View Full Version : Stolen last night

02-01-2012, 6:20pm
Greetings and happy new year for 2012
Unfortunatly for me its not so happy, as i slept last night some evil drug ruined S-ss broke into my car and stole my new Slik 500DX tripod with Manfrotto Panoramic SPH303 head $1100
Also stolen was my Chinese Gaorsie 617 Panoramic film camera with Schneider super angulon f8 lens all in a silver box.$2000
Anyone who can help with places this might be sold or if your offered the equipment please contact me
i much appreciate your time
don goldney
PS if this is in the wrong place i do appologise:(:(:(:(:(:(

02-01-2012, 6:51pm
Mate, I feel your pain, but I have to ask why you would leave your much loved gear in your car?

You live in Westmead, :Doh: , and I live in a small country town, but I leave Jack Sh!t in my car.

02-01-2012, 6:57pm
I hope you recover it, but as said above, I leave nothing of value in my car, ever.

02-01-2012, 6:58pm
Oh, Donnnnnnnnn-yyyyyy!!!!! That's is just too much to bear.

I've got nothing to say, only that I've had (less expensive though still valuable) gear stolen from my house. Only a long time has healed that loss.

Mark L
02-01-2012, 7:10pm
Talk to the hock shops in Parramatta. Your equipment should be unusual to them, but not necessary the thieves.
Bugga, 2012 can only get better now.

02-01-2012, 7:56pm
Sorry to hear this bad news.

Keep an eye on eBay. And gumtree ( gumtree is free to advertise And not a lot of id required )

Hope it turns up for you

And pawn shops definitely .... Make up a flyer for them of what's missing, with pics if possible to make it easy for them to identify them.

Condolences again

02-01-2012, 8:05pm
Sorry to hear about that Donny

02-01-2012, 8:26pm
Ahh man, really sorry!

I read the thread title and my heart sank. Ive experienced this feeling not once but twice, both big $$ items too so i can feel your pain.

Hope it all works out mate and you get your gear back.



02-01-2012, 10:53pm
What a yukky start to 2012! I hope your equipment can be recovered.

02-01-2012, 11:12pm
As has been expressed by others, I'm sorry to hear of your loss.

Please, though, do not leave anything valuable in your car. (I presume you had it out of sight [ie, in the boot or covered]).

I maintain a policy of not leaving anything on display in my car, and I am loathe to even leave my gear in the boot when the car is unattended.

I hope you can recover your gear. Some of it is fairly specialised in nature and perhaps may not have the appeal to be offloaded illegally.

03-01-2012, 6:50am
Thanks to everyone for the tips and pointers, much appreciated
ill be round all the hoc shops today
i have sent an email to cash converters, and i hope the ass that did it dies in hell.the pano camera will get him nothing as i doubt the tripod will$1000 to mee
The other things were tools of trade etc, i feel very strongly that i know the person that did it, as why did they break into my car and not all the others on display.
ether that or the drug f()cked as(0ls were just lucky,
thanks everyone and all the best for 2012