View Full Version : D4 - here it comes

20-12-2011, 9:12am
8th January watch for the D4 announcement and also the 85 1.8G



20-12-2011, 9:34am
Interesting place to put an LCD display on the side of the penta prism.
What's it for?

20-12-2011, 9:48am

JM Tran
20-12-2011, 10:14am
not sure if thats a fake or not, but the side LCD makes sense to me

when I am in the thick of shooting the camera is held close to my face but down towards the right, so a side LCD makes for quick glances a lot faster than in the usual spot where I have to turn the camera more to view it.

20-12-2011, 10:17am
Interesting place to put an LCD display on the side of the penta prism.
What's it for?
It's a countdown timer to the release of the D5...

I @ M
20-12-2011, 11:39am
Interesting place to put an LCD display on the side of the penta prism.
What's it for?

Video timing, after all, that is the most important thing in a DSLR isn't it?

20-12-2011, 12:54pm
I'll just stick with my box brownie (D700)

20-12-2011, 4:15pm
Kiwi you have not told us why this is not just more rumour and speculation - what is the basis that makes you believe this to be ture ?

20-12-2011, 4:37pm
triangulated from three sources, but yes, not from nikon as yet

20-12-2011, 7:21pm
That lens also looks interesting.

it looks like the new 21-76mm f/2.8 Asph SuperED N VRIII AF-S lens that my uncle's sister's smartest son has leaked some info about!

Of course I didn't believe him, as he's generally a deranged lunatic that incessantly chatters on about all manner of things he knows very little about ... but it looks pretty close :p

If you know anything about geo position theory, 3 points of triangulation can give you a point of reference but is unreliable for precise information.
It's subject to errors(of varying scale) .. and so for a more accurate picture, a fourth confirmation point is required.

That's how GPS works and without that 4th sat signal, DOP values are too high to rely on for important work .. the fourth sat signal reduces all DOPs to within tolerable allowances.
As all mid to top end Nikon cameras are GPS compatible, here at KAOS we only rely on four sources of signal for assured accuracy .. not the questionable 3 sources.

And don't just assume that because it's called TRIangulation that you must only use three sources .. that's the second time someone has fallen for that trick this month! :D

20-12-2011, 7:40pm
It's a Nikon so just use triangulation to get rid of it lol Just kidding - could be interesting if it makes it onto the market:xmas31:

Slammin Sammy
20-12-2011, 10:46pm
I want a D800. Anyone beaming that one yet?:rolleyes:

20-12-2011, 11:12pm
It's a Nikon so just use triangulation to get rid of it lol .....

For some reason I read this as strangulation, but then I read it properly .. and besides Nikon's a far too rugged to be strangled into oblivion :D

Otherwise, are you suggesting that we all throw out our GPS capable Nikon bodies into space to create our own triangulation system, from which we get even greater terrestrial based geo positional accuracy?

:Doh: .. all this talk of triangulation is making me see double!

21-12-2011, 5:19am
Funny time of year for a release, middle of the Northern winter. But considering Nikon's devastating issues surrounding its manufacturing division, perhaps they have decided to just go for it, when it is ready, rather than use the protocol of a semi-regular cycle.

Agree with Andrew, the prism LCD is probably a video related display.

Early 2012 could be interesting, or Kiwi could be feeding us porkies...time will tell on both. We either get a great new flagship Nikon, or Kiwi goes down as a Daily Mirror worthy reporter.

21-12-2011, 6:12am
The PMA starts Jan 12th

21-12-2011, 6:25am
that lcd location looks wrong. when you shoot portrait you cant see it cause its under the camera. oh well... you can still buy me one for my birthday darren :p

21-12-2011, 6:53am
It is so Nikon have some sort of answer to the 1DX - after all, they don't want Nikonians salivating over the opposition now do they??

21-12-2011, 7:07am
I very seriously doubt that the LCD is a Nikon idea ... more like someone with too much photoshop skilz and time on their hands idea of a D4.

I don't think Nikon would ruin the sculpture of the body just to place a silly needless LCD over a vital area such as the prism housing!

21-12-2011, 8:04am
I cant vouch for the picture, but Id be staggered if the D4 wasnt out very soon next year or Nikon will miss the boat with the Olympics etc and they will not let that happen.

