View Full Version : Give up smoking WELL WORTH A LOOK

Duane Pipe
12-11-2011, 6:02pm
How many of us smokers want to quit! Put your hands up:umm:
How many of you have tried or heard of an electronic cigarette.
I have tried Patches twice, the first time I gave up for three months but due to annual leave and heading bush with the lads for a week, drinking and just having a great time I gave in and started again.
The second attempt I lasted nine months using patches once again. I found the initial couple of months easy but after going off the patches I started to have really bad anxiety with sleepless nights and anxiety attacks which lead me to smoking again and back into my normal routine.
Anxiety runs in our family and I hate it and going without my nicotine just made it worse.
Any how my cousin and I have purchased some E Sigs with an initial layout being a couple of hundred dollars and he has almost quit smoking which is fantastic for him as he has smoked for thirty+ years
He has tried numerous ways of quitting and has never gone half a day without a smoke and in the last few weeks he has cut down to less than four smokes a day.
In short you can still get your Nicotine fix by importing it from China or USA and adding it to a Glycerine based mix, which you put in the E sig, If you are interested I can supply the links to the best and cheapest sites to buy from.
It is legal to import a three months supply of personal use nicotine and so far my cousin has received all that he has imported, with one lot opened by customs and still being cleared.
I am still waiting for my nicotine to arrive and then I will give up too.
Now before I get shot down let's just think about the damage that 4000 chemicals from smoking Tobacco can do!, So I think that vaporising a vegetable compound mixed with nicotine surely can't be as bad as Tobacco
Would love some feedback from the more educated

12-11-2011, 6:12pm
We have them at work. You can get them in any health centre that has a quit co-ordinator for about $18.00. The filter refills are pretty cheap as well.

Duane Pipe
12-11-2011, 6:34pm
We have them at work. You can get them in any health centre that has a quit co-ordinator for about $18.00. The filter refills are pretty cheap as well.

Yeah tried them ones Jiffy but once you get into the finer details of smoking and the need for a throat kick you soon
need something better.
I recon for around $400.00 outlay, with the cost of the starter kit,Hmff a smoker would have a twelve months supply of smokes :th3:

Mark L
12-11-2011, 7:08pm
I've given up trying to give them up.:confused013

Duane Pipe
12-11-2011, 7:17pm
I've given up trying to give them up.:confused013
LOL Not hard enough Mark:p

12-11-2011, 7:28pm
Have you thought about trying Champix, they work realy good. It stops your brain from wanting a nicotine fix. You need to ask your doctor for a script.

Mark L
12-11-2011, 8:26pm
LOL Not hard enough Mark:p

How many of us smokers want to quit!

12-11-2011, 10:56pm
Have you thought about trying Champix, they work realy good. It stops your brain from wanting a nicotine fix. You need to ask your doctor for a script.

Champix are not for everyone.

Many people react differently to whatever is in the tablets. Some have no reaction at all.

My wife described it as kickarse dreams and has been off the ciggies for a couple of years now. Me on the other hand had a bad reaction. I could feel that anger and rage building up in my arms and hands to the point where I was ready to explode. Now I'm the mellowest laidback person you'll ever meet and this was quite disturbing to me.

I've spoken to plenty of people and all have had varying reactions. Some good, some bad.

I'd love to quit. I've smoked a pack a day of Winne Red's for over 30 years and made the attempt to go back to Blues about 6 months ago which I've stuck with.

I'll have a look into this.

12-11-2011, 11:37pm
Champix are not for everyone.

Many people react differently to whatever is in the tablets. Some have no reaction at all.

My wife described it as kickarse dreams and has been off the ciggies for a couple of years now. Me on the other hand had a bad reaction. I could feel that anger and rage building up in my arms and hands to the point where I was ready to explode. Now I'm the mellowest laidback person you'll ever meet and this was quite disturbing to me.

I've spoken to plenty of people and all have had varying reactions. Some good, some bad.

I'd love to quit. I've smoked a pack a day of Winne Red's for over 30 years and made the attempt to go back to Blues about 6 months ago which I've stuck with.

I'll have a look into this.

My husband gave up by using Champix without any ill effect. I, however turned into a monster. So angry - I wanted to kill everyone. I quit Champix when I got really angry at my son for no reason and decided that I was better of smoking than being a monster. Also I felt constantly ill, like morning sickness that lasted all day. Definately not for me.

