View Full Version : 2012 is going to be an interesting year ...

12-12-2011, 3:28pm
After spending my whole adult life working in office administration, and after giving my future a great deal of thought, I resigned from my job last Friday. Every day was feeling like Groundhog Day, and I just couldn't face another 20-25 years until retirement (if I ever got that far) doing the same thing. Spending 8-9 hours a day sitting at a desk doing data entry wasn't doing much for my physical or emotional wellbeing, leaving me depressed and unmotivated for life in general.

So, I finish up on 20 January next year, and then I'll be concentrating on my health and fitness as well as putting some solid work into my photography and Photoshop skills to see where things take me. At the end of May, I'll be heading to the US until at least mid-November for an extended road trip. After that? Well, I'll just have to wait and see, but at least there won't be any regrets about paths not taken or opportunities missed.

Interesting times, indeed ... :D

12-12-2011, 4:07pm
Good luck to you Michaela. Commit to a sea change is a brave decision and you have done it. Lots of kudos to you.

12-12-2011, 4:22pm
Thanks, andylo. :) It's going to be Michaela's Grand Adventure. :th3:

Mark L
12-12-2011, 6:37pm
:th3::th3::th3::th3: Good one.
I'd bet London to a brick you won't regret it.

12-12-2011, 6:55pm
Go for it.

I dont believe in doing a job you arnt happy in.

We only get one crack at this life so why not be happy.

I wish you all the very best in your new venture.


12-12-2011, 7:39pm
How exciting for you Michaela. I fully understand the stuck at the desk syndrome, I did do that once, but now have a job that keeps me fairly active.

The travelling side , that is the best tonic and good on you. Hope we have time to catch up before your world travels. I am on holidays after Friday.

12-12-2011, 9:10pm
Go for it Michaela, you won't regret it - whatever happens. Travelling for extended periods is a wonderful thing to do and its so much better when you chuck in a dead end job. Enjoy the good and the bad - its all good in the end.

13-12-2011, 12:18pm
Thanks for all the support, folks! I'm nervous, but very excited about the possibilities. :D

Shelley, I've got something to go to on 17th Dec but otherwise all my weekends are free - let me know whatever day/time suits you. :)

:xmas: :xmas: :xmas:

13-12-2011, 12:40pm
Good on you Michaela. I am sitting here at my desk reading this thinking you lucky bugga! Once you get to the States all else will be forgotten, just remember to walk to the correct side of the car in the morning and don't turn left onto the left hand side of the road haha (yes, I am guilty of both!) Good luck with it all.

13-12-2011, 12:50pm
Good on you Michaela. I am sitting here at my desk reading this thinking you lucky bugga! Once you get to the States all else will be forgotten, just remember to walk to the correct side of the car in the morning and don't turn left onto the left hand side of the road haha (yes, I am guilty of both!) Good luck with it all.
:lol: Lloyd, it's funny because I drove when I was there for six weeks last year, and before that for three months in 2000, and each time I had no trouble adapting to driving on the right, but had big problems when I came home. :eek: I can't tell you how many times I went to the wrong side of the car to get in - so embarrassing! :p

13-12-2011, 3:24pm
I'm in a very similar situation right now.
I have worked for the company for 39 years(!) and the company has been sold, so I'll be looking for a new job in the new year.
However, at my age and only having one company on my CV, I think it wil be tough to find a new job, even though I'm very good at what I do.

The new owners will probably still be using me from time to time for various things, but who knows what will actually occur.

I have travelled all my working life, mainly to China (at least 100 times) and Hong Kong (somewhere north of 200 times), but with many trips to the US and Europe as well, so I've really had enough of overseas travel, although I have promised my wife a trip to Hawaii early next year (which I'm actually looking forward to as I've never been there and the combination of American shopping with tropical island delights appeals to me).
I'm also selling my house and we will eventualy move to a nice country area, so next year, my life will change forever.
For 25 of the last 39 years, I've had to open the business at 7:30am and work through to usually 7pm 51/2 days a week, so I'm really looking forward to being able to sleep in late - until I get a new job that is.

Good luck Michaela, I feel for you.

13-12-2011, 3:46pm
Wow, you will be in for some changes! :eek: Good luck to you, too, and I hope everything works out well for you. My first stop when I head off in May will be Hawaii - I've been looking forward to it for ages, and will be there for at least two weeks before flying on to Sacramento. :D

13-12-2011, 4:21pm
I wish you all the luck......what area of photography do you intend to make a career out of ?

