View Full Version : Lightroom 4 Public Beta: What's New

10-01-2012, 3:46pm

Adobe want more $$$ so its time for an upgrade.


10-01-2012, 4:04pm
The review make is sound like a worthwhile upgrade.
Just hope that the upgrade price is not too hefty.
Pity they have dropped the XP support though, that might hurt some people.

10-01-2012, 4:27pm
Looking forward to the real thing :)

10-01-2012, 5:27pm
Pity they have dropped the XP support though, that might hurt some people.

I would think any machine running XP would struggle to the point of absolute frustration.

10-01-2012, 5:31pm
The soft proofing looks good

Just had a quick play

Develop module is quick for edits

The map module is good if you like recording GPS co-ords

The Book module could be fun for printing

10-01-2012, 5:54pm
Yay! Selective application of tools like NR! :efelant::efelant::efelant:

10-01-2012, 5:55pm
Damn it, i just purchased 3.6 :lol2:

10-01-2012, 5:59pm
Screen shot of the Map


10-01-2012, 8:17pm
Here are some videos on the new additions. I'm excited and will certainly be upgrading, the new (revamped) sliders in the develop module look nice!


11-01-2012, 6:10pm
Damn it, i just purchased 3.6 :lol2:

Me too! Can't complain though, I got EDU pricing... Still, if the upgrade cost is cheap enough, I'll be upgrading. Had a play around and already love it

12-01-2012, 8:47pm
I don't care what it costs to upgrade ... the difference is so marked (from using the public beta) that I'm going to do that no matter what. I've just processed the same image in 3.6 and 4b and can't get over the marked difference in the results, especially in the lack of haloing from the clarity adjustment and the ability to process shadows and highlights independently for different regions of the image. :efelant::efelant::efelant::beer_mug:

12-01-2012, 9:10pm
I also purchased LR3 recently, but I knew the recent price cut heralded the arrival of LR4. Hopefully if I decide to upgrade it will work out cheaper this way than if I bought LR4 outright.

Looking at the beta version, I'm liking the idea of 'proper' curves and the ability to apply things like noise reduction in a localised fashion. Since buying LR3 I don't use Photoshop half as much as I used to and these couple of features would make trips to PS even more infrequent.

15-01-2012, 9:16pm
I've gotta say LR4 is just a dream to use, makes LR3.6 seem like a poor relative ;)

Old Skool
15-01-2012, 10:24pm
Is the clone tool any better in LR4? That's about the only reason I go back to photoshop now, otherwise I use LR for everything else.

31-01-2012, 12:11am
I like the new LR4 icon much better than the LR3 one. It jet black and 2D instead of the lame 3D icon of the old LR.

Old Skool
06-03-2012, 5:46pm
Lightroom 4 Final Full version is now out available to download to try / buy.

06-03-2012, 8:06pm
Very poor from Adobe to see that it is $219AUD when it is $149US. BOOOO!!!!!!:action:

06-03-2012, 8:09pm
Hmm, bought an EDU license yesterday and am waiting for the rego key. Maybe they'll be kind and throw in a free upgrade :(

07-03-2012, 8:00am
Bought the upgrade to my LR 3.6 last night - AUD$98.00 approximately. Found my LR4 Beta and imported the catalogue without a hitch. Now we're ssssmmmokin! :D

07-03-2012, 3:19pm
LR4 beta is the first time I've used Lightroom and I'm finding it a joy to use.

07-03-2012, 4:54pm
LR4 beta is the first time I've used Lightroom and I'm finding it a joy to use.

You have until March 31st before the beta dies, DB. I think it's well worth the money, myself and resisted moving from GIMP forever. Now I'm glad I did and wish I'd done it sooner.