View Full Version : HELP!! Whats wrong with my 1D mark IV sensor?!

17-01-2012, 6:41pm
In panic mode now;

Can anyone provide any clue as to what might be going on with my camera? Pulled it out of my bag to start shooting this morning (it was working perfectly last night) and there seems to be something wrong with the sensor! I have included some images taken on it here http://www.flickr.com/photos/ryanmacca/sets/72157628907435667/I have tried different memory cards, different lenses and updated the firmware. It also happens in LiveView mode.I'm obviously going to send it to get serviced but still curious if anyone has had anything similar happen.Any help and advice will be greatly appreciated!


17-01-2012, 8:00pm
Looks like you have an answer in Flickr for the problem and a little out of my league to offer advice. I did get caught up in your photostream and particularly like your portfolio collection :D Looking forward to seeing some work from the revamped 1D MkIV when you get it sorted.

19-01-2012, 6:25pm
Yea I saw the reply in Flickr, I couldn't see anything in lockup, but who knows. It in the hands of Canon Australia now. Fingers crossed.

There are quite a few old goodies up on the flick stream. Don't seem to use it much anymore. There are some new snaps up on *removed, this was a commercial site, not a personal photographic website : read site rules 3-7* or www.facebook.com/randrdigital (http://www.facebook.com/randrdigital) :th3:

28-01-2012, 8:11am
What was Canon's verdict Ryan? For future reference, and the benefit of others.

03-02-2012, 5:09pm
The camera is still with Canon HQ in Sydney. They are still trying to work out what the problem is. I'll obviously let everyone know of the result when they get back to me.

13-02-2012, 10:00am
Just received this email from Canon Australia;


Customer PO Number: N/A

Your Canon product, serial number 1031100592 has been assessed and our technicians have produced the following quotation.

Quotation is valid for 30 days from date of issue.

A quotation fee will be applied if quote is rejected. Quotation fee is $50.00 including GST payable prior to return of product, if already paid please disregard.

To accept this quotation simply reply to this email, use the Repair Tracking/Approval form on our website or email cameraservice@canon.com.au

Payment for repairs must be received prior to despatch/collection and can be made at anytime after the go ahead has been given using one of the following options.

Direct Deposit/EFT to Westpac Bank, 260 Queen Street, Brisbane, Qld, 4000.
Account name: Canon Australia Pty Ltd
Account number 436 460 BSB 034 002

*Please note if you choose Direct Deposit/EFT you must advise us via email when payment has been made and allow 2-3 working days for confirmation of the deposit before despatch/collection can be made. PLEASE USE THE 7 DIGIT JOB NUMBER AS THE REFERENCE WHEN MAKING PAYMENT.

Cheque or Money Order made payable to Canon Australia.

Credit Card over the phone on 13 13 83 - payment will not be deducted until the repair is completed.

Quote to dismantle unit, supply and fit listed part, adjust as required, reassemble, clean, check and test..

CG2-1966-000 EYE PIECE ASSY $ 118.98
CY3-1614-000 CMOS SENSOR ASSY $ 1,516.22

Labour $ 428.00
Parts $ 1635.20
Freight $ 13.00
Sub Total $ 2,076.20
GST $ 207.62
TOTAL $2283.82

I have contacted them again and asked for a more detailed report on the issue. A well looked after flagship camera that need it's sensor replaced after being out of warranty for 3 months is not acceptable IMO.

13-02-2012, 11:27am
I hope you were sitting down when you read the e-mail!

I'd be screaming!

13-02-2012, 11:38am
Hope it gets sorted without too much out of pocket

13-02-2012, 11:44am
:eek: OMG

13-02-2012, 11:58am
I'd be spewing !! 3 months out of warranty , And for the Flagship model , No way , I heard lately that as far as warranty goes on things like this you should be covered ( It's just not good enough) , ACCC etc , I'd be ringing heaps

13-02-2012, 2:08pm
Cripes! Just saw your thread! Agree with the general expectoration of partly digested sustenance.