Chris Michel
21-12-2011, 9:29am
Well this was floating around on a european website... perhaps this is more realistic of a design for the new 4D


Mod Edit. You must not post images that you do not own the copyright to.

21-12-2011, 9:33am
Forget the D4, I just want an AFS 80-400, I,m sick of my slow 80-400.

Didn't mean to hijack the thread; but I,m cranky.


21-12-2011, 10:46am
LOL on the ziess D4! :D

apart from the shopped garbage of phone and nero buttons and BR tray, that screen woudl be a ripper and the setup of all the other stuff looks nice.
A touch screen for navigation and camera control would be cool in place of the joystick controller.

Handiest button tho is definitely the umbrella button!
Probably dual use as a flash bounce device and as an all weather protective device :p

22-12-2011, 6:56pm
I'll believe it once it is announced via the Nikon website. All others are just a bunch of speculators. NR have disappointed me several times throughout 2011. All they do is adjust the date if their "prediction" is wrong.

05-01-2012, 4:08pm

According to Nikonrumors.com there is a press article dated 10/01/12 that shows the D4 is being released, probably on Jan 8th as previously noted with full retail price at $6K ($US I assume) but expect a bit less actual once they start hitting shelves. The specs are also there, and to be honest while the video may be better, slightly higher resolution and ISO, I can't see the value in this at almost $6K when mint D3s bodies with very low shutter counts are selling for a fraction above $4K.

NR also say they are now 90% sure the pics leaked a few weeks back will be the real deal.

Also the release of the anticipated 85/1.8G @ $500

JM Tran
05-01-2012, 4:20pm

According to Nikonrumors.com there is a press article dated 10/01/12 that shows the D4 is being released, probably on Jan 8th as previously noted with full retail price at $6K ($US I assume) but expect a bit less actual once they start hitting shelves. The specs are also there, and to be honest while the video may be better, slightly higher resolution and ISO, I can't see the value in this at almost $6K when mint D3s bodies with very low shutter counts are selling for a fraction above $4K.

NR also say they are now 90% sure the pics leaked a few weeks back will be the real deal.

Also the release of the anticipated 85/1.8G @ $500

brand new D3s body is $4485AUD from DWI, and hovers around $4500AUD average overseas, and 2nd hand D3s overseas are definitely under 4 grand.

05-01-2012, 5:40pm
DSLRs are dead... http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/showthread.php?97570-DSLRs-are-dead-long-live-quot-3rd-gen-cameras-quot&p=965468#post965468 Maybe :efelant:

05-01-2012, 5:58pm
I've just acquired a new K5 so I don't give a Rats !

05-01-2012, 6:01pm
brand new D3s body is $4485AUD from DWI, and hovers around $4500AUD average overseas, and 2nd hand D3s overseas are definitely under 4 grand.

Show me a mint, low shutter count one sub $4K and I will buy it.

JM Tran
05-01-2012, 10:09pm
Show me a mint, low shutter count one sub $4K and I will buy it.

go search on www.fredmiranda.com, I have seen a few lately due to announcements of the D4, with the original D3 being dumped at good prices.

why buy a 2nd hand one for just under 4k when you can buy one from DWI for $4485?:confused013

05-01-2012, 10:44pm
That is a good buy. Why risk buying other peoples problems.?
If I had the cash (and an understanding wife :action: ) , I'd be online now ordering a D3s before my Inner Circle has melted the ice.:D

06-01-2012, 12:11am
go search on www.fredmiranda.com, I have seen a few lately due to announcements of the D4, with the original D3 being dumped at good prices.

why buy a 2nd hand one for just under 4k when you can buy one from DWI for $4485?:confused013

It's one of the places I have bought and sold a fair bit of gear, and there has been 1 only in the past weeks that was $3950, but far from mint, and lots of shutter actuations. There are several right now, at the price I quoted, fractionally above $4K for 1 or 2 and more than a new one from DWI for others.

I figure, mint with 2-3K actuations would be worth the $500+ saving over the DWI one if such could be had for that price, but all my persistent searching and very close watching of FM has shown it can't quite yet be done. I think if the D4 is on shelves for very close to US$6K, the price of the D3s both used and remaining new stock may go up! I'm also tempted to wait and see if the D700 replacement appears soon after and what those specs are...