Duane Pipe
13-11-2011, 8:26am
I dont like the sounds of the side affects from Champix:eek:
I think the good thing about e sigs (vaping) is that you can make the nicotine as strong as you like and eventually drop the dose down to zero.
The nicotine that I ordered is 36mg which I intend to dilute down to 12mg using Vegetable Glycerin, there are online calculators
for mixing the ratios. there has been minimal study
regarding e sigs and the harmful affects but IMHO it has to be less risky than tobacco.
If you are interested I can post some links to online supply's

13-11-2011, 8:48am
Just a reminder:

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Duane Pipe
13-11-2011, 9:02am
No problem Rick. I think its a good alternative to smoking though. The government dose not like the idea and I think it is due to the fact that it will help people to quit, no smokers no tax:th3:

13-11-2011, 9:07am
Lung cancer cures smoking too

Even though I watched my grandfather die of it after smoking all his life I still smoked the bloody things until 10 years ago

Patches worked for me but what really works is the desire to give up in the first place

Duane, the government spends much much more on healthcare for smokers than it collects in tax, so, don't think for a second that it's the reason..... They don't want to lose your votes is the reason

13-11-2011, 9:07am
No problem Rick. I think its a good alternative to smoking though. The government dose not like the idea and I think it is due to the fact that it will help people to quit, no smokers no tax:th3:

I am not saying members cannot discuss it, just that they need to consider their own medical history etc, before embarking on a path that may not be suitable to them. Please continue to have the discussion, based on the fact that everyone is aware that medical advice presented on AP is the views and opinions of the member posting it, nothing more.

Duane Pipe
13-11-2011, 11:28am
Lung cancer cures smoking too

Even though I watched my grandfather die of it after smoking all his life I still smoked the bloody things until 10 years ago

Patches worked for me but what really works is the desire to give up in the first place

Duane, the government spends much much more on healthcare for smokers than it collects in tax, so, don't think for a second that it's the reason..... They don't want to lose your votes is the reason

Good point Darren I could imagine the cost of healthcare not only from smoking but also alcohol abuse. I also watched my uncle
die from it too, he had worked hard his whole life to live his dream on 10 acres and 5 years in to his retirement he found that he had lung cancer

13-11-2011, 12:15pm
Has anybody tried Hypnosis to give up My partner has tried Patches, Champix all did'nt work , She had a stroke 2 weeks ago, So the family has her booked in for Hypno therapy as a last resort to quit ?

13-11-2011, 12:46pm
No, not personally tried hypnosis, i know it helps some folk but but i think you need a receptive mind and will to quit still.

Acupuncture too might help

I still think if you really want to give up you will

I think nicotine replacement works but for me not a big bang approach, I started off with the highest dose patch but still snuck in a few ciggies but reduced each two days until I was ok on just the patch then repeated that process for the next step down in dose.

Took twice as long therefore as recommended but it worked

13-11-2011, 12:51pm
:umm: Acupuncture works for a lot of things , Thanks Darren

13-11-2011, 1:07pm
I wish the government would just remove them from sale.
After 3 days of withdrawals we would all be happier !

I also beleive the key is in our will power to be determined to give them up.

13-11-2011, 1:13pm
I've allways wondered that as well Chilli, Just stop selling them !! BUT , Money is involved here :(

13-11-2011, 1:53pm
Geoffsta - By "them", do you mean the 'electronic' cigarettes, as available in the US, EU and many other places? At "health centres" in Vic?

Calling the Quitline from here - Sydney - and asking about the devices, gets the answer that they aren't legal here, and they couldn't give any advice on "how to obtain".

I've tried Patches, Gum, and both in combination (a bit nauseating..) - without success.

As the "E-Cigs" - at least from what one can Google-up about them - are fairly effective - one might indeed wonder why they haven't gained Govt approval...

Perhaps they will - since they've just announced that as only 15% of Australians smoke now - they'll get it down to 10% by 2018...

So I'm wondering if you meant legal, privately-operated, health centres that one could get a Doctor's referral to - or what...?

Regards, Dave.