What's happened since? Have you taken it up with Canon? If they act like a brick wall, how about "whatever-they-call-themselves-like Fair Trading". There are implied warranties about merchantability of items. If it's only about a year old (and it hasn't been abused) then it would fall into that category, IMO.

There are some legal types on AP. I hope they see this too and advise.

PS. Don't give up! (Unless you're a zillionaire.)

13-02-2012, 3:04pm
Hadn't seen this thread before either.


There are other threads here that have some info on laws dealing with warranties, you might find. I can't remember the exact wording now, but rather than being the fixed 12 months (or whatever) there's more emphasis on a product being suitable for the purpose for which it was purchased, and an expectation commensurate with build and cost. You should be able to expect more from such a camera.

I'd look for some more info on Fair Trading or Consumer Affairs and go back to Canon armed, and wanting it fixed under warranty!

13-02-2012, 3:34pm
Still awaiting on CAnon to provide me with a more detailed report on the problem. Not just a quote on the cost to have it repaired. The camera certainly wasn't abused, in fact I'm quite OCD with it. The fact that something so serious has just 'happened' was genuinely surprising.

Still in the initial investigation stage at the moment. After I receive the report, I'll draft an email stating that I believe it should be repaired under warranty and quote the sources you all have advised me to check out (thanks for that BTW)

All quite civil so far. Lets hope it stays that way. I'm quite brand loyal to Canon, always have been. Have spent well over $17K on equipment over the years.

13-02-2012, 3:45pm
Don't just wait, do some research and get prepared, otherwise you will just be reacting to whatever they dish up. That'll guarantee you'll be doing the back-foot shuffle and getting anxious.

Just google (the verb) "Merchantable..." and "Quality" is automatically suggested.

The first link that came up was THIS ONE from ACCC (http://www.accc.gov.au/content/index.phtml/itemId/8818), and not a bad starting point.

Civility is what you can expect, but hard-nosedness is still there. I bet Canon won't give you much leeway for being a loyal customer. I think 17 million might buy you some bargaining, but not "just" 17000.

13-02-2012, 4:03pm
Still awaiting on CAnon to provide me with a more detailed report on the problem. Not just a quote on the cost to have it repaired. The camera certainly wasn't abused, in fact I'm quite OCD with it. The fact that something so serious has just 'happened' was genuinely surprising.

Still in the initial investigation stage at the moment. After I receive the report, I'll draft an email stating that I believe it should be repaired under warranty and quote the sources you all have advised me to check out (thanks for that BTW)

All quite civil so far. Lets hope it stays that way. I'm quite brand loyal to Canon, always have been. Have spent well over $17K on equipment over the years.

I suggest it remain civil on AP too. You only have 5 posts on the site (all in this thread) and site rule 3 states for members with less than 3-0 days membership and/or 50 posts:

[3] Are not allowed to promote or complain! Promotion or complaints about services/people/organisations/products/businesses by new members is not allowed anywhere on Ausphotography. New members are also not allowed to seek/advertise employment (either paid or unpaid) anywhere on the site.

How about joining in on AP elsewhere, perhaps showing us some of your photography etc. Otherwise I will remove this thread and close your account.

14-02-2012, 7:40am
Ryan, I have found Canon Australia to be reasonable to deal with, although expensive for repairs. Don't give up on getting some favourable outcome from them. One thing I did find when I had a similar quote to replace a sensor when in fact it was just the AA Filter that was scratched was that Canon did not at that time have a "clean room". I don't know if they do now. This meant that rather than replace just the filter, they were playing it safe and replacing the sensor/filter as a sealed unit. I ended up sending my 5D to Pixel Life in the US and getting the filter replaced separately for around $500 at that time.

Canon recently repaired my "grey" 1D3 at no cost when it had a mirror problem. Obviously the 1D3 is way out of warranty. Persevere and remain calm and civil. You may get a pleasant surprise. Do some google work too and see if this has been a problem in the US. Canon there have a much more liberal approach to warranty issues.

Good luck with it.

