View Full Version : What to do with 100 door stoppers!

Dylan & Marianne
19-12-2011, 9:40pm
Well, my 100 copies of 'Tasmania a Visual Journey' have arrived and so far, I've sold a grand total of 3 haha
The books look great save for one I've found with a page tear.
As a surprise, I didn't know that one of my 2008 pictures ended up being used as a back spread
So, I wonder if in a few months time, I'll have some very expensive door stoppers :P

Here's a pic of the books

19-12-2011, 9:51pm

I'm sure in a few months time, you'll be re ordering another 100 door stoppers to meet demand! :D

Dylan & Marianne
19-12-2011, 10:01pm
haha I'm not so sure arthur - chances of that are high in tassie but here in SA??
well, I'm down to 95 door stoppers now WOO

20-12-2011, 3:19pm
I reckon you need another trip to Tassie on a sales mission :)
Alternately, when you open your own gallery in the near future, they will sell like hotcakes :th3:

20-12-2011, 3:32pm
sell them at a stall at your local art/craft market. :)

make sure one goes to the state and national libraries, to be preserved for all to see even when you have stopped having them printed. and dont forget to drop into your local library and see if they want to buy one. often they put books of local artists/authors in local history collections. :)

best of luck mate. i think they looks tops.

Dylan & Marianne
21-12-2011, 10:45am
thanks for the suggestions! I hadn't even thought of the local library but will definitely check em out.
ps. 90 left !