoot close to home that I can make!! Thanks for organising this, Aunty Narelle!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Yep, I am THAT excited! ---> :efelant:)

24-01-2012, 4:31pm
Oh, PS. I'll try and get hubby-dear to bring down my two year old for the picnic and to feed the ducks (She LOVES the ducks), he can take her home for bedtime and I can get some shooting time in without having to worry about her near the water. Hip, hip, hooray!!!! ♪ I'm going on an AP shoot, I'm going on an AP shoot, the first one in many months!!!!!!! I'm going on an AP shoot ♪

Mark L
24-01-2012, 9:46pm
I may be able to make this. My father is probably having some major surgery (at RPA) on the Monday after this so I'll be at my sisters place in Glenmore Park (but you possibly didn't need to know that!)
If there seems like enough interest I'll come down a day earlier.
Would like to meet some APers. :th3:
Which also means that if anyone ever comes near Mudgee, PM for a free cuppa.

25-01-2012, 11:24am
I may be able to make this. My father is probably having some major surgery (at RPA) on the Monday after this so I'll be at my sisters place in Glenmore Park (but you possibly didn't need to know that!)
If there seems like enough interest I'll come down a day earlier.
Would like to meet some APers. :th3:
Which also means that if anyone ever comes near Mudgee, PM for a free cuppa.

Free cuppa?! See you in 6 hours lol

25-01-2012, 11:33am
yup sounds good to me (dont faint).

25-01-2012, 12:55pm
I would love to come as my son lives in Penrith so maybe kill 2 birds with 1 stone

25-01-2012, 2:31pm
taking photos of birds nanny, not throwing rocks at them :p

25-01-2012, 3:48pm
Oh wow - some great interest here.

Bernie - thanks for the helpful information. I knew about the gates closing but didn't know how well lit the area is at night. Pity you can't make it.
Hus - we haven't seen you and Atilla for a while. It will be good to catch up.
Danielle - We can talk about setting up a shoot with your gorgeous little sister! :D
Erin -it's your lucky week! Thanks for the history behind the bridge.
Ving - I didn't faint. It will be great to have you along.
Mark L - We are a very friendly bunch and it would be great to meet someone from another area.

With our regular participants Raccoon and Sunset this meet looks like a definite goer. The only thing that might stop us is the weather - pouring rain outside as I type. :(

25-01-2012, 4:40pm
Count me in at this stage

25-01-2012, 6:56pm
I know this rain is driving me nuts. Was supposed to do a sunrise tomorrow :(

Ps Nellie,
I might see if little sis can come along that day, they live in wallacia so I might get her on the way. Will check with dad and my step mum.
Actually I might just invite the whole family, my step mum wants to learn photography so will see if they want to come along :)

25-01-2012, 7:14pm
I thought I posted into the thread - count me in.

25-01-2012, 7:16pm
BTW, what time would this be starting?

25-01-2012, 9:16pm
BTW, what time would this be starting?

I mentioned 4pm in my first post Peter but we can make it a bit earlier or later if we want to. Looking at TPE the sun should be setting right behind the bridge with civil twilight at 8:20pm, Nautical Twilight at 9pm and Astronomical twilight at 9:30pm.

25-01-2012, 9:44pm
Count me in for the moment and I will confirm closer to the event.

27-01-2012, 3:42pm
Alas can't make this one as have dinner plans in the city, next time ! :)

27-01-2012, 7:12pm
Ok ...so far we have:
Danielle and ? family, Hus and Atilla, Paul and Lyn, Ness and family, Debbie, David, Jo, Peter, Greg, Erin and family, ? Mark amd myself. Pity Glenn and Tony can't make it. Great effort guys! I'll post up a few details later in the week.

Mark L
27-01-2012, 8:53pm

Ok ...so far we have:....
, ? Mark amd myself.
Will know if Dad's surgery is happening by Tuesday. Will confirm or deny my attendance Wed., might be inclined to wander down either way.

27-01-2012, 9:14pm
Ok ...so far we have:
Danielle and ? family, Hus and Atilla, Paul and Lyn, Ness and family, Debbie, David, Jo, Peter, Greg, Erin and family, ? Mark amd myself. Pity Glenn and Tony can't make it. Great effort guys! I'll post up a few details later in the week.