Lance B
13-12-2011, 4:37pm
I hope all goes well for you in the future, Michaela!

Lance B
13-12-2011, 4:38pm
I'm in a very similar situation right now.
I have worked for the company for 39 years(!) and the company has been sold, so I'll be looking for a new job in the new year.
However, at my age and only having one company on my CV, I think it wil be tough to find a new job, even though I'm very good at what I do.

The new owners will probably still be using me from time to time for various things, but who knows what will actually occur.

I have travelled all my working life, mainly to China (at least 100 times) and Hong Kong (somewhere north of 200 times), but with many trips to the US and Europe as well, so I've really had enough of overseas travel, although I have promised my wife a trip to Hawaii early next year (which I'm actually looking forward to as I've never been there and the combination of American shopping with tropical island delights appeals to me).
I'm also selling my house and we will eventualy move to a nice country area, so next year, my life will change forever.
For 25 of the last 39 years, I've had to open the business at 7:30am and work through to usually 7pm 51/2 days a week, so I'm really looking forward to being able to sleep in late - until I get a new job that is.

Good luck Michaela, I feel for you.

I hope everything works out for you too, Benny. It's a big step!

13-12-2011, 4:46pm
I wish you all the luck......what area of photography do you intend to make a career out of ?
Thanks, Darren. I'm hoping to be able to do something with my landscape photography once I have the time to put into improving my skills, plus I'll continue doing equestrian events on the weekends. I was also thinking of doing a blog of my travels and writing about the shots I take as I go along - maybe there will be interest, maybe not. :confused013

I've read all the threads about going into photography as a business, so I have no delusions about making more than a part-time income from it, but at least I will have the option when I come back from my travels of maybe doing something like studying graphic design. I just don't want to be stuck in an office 40+ hours a week doing data entry. My goal at the moment is to be happy, not rich. :D

13-12-2011, 4:46pm
I hope all goes well for you in the future, Michaela!

Thanks, Lance! :xmas:

16-12-2011, 8:40am
So, I finish up on 20 January next year, and then I'll be concentrating on my health and fitness as well as putting some solid work into my photography and Photoshop skills to see where things take me. At the end of May, I'll be heading to the US until at least mid-November for an extended road trip. After that? Well, I'll just have to wait and see, but at least there won't be any regrets about paths not taken or opportunities missed.

Interesting times, indeed ... :D
Wow! Best of luck with that, I'm sure you'll have no regrets! :cool:

I see you've been to the US before, so you probably have an idea of how much there is to see & do (and photograph!) over there! It'd be the chance of a lifetime to get to spend 5+ months travelling the US with camera in hand! Just make sure you go to all the national parks you possibly can - they are simply amazing! And you'll never regret climbing Angels Landing in Zion!!!

I understand where you're coming from, too. A few years of working after I left uni, I realised that I'd studied the wrong degree. Faced with 40 years in the wrong job, I grit my teeth and went back to uni - 7 years part-time study. Finished over a decade ago now, and although my life was literally on hold for 7 years, I can't say that I regret it. Own a business now, doing interesting work, and now starting to feel like it's all paying off...

... as for exciting 2012... we just sold our unit 2 weeks ago and bought a house, moving in March '12. Approximately 8 weeks after (hopefully) we move in, my wife is due to give birth to our 1st baby (a girl). Also, next Friday we take off for 2-1/2 weeks in Hawaii for our 'Babymoon'. So I'm counting down the days left at work this year, and strapping myself in for a whirlwind 6 months ahead! :)

Again, best of luck and please document your travels in AP at least!

On that note.., always wondered whether the forum should have a 'Travel' section - Rick?!? :confused013

16-12-2011, 10:49am
Thanks, tcdev! :) Yes, I've been to the US before - 6 weeks last year and 3 months in 2000. I was born there and we moved to Australia when I was three years old. Five months this time is the plan, but I'm tempted to extend it to spend the winter in San Diego and stay on until spring for the waterfalls in Yosemite - will just have to play it by ear on that one. :D

Best wishes for the move into your new house and for the arrival of your baby girl - definitely exciting times for you! Have a wonderful time in Hawaii. :christmasparty: :xmas:

16-12-2011, 2:51pm
Wow, Benny and Michela, nice going in taking that plunge!

I'm sure there are many people out there too scared or worried, or too tied down to make such moves and unfortunately are probably very much stuck in their positions (whether it be emotional, or financial, or literal if a glue factory).

