View Full Version : Broken lens? 55-300mm :(

29-11-2011, 8:27am
I recently found that my zoom lens is broken, I think it has been dropped, although no one in the house recalls anything :(

The barrell is tighter than it was, (although it can still move) and looking in it I can see (as below) that the apeture is broken. The camera still takes photos with the bung lens on it..

Who knows what I'm looking at here? Anyone have similar?
Is it fixable?
Will it cost much and will it be covered under warranty?
Will it take long to fix it?

Excuse the crap pics...

29-11-2011, 9:16am
a) it looks bust to me too
b) everything is fixable at a price - Id say a basic repair is $100, and an average maybe $250 from what Ive experienced with repairers - so - it may not be worth it ?
c) warranty will not cover accidental damage - though your house & contents policy might
b) Depends on parts etc

29-11-2011, 8:28pm
Looks definitely like a broken aperture blade.

If you flick the aperture tab to it's extremities, does it open/close accordingly?

If there are no clearly visible indications that the lens has been dropped or hit, it should be covered under warranty.

01-12-2011, 8:27am
Thankyou both. Yes arthur, no visible indications of a fall, which is why I was so confused :(
When I manually open the aperture half opens to the full extent, the rest stay closed as above :(
Maybe I will try the warranty.

12-01-2012, 11:55am
Thought I'd post my update,
Found out today that there is no repair possible for the lens, but I'll be getting a full warranty replacement, it apparently will take about a month
The issue is a stuck aperture diaphram. so for all those that stumble upon the same thing that's ^ what it looks like.
I'm so pleased to be getting a brand new lens, but a little concerned that this one was only 7 months old before it broke :(

12-01-2012, 12:58pm
I wouldn't be too concerned Marika as most manufacturing faults (which are fairly rare these days) show up within the first 9 months which is why I never bother with extended warranties. I have made a few claims over the years and all have been within the first 6 months.