View Full Version : Bondi sunsets help please?

Cobalt Blue
06-12-2011, 4:08pm
This your my hubby's work christmas party is at Bondi Icebergs:D

I figured, since we'll already have a sitter for the kids, might as well sneak in my camera and try and catch some sunset shots.

I have a Canon 60D and only the kit lenses, I'll be getting the 50mm 1.4 for my birthday (the 21st) but I don't think it will be here in time for the christmas party (17th). And I'll be taking my tripod and remote.

So, any tips? Any great spots? Do I need a lens hood or filters? These will be my first attempt at sunsets and I can hardly wait!

Thanks in advance for any advice.


07-12-2011, 10:36am
Hi Teressa,

Not sure about good place to shoot around Bondi, but have a look at this thread, if you haven't done so already. Theses guys are a wealth of knowledge when it comes to landscape photography. Prepare to be up early too :D


07-12-2011, 10:46am
You'll find that as Bondi faces East (SE to be more precise), most of the beach and buildings along the main esplanade will be in shadow during the sunset period. However, you may get some good results from the buildings sitting at the North end.

07-12-2011, 11:05am
What junqbox said, the beach will see no sunset from the Icebergs, overshadowed by the buildings to the West, and the Icebergs at Knotts ave is down a hill. If there early enough, you can get some warm soft light on the North side of the beach and the buildings from Knotts ave just up the hill from the Icebergs entrance, you will get a sweeping view across the beach. If you are driving (Xmas party so maybe not?) you can take a 5 min drive to the North side and go to Wentworth St, Dover Heights.
From there you will get some of the best views looking out to the Harbour and possibly see a wonderful sunset overlooking most of Bondi, Nth Bondi, Rose Bay and beyond.

07-12-2011, 11:12am
I think you have a number of options, depending on the conditions it may be better to say on teh southern side where icebergs is or do teh 15min walk to the northern end.

The northern end has some good vanatage points and there is also some good foreground action when teh conditions are right. Here are a couple from a few months ago from teh northern end that may help you out..


Cobalt Blue
08-12-2011, 3:43pm
Thanks for your replies. Looks like the weather is going to be cold and dreary anyway:(

12-12-2011, 12:45pm
Wonderful colours in those photos!

I clicked this thread, as I work in Bondi Junction and had thought about doing what you were intending to do one evening after work :)

May have to keep this in mind for when the weather clears up!

Thank you Gerry too!