View Full Version : Sigma 85 1.4 HSM

16-11-2011, 8:43am
Anyone got one ?

JM Tran
16-11-2011, 12:51pm
yes but not for Nikon mount though, but my colleague whom I shoot with has one with the D3, AF is quite fast - cant compare to the 85 Nikkor though since I havent used it before.

I use mine for the Canon every weekend for weddings, 60% 85mm, 30% 35L, 10% on 70-200 and Sigma 12-24.

16-11-2011, 9:24pm
Anyone got one ?


16-11-2011, 9:42pm
Well, because I'm thinking about getting one and would welcome any comment

16-11-2011, 10:08pm
If you need an 85/1.4 for an upcoming project, I would be happy to drop my AF Nikkor off to you in Bris if I'm there or mail it to get you out of rental or duress purchase, just holler.

16-11-2011, 10:13pm
Ya, very generous, but this would be used longer term and i would ditch my 50 1.4g

16-11-2011, 10:15pm
No worries, from what I've seen the Sigma is quite comparable to the Nikkor.

16-11-2011, 10:16pm
Indeed, at half the price

21-11-2011, 9:32am
Have one. Love it. Get it.

21-11-2011, 9:50am
funny to read this thread... it does require a AK type post in it tho.

21-11-2011, 10:03am
Yeah, I thought JM's response was too long, lol.

I actually bought one earlier today from DWI, $860 delivered. :efelant:

23-11-2011, 11:24pm
Let us know how it is after some testing, can't justify double the price for a Nikon 85mm 1.4 yet.

24-11-2011, 7:14am
I get it Monday by the looks

24-11-2011, 10:27am
Nice one, I think if I was looking for one and didn't already have the Nikkor AF, I would consider (against my personal no 3rd party lens policy) the Sigma given it is so comparable to the Nikkor with that huge saving. But my no 3rd party lens policy is pretty hard to ignore...

24-11-2011, 10:50am
lol yes, I have the same policy, but hey, rules are meant to be broken and the sigma 1.4 lenses might be the only ones that seems to stack up

24-11-2011, 11:41am
I also had a no-3rd-party lens policy, but after trying the Sigma 150mm macro and the Tokina 11-16, I rapidly changed.

The new Sigma lenses are really very good and IMHO, right up there with some of the best, and the pricing policy is good too.

24-11-2011, 7:33pm
Darren I remember reading a discussion over on FM about the Siggy 85 and some problems a few D3 shooters had with the AF suddenly going bad. From memory the problem was the lens AF gears were stripped and there was a theory that it was because of high use of servo mode.

Not sure if there's really anything to it, but might be worth checking out? :confused013

Otherwise, from what I've heard the lens is phenomenal and I've seen some truly stunning images from it.

24-11-2011, 7:49pm
Oh. That sounds sucky.

24-11-2011, 8:38pm
funny to read this thread... it does require a AK type post in it tho.


funny how minds change because needs dictate alternate requirements.

I saw this thread earlier, and thought :confused: Kiwi??? .. A Sigma!?

I'm the first to admit I think this lens would perform as well as or better than the AF-D lens, and probably as good as the AF-S but for the price difference, that's not really important.

But things changed a little a few days back and I finally got me a Nikon PB-4 bellows, so now the need to have an aperture ring is quite important.

So, I have two options:

Get myself an older still useful and perfectly creamy AF-D lens, OR get me a Sigma version at a good price(still cheaper than the AF-D lenses around the traps on ebay) plus one of those 're-branded' Samyang spin offs, for a bit of macro fun too.
I'm now looking around for all manner of lenses to see what sells for what and what works with the bellows and so forth.

Other than Andrew's 85 AF-D, I've had no experience with any of these lenses. Sigma samples and tests look good, my 50/1.4 works extremely well but of course it doesn't work on the bellows due to it having no diaphragm control ring.

I've always wanted a long fast 'portrait' lens myself and have always had one eye firmly fixed on Sigma 85 prices.

Funny tho, what's surprised me more is that Tamron haven't yet countered with a few more of these types of lenses themselves too.

Now I'm waiting to see what Kiwi's assessment of the lens is like, and I reckon into the new year, I'll end up with something myself too.

ATM, the Samyang spin offs(Rokinons, Vivitar, etc) is on my get now list.
They are hard to find second hand tho.

24-11-2011, 9:16pm
Oh. That sounds sucky.

Sorry, didn't mean to put a damper on things. It's probably nothing.