JM Tran
06-01-2012, 12:39am
I figure, mint with 2-3K actuations would be worth the $500+ saving over the DWI one if such could be had for that price

Once again, I am curious over your rationality in 'wanting' to save half a grand by buying a SECOND HAND product over a NEW PRODUCT at a $500 difference, you would rather buy from an individual mostly likely over in the US, compared to a highly reputable online shop with reps in all major states in Australia, including your local state? I dont understand the rationale of spending a very high amount for your equipment, yet wanting to save a measly $500 to buy a high end camera (with high end repair/servicing charges) from an individual in another country in a 2nd hand condition - mint or not it is still 2nd hand, when you can buy one brand new and un-used and comes from the same factory with fresh warranty.....for $500 more......hmmmmm

JM Tran
06-01-2012, 12:39am
*double post error*

06-01-2012, 10:29am
in mag review, need to be able to read french :)


06-01-2012, 11:10am
Once again, I am curious over your rationality in 'wanting' to save half a grand by buying a SECOND HAND product over a NEW PRODUCT at a $500 difference, you would rather buy from an individual mostly likely over in the US, compared to a highly reputable online shop with reps in all major states in Australia, including your local state? I dont understand the rationale of spending a very high amount for your equipment, yet wanting to save a measly $500 to buy a high end camera (with high end repair/servicing charges) from an individual in another country in a 2nd hand condition - mint or not it is still 2nd hand, when you can buy one brand new and un-used and comes from the same factory with fresh warranty.....for $500 more......hmmmmm

The warranty you note JT is DWI's warranty, not Nikon's and I don't know how good or bad that would be?? I have bought things from very reputable, highly praised and long time members at FM who have not registered Nikon warranty cards, they have the invoice with no buyers name on it, and so balance of the USA warranty applies, and that's Nikon USA warranty, not a grey market seller warranty.

$500 is certainly not a huge sum, but any saving is a good one. As noted, I am waiting to see what the D4 will cost once on the shelf, and what if any D700 replacement may pop up before dropping the $$. If a bargain D3s were to appear, I may be tempted, but for a D3s from DWI @ $4500 Vs a D4 @ say $5500, I would spend the extra $1K and get a brand new D4, instead of a D3s which is an almost 2/12 year old model.

JM Tran
06-01-2012, 11:21am
The warranty you note JT is DWI's warranty, not Nikon's and I don't know how good or bad that would be?? I have bought things from very reputable, highly praised and long time members at FM who have not registered Nikon warranty cards, they have the invoice with no buyers name on it, and so balance of the USA warranty applies, and that's Nikon USA warranty, not a grey market seller warranty.

$500 is certainly not a huge sum, but any saving is a good one. As noted, I am waiting to see what the D4 will cost once on the shelf, and what if any D700 replacement may pop up before dropping the $$. If a bargain D3s were to appear, I may be tempted, but for a D3s from DWI @ $4500 Vs a D4 @ say $5500, I would spend the extra $1K and get a brand new D4, instead of a D3s which is an almost 2/12 year old model.

that would be Nikon HK or Nikon Japan's warranty, or wherever any Nikon or Canon etc is sold from, a seller such as DWI does not offer warranty from factory themselves, but act as the go-between in facilitating any repairs or servicing required, like Harvey Norman selling Sony products. Just like when customers came into the Camera House I was at for thing they had bought duty free overseas or from grey importers - we tell them you have the choice of either returning it to the manufacturer themselves, or to the store where you bought it from - it doesnt make much of a difference as long as there is a proof of purchase and a warranty/ID card.

06-01-2012, 2:29pm

TOKYO - Nikon Corporation is pleased to announce the release of the Nikon D4, a Nikon FX-format camera that serves as the new flagship model in Nikon's lineup of digital-SLR cameras. Nikon will be exhibiting the D4 at the 2012 International CES, to be held Tuesday, January 10 through Friday, January 13 in Las Vegas, Nevada. This electronics exhibition is open to the public.