Wow! Sounds like its going to be a great turn out! :)

27-01-2012, 11:42pm
I mentioned 4pm in my first post Peter but we can make it a bit earlier or later if we want to. Looking at TPE the sun should be setting right behind the bridge with civil twilight at 8:20pm, Nautical Twilight at 9pm and Astronomical twilight at 9:30pm.

Thanks Nellie, I missed it second time around, I thought it was 4. If coming alone, that will be fine, if bringing a friend, I will be a little later.

28-01-2012, 5:31pm
Would to come to this one. Looking forward to seeing you all.

29-01-2012, 2:14pm
Great to see yet another regualer attending the meet. :)

30-01-2012, 1:26am
I have posted some of my previous photos of the bridge mentioned and the area where we will be next Saturday. These photos should hopefully give some idea as to what the lighting, landscape and architecture are like in the area, as well as giving visual aids to my ramblings about the history of the area! Hope this helps!! (And please forgive my lack of experience in the photos, these were taken about 4 weeks into my learning how to use my DSLR, I was a mere Baby-Tog then, I'm now a fully-fledged Toddler-Tog!! Hurray!!

If you wish to check them out, please go to http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/showthread.php?99020-Victoria-Bridge-amp-Nepean-Weir&p=977059#post977059

01-02-2012, 12:28pm
I may be able to get there around 6 ish

01-02-2012, 4:15pm
Good to see you mght be able to make it Scotty - it's been awhile since we have seen you.

01-02-2012, 9:46pm
Sounds like a good place! might get a chance to actually use my camera :D count me in. Also, would still be keen if it is raining. :th3:

01-02-2012, 11:44pm
I expect be arriving around 5pm and will be brining a new face to AP. Hopefully the weather will be fine and not too hot.

02-02-2012, 7:26am
If the weather is fine and everyone turns up this will be a huge meet to kick off the New Year. Great to see Fabian628 joining us!

Here are the details for this meet - fingers crossed the rain stops by then.

What to bring: AEROGUARD, CHAIR/S (I don't think there are any picnic tables), YOUR DINNER/DRINKS, CAMERA GEAR (include a wide angle if you want to take pics of the bridge further down river).

PLEASE WATCH WHERE YOU PARK as you may get locked in after sunset. See the map below for where to meet and park. I'll see you all around 4pm.

02-02-2012, 8:54am
I have rung Nepean Rowing Club and made a tentative booking for 15 people on the terrace for 5:30pm. IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN EATING AT THE BISTRO INSTEAD OF BRINGING YOUR OWN DINNER THEN PLEASE POST HERE AND LET ME KNOW.

02-02-2012, 8:57am
I was happy for a little picnic but also happy to go with the majority.
Thanks narelle for the map, details and organizing this meet- your like our little AP mum :)

02-02-2012, 9:01am
Hi Narelle, we wont be eating , as we have another dinner to go to. We will come about 4 and leave about 5.30 (flying visit) See eveyone on saturday...

02-02-2012, 9:17am
dang, i am supposed to be having a visitor over on saturday and staying the night.... if it falls thru i will still make it, but otherwise :confused013

02-02-2012, 11:39am
I have rung Nepean Rowing Club and made a tentative booking for 15 people on the terrace for 5:30pm. IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN EATING AT THE BISTRO INSTEAD OF BRINGING YOUR OWN DINNER THEN PLEASE POST HERE AND LET ME KNOW.

Bistro Sounds great !

02-02-2012, 11:54am
I would probably prefer to picnic as Brenda and I intended to go for a 7km walk after arriving around 5pm (should take around 1 1/2 hours - Brenda is in training for a NZ walking holiday later this month), have picnic and then do the twilight shoot of bridge/weir. Well that was our plan.

I will check with Brenda to see what she prefers but the I don't think the walk will fit in well with the timing for the club - anyway, will get back to you and if everyone else wants the club will probably fall in with that option.

BTW, the weather forecast is looking favourable for Saturday evening.

02-02-2012, 1:45pm
After consultation with Brenda, we will opt for dining in the club.

Cheers to all & looking forward to the meet.

