View Full Version : Just drove 380kms in one day for a swim in a luke warm pool ?!?!

03-01-2012, 7:53pm
LOL. The things you do for your family.
Who in their right mind would drive 380kms for a swim in a luke warm pool?
Well... Apparently I would!

Wife and one of the kids (the other was working) decided they wanted to go to Yarrangobilly (http://maps.google.com.au/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=Yarrangobilly+Caves,+Yarrangobilly+Caves+Road,+Yarrangobilly,+New+South+Wales&aq=0&sll=-35.652277,148.463021&sspn=0.196397,0.41851&vpsrc=6&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Yarrangobilly+Caves+Rd,+Yarrangobilly+New+South+Wales&ll=-35.7238,148.504171&spn=0.049055,0.104628&t=m&z=14&iwloc=A)for a swim in the thermal pool (http://www.environment.nsw.gov.au/NationalParks/parkShowCaves.aspx?id=N0018) down there (the water comes up out of the ground 27 degrees all year round, even when there's snow all around the pool).
So we all set off with a ring-in in the form of a friend of my daughter coming along as well.
Took the backroad through Tharwa - (damn that needs some serious re-grading, Council must have shares in the local dentist who does the replacing of the fillings shaken out by the track conditions).
Stopped for an awesome cuppa and home made pie at the Cafe in Adaminaby, where they prepared us a lunch of some rolls to take down to Yarrangobilly, then it was off to the pool.
Swam for a couple of hours, then home via Cooma for another great coffee and an awesome cake at PD Murphy's (Coffee's a bit strong, but price is awesome with a cake special in the afternoons).

Wife is now burned to a crisp, and I'm totally exhausted, but keeping the wife and kid/s happy is always worth any amount of driving, but I really would have preferred to drop in at Blue Water Holes (http://www.environment.nsw.gov.au/NationalParks/parkCamping.aspx?id=N0018#BlueWaterholescampground) for an overnight camp on the way home though. Sure would have made the distance traveled seem more sensible.

Anyone else done stupid numbers of Kms for a ridiculously small pay off? Or am I the only one who does these kinds of things?

And the worst part? With so many Kms to cover to get there, I didn't stop for any photos of any of the great views on the way. Didn't get the camera out at the pool as I have no waterproof bag for it, and got only a few minutes with the camera - at a really bad time of the day (2:00 - 3:00pm) just before we headed home.
Probably about 5 shots in all :(

I really must be stark raving mad.

04-01-2012, 9:33am

I really must be stark raving mad.

Apart from the low klm count .. sounds pretty normal to me!


06-01-2012, 5:08pm
Melb to Canberra for a pastie, and Melb to Loch sport for same