View Full Version : Nikon 1 ......anyone?

27-11-2011, 8:42pm
Hi Everyone,

Has anyone bought into the system yet ?
If so what are your thoughts on the system ?

I am very interested in the system as a travel / light weight and small kit to compliment the d700 I have already.
I also like the thought of the FT1 in the future to mount my other nikon lenses.

Who's thinking about it ?

Cheers Neil

28-11-2011, 12:59pm
I wasnt aware of the Nikon 1 system so googled it... Thanks Neil :)


28-11-2011, 2:22pm
I think the V1 complements the D7000 better than the D700
The D7000 has the higher resolution and shares the same battery.

I could not get "Hands On", so I ordered a discounted V1 with 10mm f/2.8, 10-30, and 30-110.
They come with a "Money Back" satisfaction guarantee.:)

28-11-2011, 3:24pm
I've been following it with great interest. I've been pleasantly surprised by real world samples compared to those originally released with the promo.
Handled a V1 in store and I'm still not a fan of EVF but this can only improve in future gen products. Operations were very quick and well built.
Recently bought a G12 for underwater photography and having not used a p&s for such a long time, I found it painfully slow. Not so the case with the V1.

Like most I wanted a slightly bigger sensor but it doesn't really bother me anymore. What I'm waiting to see is the release of the fast portrait prime, already shown in mockup form.

For me, the system competes with m43 with an Oly 12/f2 and 45/1.8.
So for Nikon CX, it would be a V1 (or subsequent enthusiast body) with the 10mm pancake, the new portrait prime, the SB-N5 flash and for us Nikon DSLR users, an FT1 adapter. The flash looks impressive in that it can swivel and rotate. The SB400 and 270EXII can't even do that.

My biggest gripe ATM is the price. But it looks like the discounting has started already with the recent US Black Friday sales.

28-11-2011, 7:44pm
The price out of HongKong is 25% less than Aus at the moment. $750 buys j1 +10-30 + 30-100 or $990 will buy V1 and same lenses.
Here $990 buys J1 + 2 lenses and $1399 buys V1 + 2 lenses.

Makes it difficult when there is this disparity atm.

Cheers Neil

29-11-2011, 1:44pm
Personally, I think a small DSLR is far better value.
Nothing beats seeing the actual image through optics rather than an EVF, and by the time you put a lens on it, it is hardly smaller than a small DSLR anyway.
What gets me about these V1's and micro 4/3rds cameras is that the small sensor just can't give you the resolution of an APSC sized sensor, regardless of how many MP the sensor has, and the slower auto focussing, and for what they are, I think they are very expensive, and they don't have a good choice of lenses.

IMHO, if you want a small camera, a good P&S or bridge camera is better value.

Just my 2c worth.

29-11-2011, 1:56pm
You will have to give the V1 a fair trial before you can say what you did with any validity.
get "Hands On" or at least tell us about a camera you have used in a different thread.

29-11-2011, 4:42pm
Hi Benny, I have to respectfully disagree with you.
I have a G12, perhaps the gold standard in p&s for awhile though now superseded by a few other models and it's light and day compared to the newest breed of mirrorless cameras.
The V1 actually handles much like a DSLR speed wise (not controls). I've also used a GH2 a fair bit and it too is nice and snappy, much better than the first generation m43's eg. EP1 that I've only tried in store.
I also find OVF's much better but here I mean ones from D700 and up. I even find my Fuji S5 finder too small for my liking these days. There's not that big a difference between the better EVFs and small OVFs and in many ways it's better but I do agree with your general preference for OVFs, just not the ones in entry level DSLRs.
I also think mirrorless are a fair bit smaller than even the smallest DSLRs especially when the appropriate lens are used. By appropriate I mean the pancake primes and small zooms such as Panasonic's new X-series lenses.
But if you're comparing it to large superzoom lenses or the Sony NEX system then I'd understand your comment more. But with the likes of NEX-7, it's capabilities exceeds entry level DSLRs and many enthusiast DSLRs too so it's competing in a different league and shouldn't really be compared with the small and light category.
In terms of value, I completely agree. You're paying a premium for the new tech, especially in the case of the Nikon CX.
I won't comment too much about IQ but there are plenty of samples available for everyone to make up their own mind about it.

29-11-2011, 7:07pm
IMHO, if you want a small camera, a good P&S or bridge camera is better value.Had a look at htem on the weekend and have to agree can't see the value in them at the current price point.

29-11-2011, 7:54pm
Hi Benny,
One of the reasons I got into SLR's was the hatred I have for P&S.
Slow to focus, slow to respond to shot taking and poor EVF.
Now fast forward 5years.....
The V1/J1 focuses faster than any DSLR. We can argue over this or try it. I have a D700 and its no slouch in the focus dept and the Nikon1 is faster. Not tried in low low light though.
The Nikon 1 system is a hell of a lot smaller than any DSLR or the Nex/samsung mirrorless system. Again I have a pentax KM which is the smallest DSLR that pentax make and I cant fit that in my pocket like I can a J1+10mm lens (you should have seen the look on the sales guys face!)
Finally the EVF. The refresh rate is outstanding. There is no lag. I seriously kept looking at it and trying to spot flaws in the EVF but it must be refreshing at 100hz, no flicker under fluros either, just instant like an optical VF. Maybe it slows under low light, again I didnt try it in those conditions, but then no one complains either.