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk

02-02-2012, 3:43pm
Change of plans
I have had a car accident today so I have no way of getting there >:(
I'm ok, a lady ran into me at an intersection, the left side of my car is quite worse for wear and I jarred my wrist :(
I was really looking forward to going to *sob sob

02-02-2012, 5:21pm
Not good Danielle. Trust your wrist will be better soon.

02-02-2012, 6:35pm
Thats a shame Danielle - I hope your wrist gets better soon. :(

02-02-2012, 6:56pm
Mary and I will aim to get there around 4pm and will dine in the Bistro with you.
I hope the weather man is correct as he said the rain should stop early Saturday.

Mark L
02-02-2012, 8:05pm
Just so you know, I'm a no show. :( That's the short story.
I'll be missing more than you folks are (but since none of us have met before, we can't be totally sure about that :)).
Hope the weathers good for you all. Enjoy.

02-02-2012, 8:51pm
Thanks for letting us Know Mark - maybe next time. :)

02-02-2012, 11:20pm
Yay!! I have meaning to go to the Bistro for awhile!! That'll be good!! Too bad it's not a week (I don't think, anyway) when the Blue Mountains Ukulele Group (BMUGS) are playing there - they are always great fun to watch and they are a very colourful group to photograph, but I believe they will be at a uke festival this weekend, unfortunately!! Definitely in for the bistro!!

03-02-2012, 1:16pm
I have also sent a message to my cousin, to try and get her to come down (AP member photogeake) and join in, but I'm not sure she'll be available. We can but try!!! Very much looking forward to TOMORROW (HURRAY!!!!) and the rain is easing off out here, so fingers crossed for tomorrow. The forecast for Penrith is "Partly cloudy. Isolated showers. Light winds. 1-5mm of rain expected and an Extreme UV Factor of 13" So, prepare for light rain, wear sunscreen, bring aeroguard (cannot stress this enough!! Rains, humidity, river - Mosquito's Wonderland!!). There is also a lot of surface water around, so consider this when choosing your shoes. But, on the upside - There should be lots of bugs around, meaning lots of birds, lizards and maybe snakes and we should be in for a great shoot!! We may also see a number of bats at sunset (I haven't seen them for awhile, but I am also not home when they fly), they often fly down that passage. I remember that it used to be pretty spectacular at sunset, watching the bats fly over the bridge in massive flocks (? group? families?... What is a large group of bats called....?). I am very, very excited!! Can't wait!!

03-02-2012, 6:52pm
I will be confirming numbers for the Bistro tomorrow so if you want to change your eating plan please post here and let me know by 12md.
So far Bistro Diners are:
Mary and Greg, Peter and Brenda, Judy and Narelle, Erin.

03-02-2012, 8:08pm
Narelle, Mary is not well and is dropping out. I will still be coming and will have dinner in the Bistro.

03-02-2012, 11:22pm
I will be joining you for dinner as well

04-02-2012, 1:08am
Put me down for the bistro as well :)

04-02-2012, 7:56am
There will be 2 of us

04-02-2012, 8:11am
There will be 2 of us

Two Silkdivers may be a bit much to handle - leave one at home and bring Richard instead. :D

04-02-2012, 8:35am
Once again I would have loved to come on an AP shoot but unfortunately I can't today as I have other commitments. One day I will get to one...soon hopefully! Have a great time everyone it looks like the weather is going to clear up and come to the party!

04-02-2012, 8:58am
One day Ktoopi - we usually average one meet a month.

04-02-2012, 12:08pm
as per phone call we'll be eating at the bistro too. See you all later with aeroguard & gumboots! :D

04-02-2012, 12:11pm
One day Ktoopi - we usually average one meet a month.

as per phone call we'll be eating at the bistro too. See you all later with aeroguard & gumboots! :D

Sunshine and Sunset, what more could we ask for? :D

04-02-2012, 12:52pm
Well, we could ask Ness to be extra careful around our tripods! :D

04-02-2012, 1:12pm
I look forward to seeing everyones photos.:)

04-02-2012, 2:21pm
Won't be there sorry..

