View Full Version : Look !! His is like mine !!

05-12-2011, 9:04pm
I recently visited the Sydney "Sculptures by the Sea" exhibition and this was one of those funny little moments that can be captured with a small telephoto lens.

I think the title is appropriate. :)


Mary Anne
05-12-2011, 11:14pm
:lol::lol::lol: Very well named :th3:

06-12-2011, 12:22am
I'm confused!!!!! Besides finding the photo highly amusing............I can't figure out if those kids are really small or that wheely bin is HUGE!!!! lol

Duane Pipe
06-12-2011, 7:57am
My thoughts too Seabee:confused013

06-12-2011, 8:47am
Interesting bit of manipulation. :th3:

As mentioned, the wheely bin is a give-away as is the different coloured grass and the shadow under the sculpture.

06-12-2011, 11:04am
LOL...............thank goodness , I was under the impression it was a 'snapshot' so didn't even think outside of that!!

Still humorous :lol:

06-12-2011, 11:50am
Cindy, I had the same reaction as you first up.

It's a good fun post. I like it!

06-12-2011, 12:25pm
Thanks everyone for viewing and commenting.

Seabee and Duane Pipe,
Don't be confused because you are right in both of your comments, 1./ the kids are small and 2/. the wheelie bin is big. (120 liter I believe.)

The only manipulation of the original photo is a cropp and I cloned out the adults.

Here is a copy of the original shot straight out of the camera.
I considered cloning out the wheelie bin but was too lazy, I'll give it a try now because it will improve the shot and stop confusion.

It was just one of those precious moments. :)


06-12-2011, 12:50pm
LOL............thanks Darey........it's almost like a tilt shift pic.
When you look at the Bin.....the wheels are rather small in comparison....optical illusions all over the place in this one.

Still think it's funny and well captured:th3:

06-12-2011, 12:59pm
Well there you go, wrong , again ! :lol2:

I guess the darker grass is where people haven't walked, huh?


06-12-2011, 1:11pm
Thanks guys,
You gave me the kick in the butt I needed and I cloned out the wheelie bin.
I hope this looks better. :)


Tom J McDonald
12-12-2011, 9:38am
Very cool.

12-12-2011, 10:07am
the longer grass around the sculpture is due to rain falling in said red guy and dripping to the ground. that area not only gets no foot traffic but also more water.

cool effect. had me fooled with the mini ppl and huge wheelie bin.

16-12-2011, 10:47pm
What a shot!!