View Full Version : Less than Amateur!!!

21-12-2011, 12:54pm
I had to share this...............I nearly wet myself from laughing!
My friend was around with her 7wo grandaughter and I was doing the obliguatory xmas shots for them!

I asked my friend to grab my camera and take a shot of me and the Chubba....(the baby, lol)
She stood there and stared at the camera hesitantly, I told her that unless she actually picked it up, no shot would be had....it wasn't that advanced!!
She picked it up and looked down the barrel stating that she could see us, but how did she take the photo.............I looked up and this is what I saw, :confused013 lol

After much laughter and silliness we set her on the right track................eventually!!
Only to be told after a 1/2 dozen shots that she had better give it back before she wasted all my film!!!!!!

I guarantee that we will never let her live this one down :lol2:

Tom J McDonald
21-12-2011, 12:56pm
She was obviously trying to take a photo of the 'apple of her eye'!

21-12-2011, 1:32pm
Lol. Great story. Cheers

21-12-2011, 2:03pm
Should be in the "Self-Portrait" section.:D

21-12-2011, 2:27pm
those settings, 2.8 and iso100 would never work anyway :xmas31:

21-12-2011, 2:31pm
those settings, 2.8 and iso100 would never work anyway :xmas31:


21-12-2011, 2:31pm
Hahaha I hope it was a Macro lens :eek:

Mark L
21-12-2011, 8:38pm
"Can you move a bit closer please."

21-12-2011, 9:03pm
Fantastic! Love it - did you have to get her to recompose so you could take her photo?

22-12-2011, 2:20am
Say cheeeeeze. I guess you have to start somewhere. :beer_mug::beer_mug::beer_mug:

22-12-2011, 9:22am
Mongo sees nothing wrong with people using his exclusive technique

22-12-2011, 9:36am
Funny. :xmas31:

22-12-2011, 10:46am
Good she wasn't trying to look through the flash!

She may have been momentarily blinded and then stumble and drop the camera!

22-12-2011, 12:26pm
Fantastic! Love it - did you have to get her to recompose so you could take her photo?

Unbelievably NO.............I was sitting at my computer so grabbed my iphone and snapped it before we explained what to do, lol.........