View Full Version : Kiwi account closed ?

28-12-2011, 12:17pm
Just noticed that Kiwis account is closed..have I missed something..I hope nothings happened to him in the real world ?

28-12-2011, 12:30pm
If your talking about the text under your username (Kiwi's), that can be changed at any time.

Under 'settings', 'edit profile', you can change yours to what ever you want, allowing it fits in teh available amount of text space.

28-12-2011, 2:41pm
I suspect you'll find that it means what it says. I don't believe anything has happened to him in real life.

28-12-2011, 2:46pm
There had been some discussion on facebook.
The mods were going to say nothing, but the facts are:

a) Darren had an issue with another member, specifically questioning the identity of that member (i.e. possibly purporting to be someone else)
b) The mods investigated and determined that Darren was incorrect and advised him accordingly (and there was a significant amount of work done)
c) Darren told us that he would not post again unless we banned that member
d) We have no grounds to ban that member, and advised Darren of that
e) After some more PMs we closed Darren's account, with a note that he can request his account be re-opened at anytime with no penalty

Darren is fully aware of these facts.

Personally as someone who has met and support Darren I would like to see him continue with AP, and he is welcome to do so, albeit he will have to drop the allegation as we have determined that to be incorrect.

I'm closing the thread as it is not an issue for discussion.

28-12-2011, 2:46pm
In the interests as factual information. Darren asked AP to ban another member based on unproven suspicions about that member's identity. The moderators and I investigated and provided evidence to Darren, that the member was not who Darren thinks they are. AP had no grounds to ban the member, they have not breached the site rules (http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/showlibrary.php?title=The_Site_Rules) in any way. Darren then stated "I won't post on AP until AP bans that member."

We cannot ban people simply because another member wants us to. If this was YOU that Darren had an issue with, how would you feel about being banned, simply cause another member did not want you on the site? (note we will not be disclosing who the member was)

After some further dialogue, an impasse was reached, and as Darren was no longer going to post on AP whilst this other person is a member, Darren's account was closed, by me. Darren can request his AP account be re-opened at any time, and his account will be re-activated, without condition. He has been advised of this.