View Full Version : Benefits of joining a local photography group

02-01-2012, 12:54am
I have just decided to finally get serious about photography so one of my first moves was to start going to the local photography group and one of the benefits was immediate even before picking up a camera. Similar to this site they have topics for monthly photographic competitions and in looking at the topics for the next 12 months I have already started to look for opportunities to take photos that fit the categories. Rather than being restrictive this has given me a focus, for example looking at opportunities to take photos where the subject is back lit.

I am looking forward to learning, sharing knowledge and above all challenging myself to be a better photographer. Eventually I hope to know how to use all those nobs and dials on my camera and will be taking good photos deliberately and consistently rather than by luck.

02-01-2012, 6:11am
Welcome back to AP, Greg. I recommend joining in here as well. Since you joined in September we haven't even seen a single photo. You will find if you use this site as it is designed to be used, you will learn a lot on this site as well.

You say you will eventually learn what the knobs and dials do, which is exactly what our New To Photography forum and Library section (http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/showlibrary.php?title=Indexes:New_To_Photography_Book) is for. You will find you can learn a lot about using your 600D right here, if you join in, rather than posting occasionally.

02-01-2012, 8:49am
Wow, this hadn't even occurred to me. I figured being involved online was the way to go, but like you said, there's also benefits of a local group. I think I might try to find a group. It would make me get out more & maybe even discover new local locations. What an amazing way to learn.
Thanks for sharing, you've inspired me!

02-01-2012, 8:50am
Welcome back to AP, Greg. I recommend joining in here as well. Since you joined in September we haven't even seen a single photo. You will find if you use this site as it is designed to be used, you will learn a lot on this site as well.

You say you will eventually learn what the knobs and dials do, which is exactly what our New To Photography forum and Library section (http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/showlibrary.php?title=Indexes:New_To_Photography_Book) is for. You will find you can learn a lot about using your 600D right here, if you join in, rather than posting occasionally.

Rick, I found a thread about that library this morning, but I can't access it. Is it because I've been inactive for so long?

02-01-2012, 9:08am
Rick, I found a thread about that library this morning, but I can't access it. Is it because I've been inactive for so long?

Sorry for the thread jack, Ang i noticed your from the hunter valley? where abouts? id be interested in joining a group also.

If you can message me some details etc of what you find/found out, i can do the same?


02-01-2012, 9:15am
Sorry for the thread jack, Ang i noticed your from the hunter valley? where abouts? id be interested in joining a group also.
While you're at it, you can join the Lower Hunter (http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/group.php?groupid=7) AP group here. We occasionally have member meets at various locations around the lower Hunter and it's a good way to meet the people on AP in person. Click "Community>Groups" on the second level menu under Forums or follow the link above.

02-01-2012, 9:21am
Sorry for the thread jack, Ang i noticed your from the hunter valley? where abouts? id be interested in joining a group also.

If you can message me some details etc of what you find/found out, i can do the same?


Apologies :o for continuing on with the Hijack, there is a group that meets at Maitland City Bowling Club twice per month, I think 2nd and 4th Tuesdays. A call to the club would confirm dates. And I'm also going to join.

02-01-2012, 9:23am
:gday: & Welcome Back

You need both, or at least can benefit from both.
I'm a member of a local camera club and active here.
They are complimentary.

- in the mean time lets see some photos in the main CC forums (http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/forumdisplay.php?5) and have fun!