View Full Version : The withdrawl symptoms are about to end...

28-12-2011, 10:54am
Just got a text to say my 60D is back already from having the back focus issue fixed.
Don't think it was gone for even two weeks - let alone the 6 weeks I was warned it might take. And that was 2 weeks including the Christmas period, so they sure moved fast to get it back to me.
Now to hope the focus issue has actually been fixed.
I'm out of here, I'm off to grab my camera from the store.

29-12-2011, 5:34am
And the result is?

31-12-2011, 2:38pm
You won't believe my stupidity - everyone who knows me does - I grabbed the camera and went off for a 3 day camping trip to test it all out, and both the batteries in the bag were dead. The one in the camera was full when I picked up the camera from the store, so didn't bother to charge that one, and the spare hadn't been used since it was put in the bag fully charged 2 weeks ago, so never thought to check them.
Camera wouldn't even turn on for one shot. The spare was totally dead, and the one in the camera would just flash a battery indicator at me and die.
So I've only just gotten home from the trip, and not been able to take one single photo with it.
Hope to do some testing tonight.

31-12-2011, 2:53pm
:confused013I'd be questioning why all the batteries went flat in so short a time , If I dont use my camera for months the batteries will still have charge , I just checked my 350D , It would be nearly a year since I charged it, Still has half charge by the indicator :umm:

31-12-2011, 3:46pm
Exactly the reason why I hadn't checked them. Full when picked up from the shop and only left unused overnight, meant it should have still been plenty full. I've had it go unused for over a week before and not lost any noticeable charge.

The spare is a decoded-non-genuine, so anything is possible with that one.

I've got them charging up now, and maybe begin some experiments with them by perhaps taking some exact charge measurements with the multimeter on them over a period of time or something, and see how they go down.
For the moment I'm hoping it was something like the camera being left on in the bag or something (though even that's not flattened the battery before).
Oh well. I guess we'll see soon. The first will be off the charger soon.

01-01-2012, 12:04am
I have forced myself to learn and do all the things before going away like checking batteries as I have been left wanting on too many occassions. She'll be right mate is a great saying until you are caught out. When I had my boat I doubled up on everything as we went 30 kays offshore and no rescue boats around. However one day I had a flat battery No worries switch to spare. Both died at the same time so I now buy batteries 6 months apart. cheers Brian