The D4 is equipped with a new Nikon FX-format CMOS image sensor (imaging size of 36.0 x 23.9 mm) and EXPEED 3, the latest image-processing engine specifically optimized for digital-SLR cameras, making it the next-generation flagship Nikon digital-SLR camera with the ultimate in versatility and functionality that offers superior image quality rich in detail along with excellent high-speed performance. It has an effective pixel count of 16.2-million pixels, and offers superior image quality under a broad range of lighting conditions with its image sensor supporting an incredible range of sensitivities from ISO 50 to ISO 204800


TOKYO - Nikon Corporation is pleased to announce the release of the AF-S NIKKOR 85mm f/1.8G, a fast, medium-telephoto fixed focal length lens with a focal length of 85 mm and a maximum aperture of f/1.8 compatible with the Nikon FX-format.

The AF-S NIKKOR 85mm f/1.8G is the new addition to the FX-format lens lineup. It utilizes an all new optical design allowing users to enjoy shooting portraits with pleasing blur characteristics only possible through fixed focal length lenses. Even with a fast maximum aperture of f/1.8, the AF-S NIKKOR 85mm f/1.8G is very lightweight at roughly 350 g, allowing users to easily carry their camera around with this lens mounted. The Silent Wave Motor (SWM) ensures not only quiet autofocus operations, but also makes autofocus shooting possible when the lens is used with entry-level Nikon DX-format digital-SLR cameras such as the D5100 and D3100, which are not equipped with an autofocus drive motor.

06-01-2012, 2:31pm
edited, as Gerry had just beaten me to it.

Looks good, even though I'm a Canon git. :-)

06-01-2012, 2:40pm
edited, as Gerry had just beaten me to it.

Looks good, even though I'm a Canon git. :-)

sorry dude, i hate when that happens :)

I am glad they went for the 16megapixel sensor, that i think was a prudent choice.

06-01-2012, 2:43pm
Hallelujah !

Art Vandelay
06-01-2012, 2:59pm

A multi-media DSLR ?

I wonder what apps you can get for it ? :p

06-01-2012, 3:20pm

HERE YOU GO!!!!!!!!!

06-01-2012, 3:55pm
the 85 looks good to my budget, and if the recent 35 and 50 primes are any indicator, this should be a winner in sharpness and contrast!
glad i offloaded the 85/1.4D. as good as it was, the low contrast doesn't suit my tastes.

06-01-2012, 3:56pm

06-01-2012, 8:47pm
I can't be the one to first post the news, but I can be the first to start a thred entitled "Should I buy the D4 or wait for the D5?" :)

JM Tran
06-01-2012, 10:08pm
I can't be the one to first post the news, but I can be the first to start a thred entitled "Should I buy the D4 or wait for the D5?" :)

I really think you should wait for the D5, or at least a D5x as you need the latest and greatest for the best photos possible, its only another 4 years:D

06-01-2012, 10:25pm
woo hoo, now for the wait till we can get one :)

07-01-2012, 7:07am
woo hoo, now for the wait till we can get one :)

Sort of like us waiting for your next post. 3 1/2 years membership and 6 posts. Reckon the D5 will be out before you post again :D

07-01-2012, 8:32am
Some sites are now showing a pre-order, with a price of AUD $9,990.00, which considering the AUD position against the USD, I reckon will mean a LOT of grey market purchases of this one.

07-01-2012, 8:47am
Only a 35mm 16mp sensor? Meh !! :Doh:

07-01-2012, 8:54am
Some sites are now showing a pre-order, with a price of AUD $9,990.00, which considering the AUD position against the USD, I reckon will mean a LOT of grey market purchases of this one.

I think they just enter that into their respective database at that price as the official Australian pricing may not have been released. I received an invitation to pre-order from one of Aus biggest Nikon pro dealers, and they want a $500 deposit with no confirmed pricing, however they guarantee to match or beat any price on Aus genuine stock.

B&H has pre-order available at the USA RRP of $5999. I agree if the local pricing isn't near to that of USA, HK etc then plenty will be ordered grey, mine included.

07-01-2012, 9:16am
Only a 35mm 16mp sensor? .....


expect high quality ISO 104K images then ;)

07-01-2012, 11:54am
16mp is fine for the intended use.

some brands dont even offer 35mm sensors :Doh::Doh:

basically noise free at any sane iso? i'll take 2

07-01-2012, 3:01pm
Only a 35mm 16mp sensor? Meh !! :Doh:
On samples I can find from official sites, at native ISO fine details are not as good as the ones from the 16mpix of the D7000 or even the 12mpix of the D2X.