Yes its expensive but i think its on it way down, but it also is a premium system too.

Cheers Neil

29-11-2011, 9:10pm
No need to be respectful to me! ;)
We all have our own opinions, and I'm happy to be proved wrong or just ot have a different opinion.

I haven't tried the V1, so I really can't comment on the speed or the IQ, just my experience with various small cameras over the years, but I do understand that Nikon put a lot of work into making it fast and easy.
I have used a G12 from time to time, and found it frustrating and fiddly to use - but that could be because i'm not used to it.
The pics are OK, it's just the ergonomics that bug me.

I still think a small DSLR is easier to use, and I bet that a few years down the track, a DSLR will be worth more second hand than these Micro 4/3rds will be worth.

I can't blame anyone for liking the V1 and its contemporaries, as it's horses for courses and I know that DSLR's can seem very daunting to newcomers who want to get a bit more serious and I guess they are a very logical step up the ladder from a P&S.
The Sony uses a APSC size chip, so it is on the road to the same IQ as a DSLR, but I'm not convinced about EVF's.
My father has a Sony something or other DSLR with an EVF, and personally, I don't like it, and neither does he, but I can see where a hybrid OVF/EVF could be fantastic, especially if you can easily switch between the 2 or use a combo of both at the same time.
He likes Sony cameras as he has a lot of old Minolta stuff and he had a Canon Pellicle camera many years ago and liked it, so that was what made him get the Sony, as well as it small size, but he isn't convinced about the EVF saying it's hard to see properly in very bright light and hasd a lack of contrast for manual focussing. Mind you, he is 88, but very fit of mind and body.
He does covet my Canon 60D though, but wishes it was smaller and lighter and would work with all his Minolta stuff.

To me, there's just something about a DSLR that makes it feel like a REAL camera, and not just a small toy.
I like the buttons and wheels to adjust things and not having to delve into screen menus to make adjustments.

30-11-2011, 1:15am
I've never held a pocket camera that I could keep steady,
even the D3100 was too light and too small for me.

I will know Thursday soon after my V1 arrives whether it is a keeper or not.
I wish Best Buys had more than a J1 and that is was not on a 5 lb tether,
but when someone can walk out with a camera in their shirt pocket, I do not blame them.:(

02-12-2011, 8:15pm
Hi Roger,
How is the V1 going ?

03-12-2011, 12:25am
Hi Roger,
How is the V1 going ?

Just opened the package last night.:efelant:
I am currently staring at it mounted with a C bracket and Azden SMX-10 Stereo Mic
The sound quality is not only much improved but it does NOT pick up all kinds of unwanted noise.
First impression is how "solid" the camera feels.
However, coming from a DSLR, it seems to be missing part of the grip.
It really helps to hold onto the C-Bracket while taking Video with my other hand because the 10-30 is too small.
The AF is so good and quick that I can actually get away with not using a TriPod.
I primarily bought this to use for "Home Movies".
720P at 60fps may work out best because the DVDs are reduced to 720p at 30fps anyway which is what the MOV files play back at.
Surprisingly the 720P files at 60fps appeared smoother than the 1080i at 60fps or 1080p at 30fps, but
there wasn't much "noticeable FullScreen 28 inch on my computer" difference between the three.

The "old" pre charged D700 battery works fine.

The hand held stills handle a zoom in much better than expected.
However, there is much more moire in the dark areas than expected, but
probably won't show much on up to 8x10 prints.

I am on firmware 1.0

Sunday I will use the camera to VideoGraph the Church Service a hopefully do a "Walk About" thru my Landscape Nursery.
I will consider the camera a "Keeper" if either is successful.
I have not gotten a good Walk About since my Super 8 died and it has been 2 much more expensive Video Cams and 5 HDSLR's since.
Nikon is very good at fixes.
Other than 24fps I do not expect any added features.

19-12-2011, 8:38pm
Hi Roger,
Any news ?

I got my Nikon J1 with 10-30 + 30-110 for $650 delivered.

I am happy so far. First shot shows good colours and exposure and nice details.


19-12-2011, 11:30pm
The 10mm f2.8 gave me some great images at Garappata Creek last Saturday

20-12-2011, 1:35am
Here is my latest successful low light D-Movie with V1

note: I was so encouraged that I tried to VideoGraph our Christmas in the Country outdoors but it was too dark.

19-01-2012, 11:04am
as a DSLR owner I find the 1's too large.
For a 2.7x crop I'd hope for pocketable.
if not I'll just bring my DSLR or phone.

19-01-2012, 11:52am
as a DSLR owner I find the 1's too large.
For a 2.7x crop I'd hope for pocketable.
if not I'll just bring my DSLR or phone.

With the 10mm f2.8 lens the V1 easily fits in my shirt pocket.
The J1 is even smaller