View Full Version : Close look at SOPA - Stop Online Piracy Act - bad law on (c)

06-12-2011, 3:28pm

The Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) is being debated.
It is really a bad piece of law that will have impact on all of us.

According to its advocates, SOPA will strengthen copyright in the United States by establishing a number of public and private tools to hinder infringement by international “rogue” sites previously unreachable by U.S. law. The Act also includes a number of independent provisions targeting the sale and dissemination of prescription drugs and military materials and equipment.



Others have weighed in on why SOPA makes for poor public policy and is an ill-considered technical intervention. In this paper we’ve hewed closely to simply reviewing it as legal doctrine. On those terms, its vague language and undue granting of law-like powers to private parties without sufficient public protections make it worthy of a firm “no” vote. SOPA is both overly strong and overly broad; overly strong in the collection of remedies provided, and overly broad for the problems it is attempting to take on.

07-12-2011, 9:49am
Kym, are you for or against this??

as a digital artist and photographer, isnt it in our rights to protect what we labour over?
over the years i have seen hundreds of my images ripped off my website and used in all forms of media advertising...

i agree that this law seems a little harsh... but we do need protection...


07-12-2011, 11:16am
I'm generally pro copy, but against dumb laws that over restrict the 'net and potentially free speech.

I'm against the current copy author's life + 70 which goes against the intent of copy.
copy law (and Patent law for that matter) are supposed to be limited protection but then they open up for the betterment of society.

SOPA is a bad law driven by people / corporations not willing to adapt to a new market and technology.

Similarly the bleating from Gerry Harvey re: internet sales and GST - he needs his business to adapt.

07-12-2011, 2:52pm
i see...


07-12-2011, 5:13pm
SOPA won't stop your images being ripped off - it will just help stifle free speech on the internet (at least with any US based or hosted site.)

The current DMCA offers takedown procedures where there is a right of reply. SOPA instead gives the allegedly aggrieved the opportunity to effectively shutdown the site without recourse or a court hearing.

Bad law.