Duane Pipe
13-11-2011, 2:32pm
Only tried the patches myself William so I cant help with the hypnoses, but from the stories that I hear most sound unsuccessful:(
Thats not good news about your better half Bill lets hope it dose work, my blood pressure lately has been as high as 170 over 120
and I am on medication:eek:

This is the kit that I purchased

Then you need moor of these, about 1 per week and that is what the liquid goes in

Here is where to get nicotine. my cousin who has studied the hell out of the subject and has experimented recommended 110ml No Flavor(PG base).

I had a puff of his 18mg mix yesterday with no ill affects, I was at his place until 2pm and he had not had a ciggy and said that he don't feel like one:th3:

Here are some links to vaping


Do a googly search on safety and or dangers I don't come up with much at all, another thing I suggest is don't use flavors
as mmy cousins partner had an asthma attack and it turned out to be flavoring,who knows what chemicals are in them, she has no adverse affects with vegetable glycerine mixed with nicotine

13-11-2011, 2:55pm
Quote Dave : my blood pressure lately has been as high as 170 over 120
and I am on medication:eek:

:eek::eek: I'm not a Doctor , But that is high Dave , I've had a hard life , Mine is constantly at 140/80 , Checked every 4 weeks , And I still smoke the occasional Rollie :(, Usually after a drink :Doh:

13-11-2011, 3:01pm
Has anybody tried Hypnosis to give up My partner has tried Patches, Champix all did'nt work , She had a stroke 2 weeks ago, So the family has her booked in for Hypno therapy as a last resort to quit ?

As someone who has studied hypnotherapy, and can place a person in a hypnotic state if I (and the person) want to. Hypnotherapy can be very effective for a variety of things, but as said above, by others, it is those that have the drive to want to give up already, and who are easy/able to be hypnotised, that get the best results from it. Some people are very susceptible to hypnotic suggestion and others are near on impossible.

Some are also good at 'fighting' against the suggestions/directions given to them, whilst in a hypnotic state. Thus over a period of time, the power of the hypnotic suggestions lessens and reduces, so more sessions may be needed. Like all methods of giving up smoking, each person needs to have the will-power and want to give up. Hypnosis can assist, as other things can assist, but it is ultimately up to the individual to give up, with the assistance of a chosen method.

Hypnosis is really just using techniques to get a person to relax their muscles to a point where they are willing to listen and accept suggestions, nothing more. To be done well it has to be customised to the person. For example, I could use a scene of lying on a tropical beach, with the waves lapping the shore, white fluffy clouds and deep blue sky as a way to induce someone, but if the person hates sand and lying on a beach for them, is not a nice experience, then I have buckleys of getting them into a hypnotic state.

Hypnotism is not magic, it just relies on really one basic premise, and that is, that if you ask someone to do something for you, most people will do it. It is using that single trigger to get people to do what you want them to do, by making them so relaxed that they will accept your suggestions.

For smoking it can work well for some, and for others it doesn't do a thing.

Duane Pipe
13-11-2011, 3:25pm
I know its high Bill and so dose my doctor that has medicated me. Thanks to the family members that introduced me to alcohol at the age of 13 I am now an alcoholic and a heavy smoker aged 45, unemployed for the last 12 months due to illnesses, bad arthritis in my neck knees and hips and also torn ligaments in my shoulders.
Im a pressure welder by trade but cant do it any more so I have gone from home buyer to living back at home, I start drinking at 2 due to boredom and I also suffer from anxiety so no wonder the blood pressure is up. Shit I need help.

I was going to start thread, "who are you" just so that we could learn a bit more about each other.

13-11-2011, 3:27pm
Thanks for that info Rick, Will show my partner this post , To add to it all she this thing called Factor 5 in the blood with a 8.2 Cholesterol reading , You probably know what I mean , So we really have to do something ,

Duane Pipe
13-11-2011, 3:33pm
Of course it all comes down to wanting to quit Rick,if you have not got the drive and the will I feel that nothing will work

13-11-2011, 3:42pm
Quote Dave : I was going to start thread, "who are you" just so that we could learn a bit more about each other.

