View Full Version : Stolen Camera Equipment- Everton Park, Qld

15-12-2011, 9:54am
Hi Everyone,

Unfortunately this isn't a very nice first post but I need to get the word out.

I came home on Tuesday (13/12/11) to find my house had been broken into and the majority of my camera equipment gone. We have only just moved and had not arranged insurance yet. (major fail on my behalf) But i'm trying every option to see if I can recover something..

List of stolen Gear:

Canon EOS 5D MARK II Camera Serial# (21)3431607564

Canon EOS 550D Camera Serial# (21)1132518783

Olympus E-420 Dslr Camera

Canon lenses:

Canon EF 85mm 1.2 II L

Canon EF 135mm 2.0 L

Canon EFS 10-22mm F3.5-4.5

Canon EF 50mm F1.8 II

Canon EFS 18-55mm

Canon EFS 55-250mm

Cactus Digital V5 Wireless trigger unit x 2

Western Digital 750GB Portable Hard Drive ( Has stickers of shoes on it)

These items were stolen from Everton Park, Qld during the day yesterday between 7.30 am & 5pm 13/12/2011

If you hear or see any items that match these descriptions up for sale please let me know.

Sorry if this is the wrong place to put this.



15-12-2011, 10:04am
Wow. Not a very nice introduction to a new area when you've just moved there.
Hope everything works out for you. Knowing your serial numbers sure has to be a help with recovery etc.
Do the Police notify places like Cash Converters of the serial numbers to look out for? If not, maybe just let them know to be on the look out. Hope the hard drive wasn't your only copy of any images.
Good Luck with it.

15-12-2011, 11:07am
What a dreadful intro to the forum! Welcome anyway and hope you can at least get back the items you know the serial numbers for.

Was much else taken?

Lance B
15-12-2011, 11:09am
Sorry to hear this. I hope you get a satisfactory outcome.

15-12-2011, 11:17am

That hurts!

Mary Anne
15-12-2011, 4:11pm
So Sorry to read this.. That's a terrible thing to happen to you, and I hope you get them all back..

15-12-2011, 5:53pm
I cant remember where i read this but there's a software program that search the web (I think I read this @ whirlpool.net au) of photos and search the serial number through the exif search is your weapon.I has a high strike rate(ITs free)

I hope your future post can be more enlightening


15-12-2011, 6:12pm
I have moved your thread, The members meets forum is for MEMBERS MEETS only!

15-12-2011, 7:23pm
Welcome to AP.

What a rotten thing to happen after moving to a new location and just before Christmas.

Anyhow, the website cupic mentioned is http://www.stolencamerafinder.com/

Good Luck

old dog
15-12-2011, 8:15pm
hope they catch the lowlife mongrel.....and you get a nice set of gear again soon.

15-12-2011, 8:47pm
Don't forget to check, Ebay, Gumtree etc.

Good luck!

15-12-2011, 9:16pm
Very sad to hear, Richard :( I would be devastated...

I hope you track them down and recover your property somehow.

Good luck mate

15-12-2011, 10:37pm
Welcome to AP.

What a rotten thing to happen after moving to a new location and just before Christmas.

Anyhow, the website cupic mentioned is http://www.stolencamerafinder.com/

Good Luck

that site is a damn good idea. very clever.

good luck with getting the gear back

Lesley Bray
15-12-2011, 11:47pm
Hi Richard
Welcome to the forum ..... all I can say is I really feel for you ... I had $8,000 Canon gear stolen in November and still trying to find it. Hope you have some luck.

16-12-2011, 7:35am
We work so hard to get all our gear and when I read this I almost cried for you. Hope you have some luck with recovery and perhaps put an add in the paper with your serial numbers. cheers

16-12-2011, 9:19am
I hope this has a good outcome for you. My daughter is very casual with security of her cameras etc - I should show her this thread. Good luck.

16-12-2011, 10:19am
Sorry to here of the theft of your gear. Just a bit of a pointer to others on this site who think they have there gear covered by house and contents insurance, check your policy, I think you will be very disturbed to find that you may only be able to claim a very small portion of camera gear if stolen, I think some where in the region of $1000, and if you loose what Richard has just lost you are still not going to recover for some time. My advice is to take out separate insurance on your gear. I have mine insured for theft loss and damage world wide and from memory I pay about $175 a year.

16-12-2011, 10:18pm
Hi Richard
Welcome to the forum ..... all I can say is I really feel for you ... I had $8,000 Canon gear stolen in November and still trying to find it. Hope you have some luck.

Have u tried www.stolencamerafinder.com ?

17-12-2011, 12:07am
A good point to raise about having separate insurance, specifically for your gear.
I did it mainly for theft and also incase it gets damaged in some kind of car-related incident, as it's usually in the car with me on weekends/holidays etc.

Most car insurance policies will only cover you for like $500 or thereabouts for items in vehicle, which is practically useless.

I'm covered with Shannons for about 10k - everything is itemised, with serial no.'s etc.
Costs me about $150 per year, so well worth having.

Not gonna help the OP, but it could be a timely reminder to others who aren't insured yet, to get it asap.