24-11-2011, 10:25pm
Lol. That's ok

I wouldn't use it much like that anyhow

25-11-2011, 8:48am
I am waiting with baited breath. I too have an inflexable rule about no third party lenses...until looking at the price that is. I have two Sigma lenses and must say they perform well...but, sometimes I wonder if the Nikkor would have been just a bit better, or is it just my incompetence. I have used the Nikkor 85mm1.4 G and OMG it is great but at approx $2500 it would also need to wash the car and mow the lawn.

25-11-2011, 8:50am
The Sigma is a real competitor to the AF-S Nikkor, especially at the Sigma price point, but hopefully longevity isn't the weak point, because the Nikkor will likely go for 100 years.
I did consider the upgrade (if you could call it that) from the AF-D version to the AF-S, but from what I have seen and read the focus speed of the AF-S is quite slow for a lens of it's kind, where I find my AF-D quite snappy for screw driven, even on the D700 and image quality is hardly if at all discernable to the eye.

I'll be interested to hear your view Darren.

25-11-2011, 8:53am
II have used the Nikkor 85mm1.4 G and OMG it is great but at approx $2500 it would also need to wash the car and mow the lawn.

Whoever is getting that price for them needs a patch over one eye..

Buy from the USA, brand new about US$1600, and around US$1500 mint on the used market. There are plenty floating about on the used market, because lots of people are finding they don't focus much faster than the older AF-D at 1/2 the price. The old AF-D used price has remained very buoyant since the AF-S release, and I can see it remaining that way for some time yet.

25-11-2011, 9:37am
yeah, still I paid $830 so i'll take a small risk I guess with it.

I'm not a focus chart type of guy, but will share real world images when I get a chance. Still tracking to arrive Monday some time.

25-11-2011, 10:12am
Get myself an older still useful and perfectly creamy AF-D lens, OR get me a Sigma version at a good price(still cheaper than the AF-D lenses around the traps on ebay) plus one of those 're-branded' Samyang spin offs, for a bit of macro fun too.

ATM, the Samyang spin offs(Rokinons, Vivitar, etc) is on my get now list.
They are hard to find second hand tho.

I have one of the 85mm f1.4 samyang lens (the non chipped version) I picked one up second hand for a good price and I would say its a pretty damn good lens, even for the full price of 300-400 it makes it a real alternative for dipping your toe into this focal length and aperture. They are built quite well (i woudl say equiv. to recent tokina quality).

The sharpeness of these (samyang) is apparently equiv (or very close too) to the nikkors and the bokeh is said by some to be better.

The biggest issue I have with the samyang is the manual focus, i do not shy away from the manual focus lens, moreso i embrace them, however nailing the focus at 1.4 is difficult at best, i would estimate my strike rate at 25% for anything other than a non-moving target with more than 10secs to focus. That said I am blown away with the level of quality for a lens that cost me a couple of hundred bucks and at the very least it has wetted my appetite for this length and aperture.

I am looking at upgrading to the nikkor or sigma version with particular interest in the focus side of things so I love to hear how you go with this lens Darren.

25-11-2011, 12:48pm
Whoever is getting that price for them needs a patch over one eye..

Buy from the USA, brand new about US$1600, and around US$1500 mint on the used market. There are plenty floating about on the used market, because lots of people are finding they don't focus much faster than the older AF-D at 1/2 the price. The old AF-D used price has remained very buoyant since the AF-S release, and I can see it remaining that way for some time yet.

topbuy (highly reputable ;) ) is the cheapest I found at 1675+79, do you have any links to a USD1600 one?

25-11-2011, 1:08pm

Mel just got her Zeiss, no AF but the glass is AWESOME.. will post some puics up in a few days when i get my hands on it...


25-11-2011, 1:32pm
I was thinking of the alternatives, but, I just cant live without fast AF, i'm weak

25-11-2011, 3:41pm
Yeah i think Mel will strugle with it... but i am sure she will work it to her advantage in the end...


25-11-2011, 6:13pm
I was thinking of the alternatives, but, I just cant live without fast AF, i'm weak

You're not the only one.

28-11-2011, 9:31pm
first impressions, im impressed by the lens build and feel

seems sharp enough at 1.4 and I like the bokeh

28-11-2011, 9:48pm
Nice portrait of the little man. Nice bokeh, but how do you feel about the AF speed/accuracy?

28-11-2011, 9:52pm
i only had a quick play as Dominic skootered around the driveway, seemed ok, more testing needed

JM Tran
28-11-2011, 10:23pm
the build quality of the 85 Sigma was the only thing I wasnt that impressed with, very plasticy compared to their other top EX lens range. But after using it for a few months in varying weather and overseas, I had gotten used to it and has caused no problems for me.

28-11-2011, 11:42pm
did you have any front/back focusing problems?