We are Dave , I had a Myocardial Infarction (Heart Attack) at 45 out Surfing at my favourite spot Currumbin , So I'm pretty aware of whats happening now , This has caused an Arrhythmia that I have to live with ( On Meds) , Then my Back packed it in as well , Nerve compression L5/S1 , So taking photos was a good option for an old fart :D

Duane Pipe
13-11-2011, 4:01pm
Its great getting old Bill, for some life begins at 40 LOL not for me.
So you are looking after your health now, I hope so.
Heart failure runs in the male side of my family and I know that if I don't change my ways I will be the next victim.
You have come across as someone that likes a beer Bill, how much do you drink if you don't mind me asking:o

13-11-2011, 4:06pm
I'll PM you that one Dave ;)

PS : If you asked a Doctor , Too Much

13-11-2011, 4:08pm
Duane, I'm 45 too, I wouldn't call me healthy but I still feel youngish

Get some help with the booze, you're right, it will do you in fasted than the ciggies

Plenty of help out there, talk to your local salvos to start with

Just have to take the first step. It's always the hardest.

13-11-2011, 4:19pm
I was an alcholic and a very heavy smoker (2oz White Ox tobacco a day). 35 years ago I said no more to smoking, then 33 years ago said no to drinking. I haven't had a smoke since and after 6 years totally off the drink I started drinking light beer and now am in total control of my drinking, Friday nights I have 4 light beers at the pub with my son then go home. A slab of light cans lasts me 3-4 weeks. Will power was the only thing I used and I feel most of these other methods are only a crutch and when it is taken away without will power you fall down.

13-11-2011, 4:25pm
Quote Keith : (2oz White Ox tobacco a day).

:eek: White Ox would kill a brown dog :D

Well done on controlling things Keith :th3:

Duane Pipe
13-11-2011, 4:54pm
[QUOTE=kiwi;942148]Duane, I'm 45 too, I wouldn't call me healthy but I still feel youngish

Get some help with the booze, you're right, it will do you in fasted than the ciggies

Plenty of help out there, talk to your local salvos to start with

Thanks Darren. I feel young in my mind too but am reminded from time to time that I am not so young any more, and the employment prospects in the Latrobe Valley are not good.
Heaps of work if your a school leaver or a professional/tradesmen I have worked in the construction industry all my life and that's all i know
But I just cant do it any more
Some times I go to role over in bed and have to use my hands to help pick my head up off the pillow, due to pain.
So now I am starting to think that whats the point and may as well have a drink as it helps me to forget.
I have mentioned to my Quack that I want to give up the booze but I have not really had any response out of him:action:

Duane Pipe
13-11-2011, 5:05pm
Well done Speedy, Thats will power mate and its good to see that you can still enjoy a beer from time to time without the need for more :th3:RE: White Ox:eek: Camel shit tastes better :D

13-11-2011, 5:21pm
I think it is a filthy habit, and am glad I have never even tried it. So many people I know have quit for lengthy periods of time and gone back to smoking, usually with drinking as an excuse.

Good luck mate, it clearly isn't easy.

Duane Pipe
13-11-2011, 6:05pm
Thanks Wayne, It sure is a filthy habit and one that none of us are proud to have... No habit is easy to give up mate, but if there are alternatives to breathing all the chemicals that tobacco smoke has
I think it is worth a try.
Lets not forget the amount of carcinogenics that are associated with normal smokes and how many are associated with an e cig,
I cant find any on Google can you.
When you can control the amount of nicotine that you ingest and can lower the amount as you
go I can not see any better method of giving up

13-11-2011, 6:30pm
Nah, using a Canon is a filthy habit.

Smoking is a tragic addiction

13-11-2011, 6:40pm
Quote : Darren, Smoking is a tragic addiction

Thing is when us old farts started smoking it was OK, Alpine with the cool mountain freshness , Peter Styvasent, The passport to smoking pleasure , The Winfield man , The Marlbrough Man etc , No one knew the dangers in the 60's , To late we we're hooked :(

13-11-2011, 6:45pm

Makes me shake my head seeing youngsters starting though

God help my kids if I ever catch them smoking (anything)

I think the best thing the govt could do in the short term is to double the price again. Make a cigarette the same price as a stubby

I @ M
13-11-2011, 6:48pm
Thing is when us old farts started smoking it was OK,

I still vividly remember going to the doctors with my mother, must have been in the very early sixties and the doctor was happily puffing away as he talked to us in his rooms.

What hope did we have.:confused013

13-11-2011, 7:04pm
Quote Andrew : What hope did we have.