14-02-2012, 9:05am
Sorry, got the name of that crowd wrong. This is their website link:



I've used them for a replacement AA Filter on a FF Sensor, and another club member has used them to convert his 10D to IR.

14-02-2012, 6:28pm
Thanks for the heads up on the rules ricktas. I initially started the thread for some advice and help; hoping a few people might have seen my pics and said, "Oh that happened to me.... XXXXX was the problem."

I don't feel I was complaining. As I mentioned previously it's all quite civil. Merely answering peoples questions about the progress of the camera. I guess by telling people that I have always been brand loyal to Canon from the start is a form of promotion. Thought it wouldn't be as bad as I was posting in the Canon section.

The stress of not having my 'breadwinner' with me has been taking up a lot of my time but I certainly plan on participating in a more 'positive' way in this forum from now on.

14-02-2012, 6:57pm
Don't take it too personally Ryan.

What we mods try to do is to eliminate(minimise) spam on AP.
Not just spam for selling the spammers wares, but also for what I guess you'd call negative spam.

It happens and I think it has happened on AP going on memory, where folks join up simply to bag something(product/service/whatever) with quickfire rapid posting streak .. and never to return.

The why's and wherefore's of their actions is largely unknown.

Hope you sort your issue out ASAP.. bit of a bummer to have this happen in such a short timeframe after the warranty has run out tho!!

14-02-2012, 7:33pm
I am interested in what has gone wrong here Ryan. It's obviously not a shutter as I thought. The Eyepice intrigues me. Something has marked the sensor you'd think if they are planning on replacing it. The Eyepiece sits above the sensor. See Page 5 of the PDF link below.


This is for the 1D Mk III, but the part number is the same. I wonder what the heck has happened to require the replacement of both.

Anybody else got a clue?

14-02-2012, 7:51pm
maybe not the sensor itself in the form of the pixels, but most likely an AD chip issue of some kind.

The interpretation of the light values into a digital format.

If a camera rest didn't help, then it's obviously hardware . no matter what the hardware problem is/was, I think being so close to the warranty period, and a major failure as such, Canon should at least extend the warranty on this occasion.

14-02-2012, 8:40pm
They eye piece bit has me stumped too.... Still awaiting more detailed technicians report.

15-02-2012, 12:18pm
They eye piece bit has me stumped too.... Still awaiting more detailed technicians report.

More ammo for a non-goer claim.

21-02-2012, 6:11pm
Some valid and interesting points been made here.UPDATE: As it stands; it looks like Canon are going to play ball. It has been escalated up the chain of command and am currently awaiting a call from the National Service Manager.

21-02-2012, 6:29pm
Good luck with it Ryan. As I said, they have been reasonable in their dealings with me. I'm sure you'll find the same. You're using one of their professional products and I think that helps when dealing with them.

10-03-2012, 11:49am
Any happy endings to report Ryan?

26-03-2012, 1:13pm
Don't know about everybody else here, but I really hate it when people join, ask a question or two, and then disappear without letting us know the outcome. Makes me want to just ignore their problems in the first place.

26-03-2012, 2:36pm
Careful, though. Yer dunno what coudder happened to 'em.

27-03-2012, 5:06am
Yes an update would be nice as alot of people watch these type of threads to guage how Canon handle these issues.

27-03-2012, 5:21am
Don't know about everybody else here, but I really hate it when people join, ask a question or two, and then disappear without letting us know the outcome. Makes me want to just ignore their problems in the first place.

Agreed, I even asked him to start joining in, he then posted an intro, and that is all. It happens occasionally that people join up for one reason, to get an answer to something they want, and they have no intention of participating in any other way, even when asked nicely to do so. See Post 15 in this thread, If we do not get a reply from the OP within a day or two, I will remove this thread and close his account.

Duane Pipe
27-03-2012, 8:24am
Good one Rick. I joined Aus Bonsai forum in December 28th, 2011, just so I could look at the posted images with no intention of joining in, but now I have hit the 100 post mark:lol: