View Full Version : NEF Software for Nikon d70

10-12-2011, 11:29am
Folks. A friend was just given a Nikon D70. I don't know much about what software is used for the NEF files, but he said that (he understands that) it has to be downloaded from the internet. Apparently no software CD came with the camera as he got it.

What do I look for?

Any hints about installing it?

Ta, Am.

10-12-2011, 11:38am
Photoshop ACR?

Or just google viewNX

10-12-2011, 12:01pm
As always, start with the basics:

Nikon software (http://support.nikonusa.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/61#Anchor-1)

Download ViewNX2 v2.2.3 start from there. It allows you to play with raw file settings such as in camera enhancements, and to also use the more modern Picture Controls camera enhancements if you prefer.

It's very basic, but I think produces the best quality raw to raster conversion process .. considering it's free.

If the image requires further processing, VNX2 is far too limited for this type of work.
Convert to your preferred image format via VNX and edit this converted file using whatever software suits your taste.

I've tried a few raw conversion programs, and the reason I stick with Nikon's ViewNX and Capture NX is that the start point of the raw file is exactly as I captured it in the camera.
All other raw converters zero out the camera's settings and start with a blank flat washed out raw file that subsequent;y requires more processing steps to begin with.

CaptureNX is a super suped up ViewNX in that it works directly on the raw file, whereas other software don't. But it has more of the typical image processing features you get in the typical image processing software market.
Some of the implementations of those tools are woeful(cloning/healing tool!!) but again, I think it produces the best overall raw to image conversion .. to me this is all that's important.

Once you get your head around it, it's as easy as any other software .. just don't expect CS type image manipulation.

Cost is about $AU200-ish.

Hasn't been updated for about 65million years now and is sorely in need of a modernisation program to keep it up with the Jones'es.. stuff like HDR pano stitching and stuff like that.

I think this is one of the reasons I don't do that much HDR and pano stitching... My preferred workflow is the speed and ease of using CNX2 and stay in that as I know the interface very well.

To me all other software feels convoluted and backward by comparison.

FWIW: Nik the makers of some very fine addons and plugins for CS, actually created the CaptureNX software for Nikon. I think Nikon still own the rights to CNX, and Nik have also created their Color Efex filter plugin for it too. But that's it! All their other plugins .. such as HDR, black and white filter sets, sharpener pro, NR addons ... etc are all not available for CNX2.
This is quite disappointing for some of us(at least myself) as it'd be great to have access to some of these processes(only to help save time on more difficult images .. especially the NR aspect).

I would start them off with VierwNX2. If only for them to begin the process of understanding how to capture an image correctly. That is WYSIWYG in camera with a raw file. From there, and with experience they can then move on to more capable software if they need too.

10-12-2011, 2:56pm
Thanks guys. I'll give that a go 1st.