I've been in my job for 5.5 years, and I go through the emotions of wanting change (I'm still young, I like changing things in my life), but I do quite enjoy my job still. So that's where we differ.

But I hope, that if the time ever comes, I'll have the strength to do what you guys decided to do!

16-12-2011, 3:53pm
I'm sure there are many people out there too scared or worried, or too tied down to make such moves and unfortunately are probably very much stuck in their positions (whether it be emotional, or financial, or literal if a glue factory).
I spent a long time being miserable before it finally dawned on me that I had no need to be stuck in a dead end job. I have no ties, no mortgage, no debt - why was I acting as though I did? :confused013 I realised this was the perfect opportunity to make a big change without it affecting anyone else. Maybe it's just a mid-life crisis, but it's been an incredibly liberating experience making the decision to do this. :D

17-12-2011, 8:19am
Thanks, tcdev! :) Yes, I've been to the US before - 6 weeks last year and 3 months in 2000. I was born there and we moved to Australia when I was three years old. Five months this time is the plan, but I'm tempted to extend it to spend the winter in San Diego and stay on until spring for the waterfalls in Yosemite - will just have to play it by ear on that one. :D
My sister lived in SD for 3 years and I visited her a few times, most recently earlier this year. She loved it - nice city and nice weather!

If you do end up staying on until spring, may I also suggest a week in Yellowstone? I've done Yosemite in spring too, but seeing the baby bison, elk and bear cubs in Yellowstone is simply something not to be missed!

Best wishes for the move into your new house and for the arrival of your baby girl - definitely exciting times for you! Have a wonderful time in Hawaii. :christmasparty: :xmas:

20-12-2011, 8:00pm
Brave new frontier for you both ,well done and good luck and experiences are awaiting so grab it with both hands


22-12-2011, 8:32pm
After spending my whole adult life working in office administration, and after giving my future a great deal of thought, I resigned from my job last Friday. Every day was feeling like Groundhog Day, and I just couldn't face another 20-25 years until retirement (if I ever got that far) doing the same thing. Spending 8-9 hours a day sitting at a desk doing data entry wasn't doing much for my physical or emotional wellbeing, leaving me depressed and unmotivated for life in general.

So, I finish up on 20 January next year, and then I'll be concentrating on my health and fitness as well as putting some solid work into my photography and Photoshop skills to see where things take me. At the end of May, I'll be heading to the US until at least mid-November for an extended road trip. After that? Well, I'll just have to wait and see, but at least there won't be any regrets about paths not taken or opportunities missed.

Interesting times, indeed ... :D

massive congrats. a brave and bold move. i envy you.

hope it takes you where ever you want to be!

22-12-2011, 8:59pm
Thanks, cupic and crazymorton. :) Counting down to my last day at work and looking forward (in a nervous kind of way :eek:) to making a new start!

28-12-2011, 11:21am
How exciting for you both,
Life is to be lived, congratulations for taking the step.
I wish you magic and wonder..

JM Tran
28-12-2011, 11:25am
big congrats to you:) It only took me 2 years to leave a govt job and do my own thing, I cant imagine what it would be like with 25 yrs!

28-12-2011, 11:34am
big congrats to you:) It only took me 2 years to leave a govt job and do my own thing, I cant imagine what it would be like with 25 yrs!

Thanks! The hardest thing for me was that for most of that time I didn't know what else I wanted to do. :( I'll be happy if I can just make a part-time income from photography, but I'll never know what's possible if I don't give it a try. :)

02-01-2012, 8:45am
That is a very courageous step & wonderful for you! Best of luck & I look forward to hearing about your journey.

03-01-2012, 8:53pm
Awesome! Wish I had the guts to do something similar, but I've too many commitments..Wishing you well and look forward to hearing how you're getting on :D

09-01-2012, 8:53pm
Good Luck Michaela. At the age of 52 I gave up a very stressful job in Property Management (I hated every minute of the 12yrs I was in it) and went to the UK for 2mths. I stayed 6yrs working and travelling all over the UK and into Europe returning each year to spend Christmas with family before taking off again (and loved every minute of it).

If you're doing what you love you won't regret it :gl:

11-01-2012, 8:38pm
Thanks, Carole! :) I've only got 7 more days at work now, and I'm just so keen to get started. I've got myself booked in to an "Advanced Digital" workshop this month and then a lighting workshop in a month or so ... so much to learn and I'm going to love every bit of it! :th3: