View Full Version : Canon 100-400 L F4.5-5.6

18-11-2011, 12:15am
Looking to buy a zoom lens I have always invested in L quality lens and it has never let me down...Looking at taking some long landscape shots sometimes the occasional bird or animals etc. Also looking at using this for some moon shots on a 7D or a 5D mark 2. Want to know if there is anything better or more value for money

18-11-2011, 10:30am
There are better long lenses out there for a Canon, but they are primes and cost BIG$$$$

The 100-400L is an excellent lens, and it's not too heavy to carry around and use hand held.

It can take great shots of the moon and I have used mine for landscapes too.
It also works well with my Kenko 2X converter for even better shots of the moon.

Here's a moon shot taken with the 100-400L.


18-11-2011, 11:36am
Looks pretty good to me thanks for posting this shot was this taken with the converter? I have a 7D so I can take advantage of the crop factor to get the extra 1.6.

18-11-2011, 2:06pm
This was taken without the converter, but it has been cropped and sharpened a little, with some adjustments to tone and contrast - but nothing radical.

To take good shots of the moon, you'll also need a good steady tripod and head and be prepared to use your camera on manual to get the best results.

While the exposure time was around 1/250th, considering the 400mm on a crop sensor looks like a 600+mm lens, and the distance between you and the subject, a good tripod and head are an absolute neccessity IMHO as any shaking will really show up and you won't be able to get a crisp image.

18-11-2011, 4:17pm
Thanks for the advice I do have a very sturdy tripod head and legs and I will cover the basics like mirror lockup and remote shutter release etc as well. Thanks again for postin the image....

18-11-2011, 6:16pm
i have one of these and they work great. i mainly shoot sport and have found it a very vesitile lens

18-11-2011, 8:14pm
You're absolutely correct Neil.
The 100-400 is a VERY versatile lens.

Here's a shot of a spider I took with it, as the spider was about 3-4M inthe air and looked like a pin-prick using a macro lens.


Not too shabby for a telephoto lens!

18-11-2011, 10:05pm
Looks pretty good to me thanks for posting this shot was this taken with the converter? I have a 7D so I can take advantage of the crop factor to get the extra 1.6.

The lenght does not change, just the EFOV = effective field of view, the crop sensor can't see as much of the image as if it was on FF, so the EFOV comes into play.

Nice lens tho, but is it want you want? or are you covering for a broad spectrum, if broad spectrum, it's a bloody good lens.


19-11-2011, 5:17am
Would like one myself.Santa's coming soon.. fingers crossed

19-11-2011, 4:42pm
I have one and use it frequently: surfing and other sports shots, birds, flowers (sort of "macro" lens usage). It is a great lens, easy to use - even hand held. Can recommend it!
Have a look at some shots here... (http://www.flickr.com/photos/vk2gwk/sets/72157624525729541/with/6311029233/)

20-11-2011, 4:20pm
I had one, but didnt use it much so l sold it. Now l wish i didnt sell it.

William W
21-11-2011, 3:09pm
If your lens cache is up to date under your signature - then considering you have nothing really fast, except the 50mm and considering the 55 to 250 is an EF-S lens and you mention a 5DMkII, then I suggest you give serious consideration to the EF70 to 200F/2.8MkII and a tele-extender as an alternative.

More money yes, but depending upon how and where and at what typical FL you mostly intend to use the lens, this maybe a much better option for you.


23-11-2011, 10:56am
I have one - it's good - never had a dud "L" lens at all to be honest

05-12-2011, 7:30pm
Add my recommendation. I keep mine on a 40D body, mainly for bird and wildlife photos, but also for the occasional flower. It takes a while to get used to, and to find the 'sweet' combinations of shutter and aperture, but a great lens. Mine is quite sharp at 400mm f5.6 and can still be cropped a lot, but I usually try to keep it closer to f8 for dof reasons. I ran into a couple of keen birdwatchers with the 100-400 on a 7D body and they said this was a great combination for bird shots.

07-12-2011, 10:52am
Have had one since 2005 and will swear by it...

took a veritable million shots and all very sharp

easy to carry and easy to hand hold, and once your used to the push pull great to use,...