View Full Version : Comet C/2011 W# (Lovejoy) possible trip night 25/26 Dec love some company -

24-12-2011, 5:37am
I am going to give the comet one more night here (only because tomorrow is Christmas Dat) and then I an heading west the next night. I will go for Tenterfield and travel further west if need be. If anyone wants to join me I can take one person and would love some company (first in, please reply in this thread) and a small contribution for petrol would be welcome. Poke your lens up HERE if interested.

I have a mattress in the van and a marquee thingy (see here (http://www.flickr.com/photos/odille/sets/72157624675936480/)) I can set up at the back, bring your own groundsheet/bedding/food/ drinks (I'll have a water bottle). I'll bring the camp stove & lamp so we can have a coffee and food. Tag alongs very welcome but bear in mind I am not a fast driver, I rarely go above 90kph. You would need to be at my place by about midnight - I'd like to get away by 00:30 DST (half past midnight). If anyone comes, you can put your car in our garage after I get the van out, so it will be quite safe but might sport a few cat pawprints!

The MTSAT satellite image (http://realtime2.bsch.au.com/vis_sat2.html?region=brisbane&loop=no&images=&allday=&start=&stop=#nav) shows the cloud cover thinning as you near Tenterfield. I overlaid it with a Google map and put the major towns on. I'll check again tomorrow night.