View Full Version : Canon G1X

10-01-2012, 9:02am
Canon has announced the latest high end P&S camera, the G1X

See HERE (http://www.dpreview.com/news/2012/01/09/CanonG1X_Preview) for a review on it. It certainly sounds like a pretty handy gadget for those not wanting a DSLR.

10-01-2012, 9:32am
Just got an email from B&H with lots of detail. Doesn't it look great I do believe they've managed to get it right this time. My backup G17 is looking ready to be replaced you really don't want to be lugging a full SLR kit everywhere you go but this would hardly be a compromise!

11-01-2012, 5:52pm
I think that this camera is just what a lot of photographers have been looking for.
I reckon it will give a lot of the EVIL cameras, with their tiny sensors, a run for their money.

I reckon a lot of people would prefer a camera without changeable lenses when they hear how much the lenses cost.
Can't wait to see the full tests of it.

I wonder how long it will be until Canon bring out a version of this camera and it's large sensor with a 35X zoom on it?

11-01-2012, 7:40pm
I think Canon has the right idea.
Being version 1, I think there's a few things that can be improved though.
Having owned a G12, my biggest complaint wasn't the IQ but the responsiveness of operation.
In this respect, I saw a recent Q&A from Canon's Chuck Westfall where he mentioned speed was improved a little but the greatest improvement (as expected) was in IQ where he said the jpegs were better than the 7D.
That's pretty awesome but i can't help feel that until they get the camera as responsive as a DSLR, it'll remain a great annoyance in use (at least to me).
Whereas Nikon got it the other way around. The V1 has all the responsiveness and speed but will always trail in the IQ department by virtue of sensor size.

12-01-2012, 7:19am
There are a couple of things that I wish they had done
a) get a better OVF to go with what looks like a brilliant sensor (or dump it and make an addon like other manufacturers)
b) left the ISO dial in place
c) put the video button someplace else. Clumsy-thumbs here is bound to set it off accidentally.

Having a sensor of that size in a non-ILC package... very tempting... even at $800. I've stepped back from my "gotta have it now" initial reaction though... There are a couple of guys at seriouscompacts.com who will buy this as soon as its available, and I'm going to wait to see what they do with it and base my final decision on that.

16-01-2012, 2:36pm
I think that this camera is just what a lot of photographers have been looking for.
I reckon it will give a lot of the EVIL cameras, with their tiny sensors, a run for their money.....

The sensor is practically the same size as micro 4/3.

16-01-2012, 5:00pm
The sensor is practically the same size as micro 4/3.

It is just a little larger than micro 4/3rds sensors, but I guess that Canon are trying to distance themselves from 4/3rds.
It wouldn't surprise me if Canon do release a range of interchangeable lens compacts in the future using this sensor, and their EF-S lenses.
It would make a perfect fit for them.

Here's a picture of the various sensor sizes, which I have lifted from DPReview.com


18-01-2012, 12:43am
Having owned a G12, my biggest complaint wasn't the IQ but the responsiveness of operation.
That's pretty awesome but i can't help feel that until they get the camera as responsive as a DSLR, it'll remain a great annoyance in use (at least to me).

I honestly think that that is the only thing I don't like about my G12 too - it takes too long to be ready again either after switching on or after just having taken a shot...

18-01-2012, 7:40am
what's the shutter lag of the G12 like ?..I have a G5 and its quite bad.. I've been looking at the G1X as a possible replacement of not only my G5 but my DLSR as well !!!..be good if the lag is near zero on the new model...Im starting to be over the bulk of DSLRs

18-01-2012, 9:59pm
To be fair, without actual use of the G1x, probably shouldn't jump to any conclusions about speed. It's only an educated guess based on Canon rep interviews.

On the G12, the prefocus shutter lag is not a problem. It's the general responsiveness of the camera. Things like switching the camera on, review image, then back to shooting, maybe changing to video mode, activating flash compensation, start AF and waiting for lock, changing AF position, zoom with the powezoom etc.
Certainly not bad but everything is relative. Compared to pretty much every DSLR I've used it's lacking so it depends on what you compare it to.

On a G1x, the IQ is most certainly there, let's hope the rest keeps up.

15-02-2012, 6:59am
http://www.digitalrev.com/article/world-s-first-canon-powershot/ODYxNjY2Ng_A_A and if you can look past Kai's dross, its not a bad effort.

12-03-2012, 9:09am
Anyone know a suitable camera case for this camera?

12-03-2012, 9:17am
Funny thing is that the G1X is cheaper in Oz than it is in the US!

I saw that DCW is selling it for $50 less than B&H, and also throwing in a $100 SD card for $40 when you buy the G1X from them.

Love to buy one, but I'm saving up for the 5D3.

12-03-2012, 9:33am
The camera is pretty big for a P&S ...

12-03-2012, 1:25pm
It's only a fraction bigger than a G12, but it looks a lot bigger in photos.

Here's some shots of it next to a G12, courtesy of DP Review.


13-03-2012, 7:36am
At the moment the Missus is using an S95 ... I'm just seeing what else is on the market for me to use as a secondary camera.

20-03-2012, 7:44am
Does look quite a bit bigger, particularly in terms of depth.... Straying too far away from "pocketability"?