:eek: Your right Andrew !! I remember as well , Our Family Doctor A close family friend in those days , Because thats the way it was , Bless his heart has now passed ( Due to Lung Cancer) Your right I vividly remember him puffing on a Ciggy in his rooms while visiting fo a consultation :Doh:What hope ! The kids now should have a better view on what damage they can do you'd reckon :rolleyes:

13-11-2011, 7:27pm
Anyone thinking of using Champix please research it thoroughly before using it, and if using it I would recommend that you have a partner or friend close by to monitor your moods. I nearly lost my close friend because of that stuff. She degenerated from a life loving mother of a 6 year old girl to a person who felt that we would all be better off without her. She had it all planned but I wouldnt leave and I stopped her from taking the next tablet.

The change in her moods as time passed was quite amazing to witness. As each hour passed she became more aware of what had been happening to her and was mortified that she would even think like that as her life was good. That episode scared the sh1t out of me.

She did quit smoking through the Matrix Laser Clinic about 3 years ago and hasnt looked back.

My journey to quit was far less stressful. I just had a heart attack. The cardiologist said that if I didnt give them up there wasnt much he could do for me. I havent had a smoke since and I had been a 2+ packets a day for over 40 years, and strangely I haven't even wanted one.

13-11-2011, 9:07pm
i too gave up, but i did it basically through will power. Cold turkey i guess... i was wanting too however and had not long met my now wife and it was a habit she hated so that was the little push i guess i needed to stick with it. I had like most given up a few times before hand for a few months here and there.
Wanting to be around and see my kids grow up and see there kids is quite a good motivational tool as well. Among other things i am a musician and gave up at a gig, threw them away and never looked back, wasn't necessarily easy but the best thing i have done for my own health, put your mind too it and i am sure most of us would be surprised at what we can accomplish...


13-11-2011, 9:10pm
Has anybody tried Hypnosis to give up My partner has tried Patches, Champix all did'nt work , She had a stroke 2 weeks ago, So the family has her booked in for Hypno therapy as a last resort to quit ?

Sorry to hear of this happening to your partner, it must have been quite a shock for you all and I hope she is recovering. My partner's GP used hypnotherapy to help him give up both smoking and pain meds and it worked for him but, as Rick indicated, he did want it to work. This was well before I met him and we have been together over 13 years. I just asked him and he said it took more than one session to get off the pain meds (but it still worked quite quickly) and then only one additional session for the smoking. So let her know it may not be an instant fix in case she expects it to be and abandons the treatment too quickly. Best wishes on her recovery and optimism that she has success at quitting cigarettes.:gl:

13-11-2011, 9:32pm
Another thing, tell everyone!

If you are giving up anything, smoking, alcohol, coffee, eating chocolate..Tell everyone, and tell them not to offer it to you, and tell them that if you ask, that they refuse.

Giving up and keeping it quiet is doomed, cause as soon as you catch up with someone, they are bound to say, want a ciggie, coffee, beer etc.

If you have a friend who even after telling them that you have given up, tries to offer the thing to you, start avoiding that friend for a while, and tell them why. Giving up anything is very hard, but having someone around you who refuses to support you makes it even harder. So tell everyone, and tell them everything.

14-11-2011, 11:52am
A few weeks after I gave up alcohol at an after match party (ice Hockey) one of my mates pulled me aside, he had been nominated by a number of friends to find out what serious medical problem I had as they couldn't believe I had just stopped drinking for no other reason than I just wanted to. It took a bit of talking to convince him there was no problem. We then went back to the party where to my embarrassment he announced to all that I was ok and there was no underling medical problem, this received applause and cheers and most of the 70 odd people there came and shook my hand. All my friends were very supportive.

14-11-2011, 3:36pm
I gave up smoking about 50 times. I am one of the people who can give up ok but starts again at the drop of a hat. Over the last 2 years since starting with photography again I smoked rarely due to a new incentive strategy I put in place for myself.
I usually give up with a self hypnosis tape...

Anyway, the main incentive for me to stay off the smokes relates to my photography hobby. I am allowed (I know how that sounds...) to put aside $50 a week for photo gear (or whatever I want) with every week I don't smoke. I don't allow myself any extra money. Seems to work for me.

good luck and will power to you

Duane Pipe
14-11-2011, 3:54pm
Good onya falke, and that dose not sound silly I think its a great way of saving money as you dont miss it But with the cost of ciggies you should be able to put more money aside:D

16-11-2011, 9:23pm
Will power of wanting to quit is what is required to stop smoking, excuses is what people put up to not give up, I gave up after 30 years.