Sent from my HTC Incredible S using Tapatalk

Mark L
04-02-2012, 9:38pm
Jeez I would have enjoyed a bistro meal tonight.
Looking forward to seeing some photos I'd hoped to take. :)

04-02-2012, 11:40pm
It was a good evening. Still awake following a couple of coffees I needed before my final drive home.

We didn't do a group photo but Brenda took a couple of photos of us by the river shooting the bridges at sunset...

http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7005/6816719189_9eb4e4102b_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/peterbphotography/6816719189/)
AP Penrith Meet 01 (http://www.flickr.com/photos/peterbphotography/6816719189/) by peterb666 (http://www.flickr.com/people/peterbphotography/), on Flickr

In the photo, from the right - Narelle, Erin, Scotty, Peter, some swimming/fishing people.

http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7015/6816719817_29bbcda536_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/peterbphotography/6816719817/)
AP Penrith Meet 02 (http://www.flickr.com/photos/peterbphotography/6816719817/) by peterb666 (http://www.flickr.com/people/peterbphotography/), on Flickr

In the photo, from the right - Scotty, Peter, those swimming/fishing people, Greg, Judy and Ness. A bit hard to tell - so please confirm identity.

Good to catch up with all.

05-02-2012, 1:04am
Great to meet an enthusiastic bunch of people :) I'll post up a few pics when i get them off my camera.

05-02-2012, 2:19am
Great to meet an enthusiastic bunch of people :) I'll post up a few pics when i get them off my camera.

I think you win the prize for the furtherst trecker - great to have see you.

05-02-2012, 8:43am
Great to meet an enthusiastic bunch of people :) I'll post up a few pics when i get them off my camera.

It was great having you join us Fabian.....even though you are a Canon user. :D

05-02-2012, 1:59pm
my pictures from yesterday


bird staring me down










05-02-2012, 2:27pm
Some great shots there Fabian though not too sure about the back of my head. Quite amazing that you managed to get a photo of one of the bats - impressive.

05-02-2012, 5:40pm
Some great shots there Fabian though not too sure about the back of my head. Quite amazing that you managed to get a photo of one of the bats - impressive.

Is that the "beauty dish"?

Great photos everyone- bummed I missed it.

07-02-2012, 11:05am
Ahh, if I had been online recently I definitely would've come. Looks like a nice evening to shoot too.

07-02-2012, 3:36pm
Is that the "beauty dish"?

Re the back of Peter's head, no. It's more of a soft box...

08-02-2012, 8:27am
Re the back of Peter's head, no. It's more of a soft box...


10-03-2012, 1:11am
It is with a heavy heart that I advise you that the historic Log Cabin Inn, located on the other side of the bridge, up the hill from where the water dragon was posing for us has burnt down tonight. It was built in 1827 and became "The Log Cabin Inn" in the late 1930s. It has been reported that the building has been destroyed, parts are allegedly falling into the river (which, with the floods at the moment, isn't that much of a stretch. The path we walked along has been completely submerged and would have been likely to be above head level earlier in the week). I am sure this will be on the news tomorrow, but as it was such a special part of the history of Penrith (with reports that Charles Darwin himself stayed there) I felt it important to pass on. What a shame we didn't get the chance to photograph this amazing building while it was still around. Farewell, grand old Log Cabin Inn.

10-03-2012, 7:58am
That's a real shame Erin - I guess we won't be having any family dinners there anymore?

10-03-2012, 5:35pm
That's a real shame Erin - I guess we won't be having any family dinners there anymore?

I guess not. Uncle Jerry will no longer run off into the pub next door to check on the Socceroo's score for the game that will decide whether or not they will be getting into the world cup. I went down to check it out today. I doesn't look as bad as the reports stated. The facade is in tact and the restaurant is still set up ready for business, it seems completely untouched, however the roof has completely collapsed over the bar and much of the structure on the RHS. The gauze curtains in the reception area look completely fine - It is so bizarre - there is clearly major damage, but then there are other parts that look completely normal, untouched by the fire. I'll do a quick edit and place them up soon. I have more hope that it can be saved with (a LOT of) work.

10-03-2012, 8:24pm
The photos from the burnt down Log Cabin Inn can be found here - http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/showthread.php?101051-Farewell-to-the-historic-Log-Cabin-Inn-Penrith&p=993065#post993065