View Full Version : deeinoz

17-11-2011, 4:57pm
I don't seem to be able to get sharp images. I have canon eos 1000d. I try on af and mf are there other tips

17-11-2011, 5:27pm
Post some of your photos in the critique forums, with the EXIF intact and you will get lots of advice on how to improve the results. Without seeing the photos, it could be one of a hundred reasons.

Greg Johnston
17-11-2011, 5:36pm
Great advice from ricktas deeinoz. This site is excellent for getting constructive, practical feedback and advice. Also you might like to read Appendix E in the Library section of the site, which outlines issues related to image sharpness.

Welcome to the site.

22-11-2011, 7:12am
Thanks, I have read the appendix e, and found it very help full. I have got a photo bucket accoujnt now and put some pics that I can show my query on but need to go back a 'study' a bit more to find how I link or put them to this forum.

22-11-2011, 8:15am
well here goes. first post. with regards to I don't always get shape pictures is referring mainly to pictures I want to take of my front garden more as a reference to whats in flower etc.(in factr I have yet to get a picture that I am happy with)


this I would have taken on a tripod, usually choose an overcast day, (sunny days my colour is even more washed out). and from across the street tryng to get as much of my garden in as possible. I probably used my telephoto canon efs 55-250 if not my kit lens. my closer photog has really improved in last couple of months that I have been 'learning' and now have a dslr camera. but looking at photos in books etc taken in parks or big garden beds they are very clear. when I take any pic I work through a series of f stops and auto settings and keep what I think is the best. any advise. the settings this was taken on (I am not surte if details are c oming up on the photobucket site or if I can set it to do so) f5.6 1/500 focal l 38 metering partial ap priority.


22-11-2011, 11:49am
The image you posted is plenty sharp. Nothing wrong with the sharpness.

The problem here is that the focus plane, or the bit the lens has locked focus on is the building behind your garden. Take a look at the brick wall of the building behind the colourbond fence, it is sharp, clear etc. You need to set the focus point for your camera on the garden or tree/flower etc that you want to be in focus (if using AF) or view the subject you want to be sharp through the viewfinder while rotating the focus ring until it is sharp if using manual focus.

22-11-2011, 11:54am
the new to photography forum is not for posting photos for critique, please use the member photos critique forums, thread closed.