For a FX format, 36mpix would be nice !

07-01-2012, 5:11pm
some brands dont even offer 35mm sensors

Yeah they have 40mp MF sensors instead :p

Seriously, the D4 will be a rippa! The price seems waaay high, but it looks like the ants pants for now.

07-01-2012, 5:25pm
Just looking at the videos about the D4 makes me really want to get one. I've even entertained the idea of selling my D700 and D7000. :eek: However, as a hobbyist, I don't think my Minister of Finance will approve the new purchase.

The D800 will be much more realistic for me if the performance at higher ISO will be better than the D700.

07-01-2012, 5:39pm
For a FX format, 36mpix would be nice !

Nikon currently have one of the best camera body lineups available, with the D7000, D300s(and it's successor will be complementary) and the D700(same deal with successor), D3s(as D4 has shown) and D3x.

This low light version has its place in the lineup same as D3/D3s was, so this gives Nikon the room to add a D4x, with it's 30+ Mp to satisfy pixel peeping people.

I can't see any reason for Nikon not to stay with the current(old) lineup they've had for the past 2-3 years.

Problem child, in a sense, is the D700! If it goes with a higher res sensor, and hence less low ability then they lose the ability to slot in a D4x, which would give them a higher turnover count.
Question is, will they still give us a 5DmkIII competitor and do a standard D800 based either on this sensor or even the D3s sensor plus better video ability than it had in the D3s.

I'd be more than happy with an incremental increase to 16Mp, as long as light gathering ability is the priority.

I reckon there'd be room in their lineup for both a D800(my type of camera) and a D800x for those that need the higher Mp count.

My real problem is ... where on Earth am I going to find $6K! :D

07-01-2012, 7:44pm
Even as a Canon user, I reckon this new D4 looks pretty good. I love the backlit buttons for night-time use.
Many of the specs are similar to the new Canon 1Dx too which shows that both of these major companies are thinking in very similar ways.
It's also interesting to note that both the D4 and the 1Dx aren't offering huge Mpx, but both are crowing about their fantastic low light abilities.
They reckon you can take a perfectly exposed and focussed picture of a black cat's rear end in a coal pit at midnight, without a flash!
Even if you can't see it in real life!

I've read may posts about guys saying that they don't really want lots of Mpxs, but would prefer relatively less pixels, but bigger ones, and both of the companies has answered.

Now for all those new super focussing systems, high fps and fantastic low-light performance to filter down the more affordable models................

We should rejoice! :)

07-01-2012, 8:00pm
focusing with an f/8 lens combo sounds interesting.

I just wished I had an AF version of the 500mm mirror lens! :p
(that'd be reason enough to go with a D4 instead of a D800!)

07-01-2012, 8:26pm
So, who's gonna start a D5 rumour ?

I think i'll just keep shooting the old clunker i have (d700) :D

08-01-2012, 2:25am
Gosh it is almost 6000 US$ :lol:

08-01-2012, 9:40am
I just picked up a D3s for a ridiculous price, so no D4 for me now until I see some proof of it's performance, and then I may sell off the D700 to partly fund the D4.

Lance B
08-01-2012, 10:36am
Yep. I sure hope the D800 is 36Mp and has as good (or better!) high ISO of the D700 and DR of the D7000. I can then use the D800 for birding and sell off my D7000 as I can crop the D800 to the same size as the D7000 for the same pixel density! :D

Lance B
08-01-2012, 10:43am
Nikon currently have one of the best camera body lineups available, with the D7000, D300s(and it's successor will be complementary) and the D700(same deal with successor), D3s(as D4 has shown) and D3x.

This low light version has its place in the lineup same as D3/D3s was, so this gives Nikon the room to add a D4x, with it's 30+ Mp to satisfy pixel peeping people.

I can't see any reason for Nikon not to stay with the current(old) lineup they've had for the past 2-3 years.

