View Full Version : Kenko Pro 300 v Tamron SP 1.4 tc

31-12-2011, 4:30pm
Hi everyone

I'm just trying to clear up something. I currently have the Tamron SP 1.4 teleconverter (had it for a few years now and there wasn't much alternative when I got it). To be honest, I'm not 100% sure its as good as it should be, but it may be my long lens technique (it also seems to have a bit of wiggle when mounted).

I've read good reviews about the Kenko Pro 300 1.4 tc and some poor comments about the Tamron. I'm sure I've also read that the Kenko and Tamron are the same t/c with different badges.

I need one of these t/cs as some of my lenses are non AFS so the Nikon is out of the question (not to mention a lot more $$$).

Does anyone know if the Tamron and the Kenko are made by the same manufacturer ?

Is the Tamron a bit of a dog ?

Is the Kenko optically superior to the Tamron ?

Thanks in advance

31-12-2011, 9:37pm
I'm sure there's merit to the possibility that Kenko make the Tamron TC's.

That I know, the only TC's that Tamron have made for themselves are the old Adaptall ones, that only fit Tamron lenses.

Maybe Tamron had Kenko make a certain model of TC for them, and that Tamron themselves made some models of TC's, but didn't have the resources to manufacture a complete range.

Anyhow, the Pro DGX model Kenko's have a very good reputation. I don't think you'll go wrong(unless you opt for the more expensive genuine manufacturer products).

02-01-2012, 7:11am
Thanks for your input Arthurking 83. I posted a similar enquiry on other forums and it appears that Kenko, Tamron, Tokina tis are all made by the same manufacturer. My particular tc is older (about 10 years) and may have less lens elements than the later models. As you suggest, the Kenko Pro DGX appears to be the one to get, so I'm going to order one this week. If my results aren't any better, then its obviously my technique and not the gear !

02-01-2012, 8:24am
One thing to note too:

don't expect the same image quality with a 2x TC as you get from a naked lens!

So far that I've seen, the only 2x TC that has minimal to zero impact on image quality from a (good) lens, is Nikon's updated 2x TC(the TC-20E III).
Some of the example images I've seen from this product are quite amazing, but the lens itself has to have excellent image quality to begin with.

I suspect that you will get very good IQ from a new 2x DGX TC, but you may find that you need to stop down significantly, which then raises the issue of available light.

02-01-2012, 8:51am
I have a Tamron-F 1.4X Pz-AF MC4 T/C and to be honest I have to do some serious pixel peeping to see any image degradation.

Here is a sample of my lens taken under way below optimal conditions. It was windy, the light was changing with the scattered cloud cover and hand holding is not my forte.

Other than a crop and resize, this is straight OOTC. Taken with the Sigma 70-200 f2.8 on my Pentax K20D, ISO400 and f8 @1/500.

http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7148/6615504031_92cb4fe99e_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/27487485@N07/6615504031/)
Callistemon Crop (http://www.flickr.com/photos/27487485@N07/6615504031/) by trublubiker (http://www.flickr.com/people/27487485@N07/), on Flickr

Seems we've had a change in the way we upload pics so I hope this works.

01-02-2012, 6:37pm
So I bought the Kenko Pro 300 DGX 1.4 TC back in early January, but some family medical issues have kept me away from my camera for a few weeks. I managed to get out the other day to test out my new Kenko Pro 300 DGX 1.4 TC. Judging by this pic, I'd say its a keeper :). Don't worry about the framing, I was just testing the sharpness.

Thanks for all the advice, I'm happy :)

D2h, 300 D IF ED + Kenko Pro 300 DGX 1.4 TC +monopod


02-02-2012, 10:12pm
I also have the 300mm with thew kenko DGX pro with my D300 and its a winning combo


Miss Jane
07-04-2013, 8:16am
After reading this thread I think I'm sold on the Kenko but thought I'd put this out there anyway.

Kenko Vs Tamron vs Sigma 1.4x teleconverters. Anyone know if they all "talk" to the camera to give correct exposure. I want to use on on my Nikon D700 with the 80-200 2.8 AF.
I have just done some reading and pretty sure they will all AF but only Kenko states "The DGX Teleplus converters have updated circuitry to record exif data more accurately. In the exif exposure data (meta-data recorded with a digital picture) DGX converters record the equivalent aperture and focal length of the lens setting plus tele-converter. Optically and mechanically they are the identical to the prior high-quality DG series converters. "

07-04-2013, 12:12pm
Had an Auto Teleplus 2-3X converter for film cameras. It worked a treat. Also had T Tamron SPBBAR 2X with adaptall mount for a mirror lens, the same.
Now have Σ2X which has worked very well for all the legacy lenses and tops for the Σ50-500DGOS.

As long as you do not demand too much from extra glass in the optical train the IQ should not appreciably degrade, providing all is of good quality to start with.
I would draw the line at stacking two teleconverters. - I have found that two degrade IQ. Perhaps because the TCs interfered with each other, as each worked well separately.
However, I will give that another try now that I can get quicker results with digital gear and have two TCs again, just to see what happens.

On the Q of who makes what for whoever, who would ever know?

07-04-2013, 1:32pm
I have the Tamron 140F-FNs 1.4X and it is a ripper.

Here is a KUSO clip from an image ( http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/showthread.php?112706-Not-my-prettiest-yard-visitorI ) posted on this forum recently.

There was one stand-out Tamron 1.4 T/C and if you can find one, grab it. It was the last of the SP range. Mine is grey in colour.

To be honest, I can't see any significant difference between the Tamrion and the Nikon TC-14EII that I also have.

Miss Jane
07-04-2013, 5:54pm
The detail and sharpness in that bird is amazing. Trublubliker are you saying the Tamron 140F-FNs 1.4X is the one you have? I have found a couple on ebay. Apparently it's the same as the Kenko pro.

07-04-2013, 6:37pm
The detail and sharpness in that bird is amazing. Trublubliker are you saying the Tamron 140F-FNs 1.4X is the one you have? I have found a couple on ebay. Apparently it's the same as the Kenko pro.

Yes Miss Jane, I have the Tamron 140F-FNs 1.4X. I used it on my 300 f4 to take the shot of the Red Wattlebird. I also had the same model in Pentax mount and it was also excellent.

Tamron stopped making T/C's a few years back, and the Kenko range is supposedly based on them.

Miss Jane
07-04-2013, 6:44pm
Thanks again, think my mind is made up :)