View Full Version : Where can I buy CRI 90+ full spectrum fluro bulbs?

21-12-2011, 10:30pm
Hi, I am trying to source some 5500k E27 85W CRI>90 fluro bulbs for a continuous light kit for photog and video. having no luck so far finding something locally. kit comes with CRI 86 bulbs. Any suggestions appreciated. Thanks

21-12-2011, 10:45pm
Have you tried a specialist lighting shop, Beacon ??
Maybe, and there really shouldn't be any reason why they couldn't, they can order them for you, they would be a fairly specialist item so would expect them to be on the shelf

Maybe somewhere like - http://www.johnbarry.com.au/

And it would be worth giving these guys a cal, probably can't buy direct from them but they do have a huge range of globes, though you won't see them on the website - http://www.fvextras.com/

21-12-2011, 11:19pm
Thanks Mark,

Didn't even think of places like Beacon. I'll give fvextras a go tomorrow. my google escapade has lead me to look at horticultural growing lamps of all things ha. worth a shot.

23-12-2011, 7:20pm
Beacon won't usually have them.

Generally a specialist photographic store, such as Vanbar(in Fitzroy) or Kayell.

I've tried Beacon once or twice, and the sales staff look at you like ... :confused: when you mention 'high CRI'.

If you are close to the Hawthorn area, there is a specialist lighting wholesaler/retailer the name of which I can't ever remember.
But they're in Thomas St in Hawthorn .. number escapes me too, but they're an obvious and prominent lighting business on the east side of the street(which is one way).
They didn't have any when I last went in there about a year back, but he did recommend to me some cheapish well balanced lighting products he also had there, and I've been more than happy with them for my study so far.

Kayell and Vanbar are probably you're best bet tho.

23-12-2011, 10:46pm
thanks, good old google map shows a place called GMT Lighting Specialist on Thomas St. I am guessing this is the place and not the adult products wholesaler opposite lol. Will give all 3 of them a shot. These things are darn hard to track down locally. Spoke to a tech guy at Nelson Lamps and they didnt have anything of the same wattage or CRI. Osram doesn't seem to have something similar either. Viva Lite have 93-96 CRI bulbs but only in low wattages.

thanks again

24-12-2011, 12:16am
That's the tacker! GMT .. :th3:

I know I got the receipt for my two globes, but buckley's chance of finding it.

The way I see it, is that power of the globe is only important if you want to work in your room during the daytime in a well lit room.

Outside lighting can overwhelm the light balance within the room.

A few years back I asked my sis if she could get me some thick black material so that I could use them as curtains/shades to block out outside ambient lighting.
Of course she came back with white curtains(which I kind of already have) ... :Doh:

The globe in my study is 30W(CFL) and the room is quite small, so even though I get huge variations in the lighting conditions, it's not so bad as this powerful room light does cast a strong enough consistent light quality. Sunset is hard as my windows are west facing .. so I tend not to do any PP during this time.

26-12-2011, 11:25am
Interesting, might have to get some black curtains too. Don't think i'll hear from anyone till after the holidays. will post back if if someone actually sells those hi wattage hi CRI daylight CFL's for others to source.

04-01-2012, 10:24pm
I'd be interested in the details Iammuc, if you do happen to find a supplier.
