View Full Version : Crystal Red Shrimp

09-12-2011, 9:34pm
I bought a Yongnuo 460 speedlite off ebay and it arrived today, this is my first 'speedlite'. Happy with it so far and considering getting some more of them (or something similar). Below are the results of 20 odd minutes of trying it out.

I don't have a Macro Lens, just some Hoya Macro attachment rings. The baby shrimp in that shot are just under .5cm.

http://img37.imageshack.us/img37/8813/img7129w.jpg (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/37/img7129w.jpg/)



Mark L
10-12-2011, 12:15am
Aren't they an interesting looking animal. It's almost like you can see through parts of the body of the adult.

Mary Anne
10-12-2011, 1:59pm
Hello Michael.. I reckon you did very well, its not easy shooting small critters without a macro lens.
How about posting the next one in the Nature Forum: Pets - Domestic - Zoo
Plenty of Members there will give you good cc and lots of tips or help if you need it

11-12-2011, 12:38am
Shhhh Mark :p ideally there should be solid red and white stripes, however the larger one pictured is a very 'low grade' shrimp. It was conveniently at the front of the tank though, so it got it's picture taken. When some of the higher grade shrimps in my other tank come out to play I shall photograph them.

Thanks Mary Anne. I plan on putting some up for CC once I've had a bit more time to get a feel for using the speedlite.
