View Full Version : Oh what a feeling

28-11-2011, 10:19am
We were at a staff christmas party on the weekend and Wayne was taking snaps of the kids there. He was having a great time, but one little girl was obviously very shy and always looked solemn and lonely. So drastic action was called for. We watched her and when we saw her playing ball by herself started a game with her. She soon thawed and we got some smiles caught on camera.

Wayne has just forwarded me an email from her Dad, who loves the photo's, and commented that he was very pleased we managed to capture her smiling. Apparently she never smiles for the camera.

Success ! :efelant::efelant:

It is great when a hobby you love makes a small difference in someone's world.


28-11-2011, 10:32am
Surprised you even got away with taking pics of the kids in this day and age.
I was taking pics of my brother in laws kids playing in the park a few weeks back and should have seen some of the looks I got.
(I may be a dodgy looking character but their mum, dad and dog for that matter were there with us all)

Nice to hear that your actions had an effect and even better that her dad emailed you complimenting your efforts.
I think 5 pink dancing elephants are called for.

28-11-2011, 11:13am
I think 5 pink dancing elephants are called for.


28-11-2011, 12:14pm
It is great when a hobby you love makes a small difference in someone's world.


a very nice story.
it's great when anyone can make a positive difference to someone's life

28-11-2011, 12:32pm
That's wonderful.

A friend of my fathers, who has now passed away, was probably the best child photographer I have ever seen.
His name was Johnny Weiner and he had a studio in Double Bay, here in Sydney.

He used to tell the kids dirty jokes in Hungarian (not that they could understand them) and he always managed to get fantastic shots of kids, of all ages.
He loved doing portraits too, and made a good living at it, and his ideal holiday was to go abroad and take pictures of people.

One of my brothers-in-law had a 6 month old baby boy, and wanted some good photos of him, and tried a couple of pros that just couldn't get THAT shot.
I suggested he go and see Johnny, and the shots were just fantastic. I wish I had just 10% of his talent.

I must learn to speak Hungarian one day!

I think the trick to getting good shots of kids is to get them to do things they really like, like throwing a handful of leaves up in the air, or being just a bit naughty. As long as you can show them a good time, they will become good models.
It's being able to capture those rare expressions that is the real skill with kids.

Mark L
28-11-2011, 7:08pm
Great story.
What the heck.....:efelant::efelant::efelant::efelant::efelant: