View Full Version : I need an "I am NOT a photographer" shirt. I feel so bad.

16-12-2011, 1:15pm
At a baptism on the weekend, it was being held outdoors at close to midday, so I had my 60D with the speedlite on it for fill-flash, and the lens hood on as where we were all made to stand had us all facing towards the sun quite a bit.

The first two people baptised had no family present, so as a favour for a friend of theirs, I took some photos of their baptism for them, then the next two people baptised were MY family members that I was there to take photos of, and so of course I took some photos of them, but then I stopped taking pictures and got out of the way in case anyone else was taking pictures of their family.

However, after the event, one of the ladies came up and asked me how she buys the pictures of her Son's baptism. When I told her that I hadn't taken any. She looked crestfallen and said she'd thought I was there to photograph the event, and so she hadn't bothered trying to take photos because she assumed mine would be better than any she could take with her phone.

Oh My GOD I feel absolutely dreadful!!!
Firstly, I'd have happily taken some for her even though I'm nothing more than a learner myself if she'd asked me before hand, but to have someone take none themself because they mistook my gear for meaning I was some kind of paid pro, has left me devastated. I'm going to have to get some kind of warning sign made to hang around my neck.
I'm pretty sure she'll be able to round up some pictures from everyone else that was there, many of whom were taking pictures of everyone, so I guess she'll be able to find some pictures in the end. But what a horrible experience. It's made me feel afraid to take out my camera at any event ever again (either that or photograph everyone in case someone wants copies).

With every other person there pointing their phones at the people being baptised, or at best using small P&S cameras, I can see how my camera might have made her think that I was some kind of paid Tog, but for Pete's sake, I'd hardly be standing with everyone else if I was, I'd have probably had free access, or at least more access.
Damn I feel so bad about it all. It's not like someone can get baptised again so she can get the pictures she missed out on.

How do you NOT look like a photographer when using a DSLR while everyone else has phones and P&S cameras in hand?

JM Tran
16-12-2011, 1:22pm
dont feel too bad, its her fault for assuming that you were the primary photographer, and you have no obligations towards her anyway.

making assumptions is always dangerous:)

if you really wanna blend in as a guest with a big camera, smile more and interact with those around u, and act casually and enjoy yourself, do things a working pro cant do when they are concentrating on the job at hand.

16-12-2011, 1:54pm
How do you NOT look like a photographer when using a DSLR while everyone else has phones and P&S cameras in hand?

walk around with your fly undone might do it:D

16-12-2011, 2:06pm
I would have thought using a Canon would have been enough :lol:

16-12-2011, 2:10pm
G'day Ez

Perhaps you need a P&S shooter for some occasions :cool:
AND ....
oh Mudman > you are so awful :eek:

Regards, Phil

16-12-2011, 3:17pm
Don't let it bother you she is the one that made the wrong assumption and it is something that will always happen, similar to being allowed into an event with a compact zoom P&S capable of 400mm+ equivelent but they wouldn't let me in with my 18-250 on a 400D.

16-12-2011, 4:10pm
I would have thought using a Canon would have been enough :lol:

Yeah, but amateurs won't know one brand of camera from another, so that's only going to work with other photographers who are there.

16-12-2011, 6:17pm
walk around with your fly undone might do it:D

Then she'd know for sure he WAS a paid tog!
It would also help to wear a virtually worn-out suit too, from many of the pro togs I've seen at weddings.

Don't blame yourself, it was the ladies boo-boo.
She assumed..and we all know what ass-u-me stands for!
Even IF you were a paid tog, she should have asked you directly to take shots of her relatives BEFORE they came up in the limelight.

Mark L
16-12-2011, 8:01pm
...., so as a favour for a friend of theirs, I took some photos of their baptism for them, then the next two people baptised were MY family members that I was there to take photos of, and so of course I took some photos of them,....

Only feel bad if these photos turned out bad. You should be focusing (mmmm) on the favour you did for the others. :th3:

17-12-2011, 10:05pm

How do you NOT look like a photographer when using a DSLR while everyone else has phones and P&S cameras in hand?

Get some lurid coloured armour protection for the camera.

more importantly, forget it. It's not your fault.

29-12-2011, 9:04pm
babies all look the same, yeah?
I have a cunning plan.

04-01-2012, 11:15am
To assume makes an ass out of you and me... What a shame for her. I see the opposite all the time at weddings where there is obviousley an official photographer, but everyone seems to NEED to get that perfect shot on their iphone

04-01-2012, 11:31am
Seems there's a gap in market :) Baptisms...who'd a thought

04-01-2012, 2:36pm
Not the kind of baptism you might have been thinking of.
These were adults getting the full dunking kind of baptism.


04-01-2012, 3:09pm
Ha! Can't believe the very same thing happen twice to 2 different people.

Happened to me as well, just couple of weeks ago - 2 families (both friends of mine) were having baptism, which included 2 x babies. I automatically become their designated photographer.

There is another girl (which I do not know her personally) also having baptism the same day.

After the event, her bf come up to me and ask me kindly to check her gf's photo! I was like "Huh?!?!" and he just assume I will take photos for her too!

I just said to him "sorry, I do not know her personally, so I didn't take any pics of her".

He's disappointed, but I don't feel bad about it. It was he making a wrong assumption. Having say that if he asked me beforehand, I am quite happy to do it.

At the

GTP 290
05-01-2012, 9:09pm
I have no problem when attending events with people assuming that I have photos of them because thats what I mainly do!! As an event photographer I find that 90% of people just assume I work for the local newspaper and the other 10% actually ask me. I need a shirt made that states "I DO NOT WORK FOR THE NORTH WEST STAR" (local newspaper) however it is sometimes confusing as the paper occasionally buys images from me for print from events that they can not attend for any reason.