View Full Version : "Changing Styles"

15-12-2011, 2:09pm
Is it good to change your style of Photography , Or do you just get stuck in the rut of the same old same old , I change all the time :) Especially lately now that I have a certain style plan to keep to , Do you try to keep up with the latest styles and Ideas , Do you try new things , I do , Or do you stick with a good thing (And proven) and stagnate eventually into boredom , Just wondering if I'm on the right track , Like to here your ideas - Bill :)

15-12-2011, 2:42pm

15-12-2011, 4:17pm
You change often Willy !

Currumbin, Kirra, the 'Gatta, Burleigh.

Seriously, your favoured genre has two constantly changing elements, the sea and the sky.

There are infinite ways to weave them into the days tapestry. Holy snapping duck droppings, did I just say that? And only on my second stubby !

15-12-2011, 4:47pm
Hi Kev, I dont mean locations , I mean camerea techniques , POV, Composition , DOF etc , Somone thats making a lot of Money and big sponsers like this http://www.aquabumps.com/2011/12/05/mondayitis/ , If I put some of these up for CC I would get , That sky is blown out , The FG is blurry etc , But it works and he sells heaps , I tried the same type of thing today and got a comment about the FG not being sharp
, This one ( Sorry Graeme ) It's different I know , But is it hard to convert viewers to other ideas and styles , Hope this makes some sort of sense


15-12-2011, 5:47pm
I think its easy to fall into the comfort zone, especially when the images look good and they elicit good remarks and sales. For me the problem is the old demons, time and money. There are photographers who grasp or invent a concept just with sheer talent and master it quickly, then there is the likes of me, hours of practice with average results, going back to the drawing board and then occasionally hitting on a genre that I can feel at least competent in. However, I believe that you can run the risk of supressing talents that are yet to emerge. I think we all like a pat on the back, atta boy, but in this artform I believe that pushing your own personal boundries can in most cases be very rewarding for at least yourself regardless of others thoughts of the results. I am old school and struggle with some of the newer "arty" styles that abound and get rave reviews, but thats just a generation thing and no different to my mother in law saying that close cropping ruins an image, pick up any magazine and that style is the norm. At the end of the day, as long as you enjoy yourself its all good, and I would go as far to say a lot of people here at this forum enjoy your posts.
Andrew :th3:

15-12-2011, 5:53pm
Mate, my post was meant to be a bit 'tongue in cheek'.

But as I said
" Seriously, your favoured genre has two constantly changing elements, the sea and the sky. There are infinite ways to weave them into the days tapestry.

I can assure you that the work you are producing has a heap of appeal. Do not get sidetracked by overly techo pixel peepers.

I'm bloody positive that there is a big market out there for your stuff. Like any product, the challenge is how to tap it.

Do you speak Japanese, or Mandarin, or Korean? You probably don't see too many of those visitors down the southern end of the coast, but as I'm sure you are aware, they are thick on the ground from Broadbeach to Main Beach.

Maybe a Japanese website for starters?

Anyway, just throwing some ideas out there.

BTW, I rather liked the above pic. The soft blue tones, the vignette, and the understated action, all help make an interesting and soothing image.

15-12-2011, 6:00pm
:th3: Thanks for your thoughts Andrew, Yes I'm old school as well , But I'm very open to new ideas in Photography , Thats why I'm trying these new ideas and trends , I dont have a problem with the technical side of creating these styles and ideas , I guess I'm a bit apprehesive as to wether it will work or not , And yes I'm stepping out of my comfort zone , But enjoying it ;)

15-12-2011, 6:08pm
That is why Kiwi has 11,000+ posts, and you have only 4,000+ :lol:
I like to try different things all the time. I'm one of those "Can't Sit Still" types, and get easily board. And I love a challenge.
I'll see something on here, and think I'd like to try that. Then for the next week or so, I'll be out there giving it a go.
You could say I'm a jack of all genres, but master of none.

15-12-2011, 6:09pm
Hi William
Is it more the marketing of the images? I see lots of blown out, badly composed, weirded out images selling........for way more money than I think they deserve.....maybe the artists can sell ice to the eskimos's ? I have no idea what makes people buy the stuff that they do......but I also like to experiment with styles.....maybe we haven't found our 'own' style yet?

15-12-2011, 6:18pm
I'm with Geoff!!! I change constantly and will never say 'oh I can't do that'!! I am constantly pushing, trying, achieving, failing and doing it all again!!
I feel my favorite genre/style will shine through eventually, until then I will continue to try different things, be inspired by others and hopefully come up with an original thought lol!!!

Photography makes me happy and I love the challenge, it is my hobby and my greatest passion!! This enables me to continue to enjoy, I am not in this for monetary gain or for a career. They are not my goals, but having said that if the opportunities arise I would of course examine them as long as it never became a chore!!

We all have our own goals and mine is self satisfaction, so my 'style' will of course continually evolve!

JM Tran
15-12-2011, 6:23pm
every wedding cycle 'every financial year' I change the style of my wedding photography, in approach and also lighting techniques to keep it constantly fresh and engaging, and not do the same shite every time like many do when they fall into the comfort zone trap.

every year I change my commercial photography style to more and more upmarket and complex both visually and emotionally

every year I try to push the boundaries of my fine arts photography to tease or question the limits of human morals and ethics and accepted social norms

so yes, its good to try and push your skills and knowledge all the time. But only when it is suitable.

15-12-2011, 6:24pm
I'm with you too Seabee about changing all the time. I have only recently joined this forum last week and even only after 5 minutes of looking through some different photos tonight...Including yours, there are so many things I'd love to try myself. (I loved the gel balls and would be keen to hear about the techniques)
I have been very inspired by a lot of images and William...I too quite like you're image above and checked out the website quickly, there are some interesting photos!!

15-12-2011, 6:36pm
Ah , Good :th3:Thanks for the supportive comments guys , At least I'm not alone , I feel better now , And feel I'll keep on changing and developing my style with confidence :D

15-12-2011, 7:06pm
Although I have found a new reason to hate summer. I have to go to work early in the morning, and usually awake about 4:30 - 5:00am. I find it hard to get out late evening because I'm usually in bed no later than 9:30pm. I don't like taking the camera to work as security is an issue. And it is too hot to leave it locked away in the car. (Have a secret hideaway) And there is only so many sunsets/sunrises I can get from the veranda. Weekends the weather usually turns to crap, or there is something on that takes up all my attention.

The next adventure is family portraits. I have been asked to do a few for friends at work. They know I'm a hobbyist, and don't expect a lavish job. A friend is going to help me that is already an established photographer. But she has only limited knowledge of what we are about to do. But some is better than none.

old dog
15-12-2011, 7:13pm
if change is not comfortable or acceptable then we would tend to stagnate I reckon Bill. I hate being the same as someone else even copying another. I like what you do with the surf/beach scene but I don`t try to do the same. Personally I`d like to be an all rounder tog enjoying myself in the process.:th3: