View Full Version : Len/ Body Inconsistancies?

25-11-2011, 12:40pm
I have recently acquired a 1DMk2N and 16-35mm L f2.8 + 24-70mm L f2.8 lenses.

I found that the above lenses seemed to miss focus slightly, and I needed to override the AF to finite adjust with manual focusing ring. But, on my 50D, it's spot on. I know my 50D has a micro adjustment feature for lens correction for focus, but the 1DMk2N does not (That I can find anyway)

I used both my 'new' (Second hand 'new') wider L lens at a wedding for a good mate on the weekend on the 1D body and found myself having to correct the AF with manual focus ring quite allot. I did try both multi (36 spot from memory) and center focus spot only, both with the same results. The wider of the two lenses 16-35mm L f2.8 was the better of the two, but at or around most open aperture it seemed to struggle as well, shallow DOF maybe?

Has anybody had similar happenings?

I also used my 70-200mm L f2.8 that day on the 1D body and it was spot on.

Throughout the day, I used AV and M modes, adjusted ISO and Shutter as per lighting required and adjust AP in AV as needed. I was using mainly wide on AP or close to, to get a shallow DOF.

I have not made any adjustments to any lens on the 50D.

All shots taken through the viewfinder, no mirror lockup used.

I did find as the day wore on, and the natural light source faded, this seemed to improve, the focusing got sharper. We went to the Burswood Casino for an after party and on the balcony looking due west, setting sun and I was using the Bride and Groom to block the fading sunlight (Backfill flash) the focus is spot on and the shots are sharp as a tack. Not sure why this is, during the wedding 11.00am (Held at Perth Zoo) the natural light source was blocked from over hanging trees, so we had inconsistant light and shadow over the Bridal Party.

I can post some shots tonight with all EXIF data attached and no PP if this would help? Probably just me, but I would like to re-assure myself. In the Formal Forum, there is a B&W and Colour image from said wedding.


27-11-2011, 6:49am
I used to have issues when I was shooting pentax...but since ive had my D300s Ive not had problems...have you done a controlled back/front focus test on your new lenses ?...seems odd that the focus would improve as the light fades!

as For shallow DOF...depends on the distance the subject matter is...with a F2.8 and at either 16mm or 35mm you need to get pretty close to the subject for limited DOF to be a huge issue ..could we see some examples of the problem ?

27-11-2011, 11:29am
You may find with the 1DMkII that you need to apply just a little more sharpening when converting from RAW. I'm guessing that the "N" is the same. I can confirm this is the case with mine, and from what I have read, it is as a result of the somewhat stronger AA-Filter atop the MkII APS-H sensor.

What you seem to be describing though is that when the camera gives a confirmed focus lock, you believe from looking through the viewfinder that it is not in correct focus. Other than checking the diopter, I'm not sure what else it could be except the camera from what you've said. Maybe a service is a good idea. Was it not serviced prior to your purchase? As a matter of interest, how many activations did you turn up using 1DCount? Mine will turn over 250,000 this month (three shutters though).

Oh, there is no microadjustment on the MkIIN either.

27-11-2011, 12:17pm
I used to have issues when I was shooting pentax...but since ive had my D300s Ive not had problems...have you done a controlled back/front focus test on your new lenses ?...seems odd that the focus would improve as the light fades!

as For shallow DOF...depends on the distance the subject matter is...with a F2.8 and at either 16mm or 35mm you need to get pretty close to the subject for limited DOF to be a huge issue ..could we see some examples of the problem ?
Tommo, Only have the focus issue on the 1D body, but it could be me. I will check the lenses with a focal test. Cheers mate.

You may find with the 1DMkII that you need to apply just a little more sharpening when converting from RAW. I'm guessing that the "N" is the same. I can confirm this is the case with mine, and from what I have read, it is as a result of the somewhat stronger AA-Filter atop the MkII APS-H sensor.

What you seem to be describing though is that when the camera gives a confirmed focus lock, you believe from looking through the viewfinder that it is not in correct focus. Other than checking the diopter, I'm not sure what else it could be except the camera from what you've said. Maybe a service is a good idea. Was it not serviced prior to your purchase? As a matter of interest, how many activations did you turn up using 1DCount? Mine will turn over 250,000 this month (three shutters though).

Oh, there is no microadjustment on the MkIIN either.
Thanks Snoop, I didn't think there was an adjustment feature, The sharpness in RAW is bloody good. Just the focus is a little of. I did notice tho, and also reading another post on focus issues, it may be due to the fact I had it in slow multi shooting mode and AI Servo mode, I had accidentally hit one of the controls, so, I will re-check it when I get a chance. It was more of I had the Focus lock (Beep) off for the wedding, and it seemed to be spot on through the Viewfinder, but know realising I had it set to AI it could have been all over the shop, I was trying to use the backstop lock feature for focus and metering, that's another thing I could have f@@ked up.

Still got out of the 700 odd shots, well over 2/3rds as keepers, will need some attention in PS, but over all, I'm pretty happy, still lots to learn, and many more mistakes to be made, LOL.

27-11-2011, 3:56pm
Wonder... did you recompose a lot? I mean: focus with active focus-point and then recompose. That may cause some OOF especially at fast apertures. Also the 24-70L has a slight problem with field curvature which may cause unsharpness away from the focal point.

27-11-2011, 6:39pm
Wonder... did you recompose a lot? I mean: focus with active focus-point and then recompose. That may cause some OOF especially at fast apertures. Also the 24-70L has a slight problem with field curvature which may cause unsharpness away from the focal point.

I did re-comp a bit, trying to get the best angle and the like. It seemed to be more apparent on the short/wide lenses, but not at all on the 70-200 L? No sharpness issues tho. Even the main area of focal choice which was slightly OOF was still crisp, if that makes sense.

Have some information to go with when I get home and will see if I can figure it all out.

Thanks vk2gwk,