Problem child, in a sense, is the D700! If it goes with a higher res sensor, and hence less low ability then they lose the ability to slot in a D4x, which would give them a higher turnover count.
Question is, will they still give us a 5DmkIII competitor and do a standard D800 based either on this sensor or even the D3s sensor plus better video ability than it had in the D3s.

I'd be more than happy with an incremental increase to 16Mp, as long as light gathering ability is the priority.

I reckon there'd be room in their lineup for both a D800(my type of camera) and a D800x for those that need the higher Mp count.

My real problem is ... where on Earth am I going to find $6K! :D

I think youi'll find that the D800 will have at least as good high ISO ability as the D700, yet the DR ability of the D7000, so a win win situation. In otherwords, you will not be getting anything less than the D700 with regards to high ISO and DR, but with the added benefit of 36Mp and 100% VF and other advancements. :D

For people like me, a 36Mp D800 means that my D7000 is now redundant as a crop sensor camera for "reach" as when I crop the D800 to D7000 APS C size, the pixel count is the same.

08-01-2012, 5:58pm
I think(judging by Nikon's typical pricing philosophy) that if the D800 has 36Mp, and a 100% viewfinder it'll be too expensive to compete against the 5DMkIII, if that camera stays at a similar spec level to the current model .... and also against any new Sony full frame sensor cameras too.

It'll also fill in a gap where a future D4x type model would slot in nicely ... which must surely reap in huge profit for Nikon on a unit basis.

A higher res D800 would be a marketing nightmare for Nikon with no room for movement above the D4, and a huge hole below that as well.
I couldn't see a 36Mp D800 coming in below about US$5K, which would still leave the D700 as the fill in between D400 and D800 .. otherwise a massive price gap!

It'll ruin and otherwise very workable(current) lineup.
One thing that this line up could have done with is a D700x tho!
Closer although still lower than the D3s in price terms for those that wanted a higher res sensor but didn't need the super pro body type.

If you want super high res imaging solution, then Dx is always the way to go .. and a D400 is likely to be the best option in the immediate future, which will have a higher pixel density than a 36Mp Fx sensor.

Anyhow, we'll know soon enough what's on the horizon .. hopefully next week.

From what I've seen of D4 ISO25600 images, they look clean(and this is still early days yet) and possibly 1 stop cleaner than the D3s was, in terms of colour noise on a black area.
Looked very good.

08-01-2012, 8:38pm
FWIW, my feeling is that a D800 will be as the rumours suggests. 36MP and come in around $4500 USD intro price.
It will exceed the D3x in most of its paper specs, just as the D7000 has done so over the D300s. I don't think the 5D3 will be a direct competitor at all. A 5D3 will be in a lower price bracket and specced accordingly.
In this scenario though, of course there's a massive price gap to the next Nikon model. Whether this gap will be filled by an FX or DX (or both), I'm not sure. D700 may continue to be sold, with a possible 's' or 'x' update or no update at all.
But this raises another question of the number of pro body lines that are being made.
Where are all the pro bodies being made now? Sendai, Malaysia?
Assuming the factories are still only tooled for 2 pro lines and if the leaked D800 bodies are to be believed, a D700 or D700-like update has either already been produced and stockpiled or a lower end FX will be in a D800-like body.
Then there's the sensor question. What sensor might be in an imaginary lower end FX?
Too many questions I know, and going a bit offtopic.

Back to the D4. Looks great. Very 1Dx like and both will be go toe-to-toe in the field, with each having a slight edge in certain categories I reckon.
Specs look very much targeted for speed and workflow. Far fewer switchers this round.

09-01-2012, 9:24am
I know we always say spec's are close or less/better than the other brands version and we do comparo's and reviews, but seriously, unless there were huge differences - no one will changes their system anyhow.
I dont believe many users even changed to canon because the 5dm2 did video so well, especially when you could buy a dedicated video cam for under $1500.
Now that nikon has released a full featured video/slr cam their is no reason to jump and the same applies to canon.
Its really how many $$$ you are prepared to spend and whether your current equip no longer meets your demand.

So, how many pro photogs were willing to jump before this cam because their current camera didnt have the goods that this camera does ?
( because the the other mob did have the right camera.)

and finally, now this camera is released, how many will buy because it has what they "need" (not to be confused with WANT) ?