Dylan & Marianne
17-11-2011, 6:31pm
Ironically, many cases of lung cancer, if incurable, they are the only patients I don't encourage to give up smoking (unless they're prescribed home oxygen)
As a non smoker, I find it very difficult to get in the mind set of those who have suffered a stroke or heart attack and still continue to smoke though (like my late grandfather for instance)

18-11-2011, 2:30pm
I've been smoking for over 40 years, and I am quite healthy, and also a diabetic.
My blood sugar levels are in the "excellent control" range, but I would hate to think what they would be if I gave up smoking, although I will, someday.

Funny enough, a few years ago, I had 2 friends (not known to each other) that both died of lung cancer, yet neither of them ever smoked, they had non-smoking partners and worked in non-smoking environments, so it is not only smoking that can give you lung cancer.

My mother, rest her soul, smoked heavily from the age of 8, smoked mahorka ( a REALLY rough tobacco) rolled in old newspapers all through the war while she was in Siberia, yet she lived to 81 and died from something that was completely not smoking related.

When I was very young, smoking was almost de rigeur and many parents (not mine) actually encouraged their kids to smoke!

I think if they want to get rid of the smoking problem, all the government has to do is to ban it, but they want the taxes it generates more than the health of its citizens.

Live fast, die young, and leave a good looking corpse.

19-11-2011, 8:29am
Non smoker for the last 20 yrs
First of all it is worth it.
No one will ever force a smoker to give it away. Especially an ex smoker that is now on a crusade (not that anybody posting here has done that) just had a few of them in my time. You are the one that will kick the habit. I started at the ripe old age of 11 nicking ciggies out of my grannies packet when she wasn't looking. At my worst I was on two packets of winnie reds 25s a day. One of my reasons to quit was that I was going to give it all away when they went up to $1.00 a packet. I was a heavy drinking football playing truck driver and bullet proof. This is why I think it is a smoker's lifestyle that has to change first. I was real lucky and I thank whatever deity you choose that I did not (and according to the girlfriend none of this is true) have too many effects from withdrawal (bad moods, anger). I don't know how many packets of cigs I screwed up and threw out the car window on the way home after a big season (I know it was also the time when it was ok to drink and drive). I do remember after one of these nights and throwing packet 100 out the car window. When I got home I really needed a ciggy and back then nothing on the south side of Brisbane was open after 10 pm. So back in the car I got and went looking for that packet and found them, not a high point. The thing that really gave me a kick in the bum was I was watching a show on TV aboot the effects of smoking and there was a old bloke who lost a leg due to the butts and a couple of days later he was on the balcony rolling a smoke saying he didn't have the intestinal fortitude to give up. I think that for me and this may not work for everyone it was the fact that for one year I did not go out to discos footy nights pool comps (these are the worst) no temptation what so ever. I still went out with mates after work just curbed heavy everything. Also it wasn't cold Turkey dropped down to light cigs for aboot a year before hand. My version of patches. I do remember the first outing as a non smoker at a work golf weekend. It got pretty late in the night and I still hadn't had a lot to drink when the company yobbo found out that I had given up the ciggs waved a packet in my face and said go on have one you know you want to. I politely said ok took the packet screwed them up tossed them across the room a not so politely told him where to go. Now I cannot comment on how other addictions would affect your cause of bagging the fags but as I said first of all real real hard decisions about lifestyles have to be addressed. As some have said in these posts help is out there just ask. My company yobbo may be one of your mates egging you just to go one more drink or smoke or whatever it is you're trying to quit. I have a new quest in life. I went from a 77 kilo smoker to a 125 kilo non smoker. It's just lucky I'm cute.


old dog
19-11-2011, 8:46am
a really interesting thread chaps. Being a non smoker all my life except for being young and silly.....ahem no comment......I just can`t understand why people do it, apart from the terrible addiction that is. I have my eldest son smoking and I have suggested several times that he give it up as he gets crook throats that have hospitalised him but still he lights up though I think he has cut back a bit (hope so anyway). Me being 61 and having gone through heart attack, bypass etc besides a few other things that I wish I didn`t have, I can`t imagine how I`d be if I smoked too.

Bill....hope your wife recovers quickly.

Duane Pipe
19-11-2011, 9:44am
With the education that children and young adults get and the knowledge these days of knowing the dangers of smoking and yet they still do it. CRAZY

19-11-2011, 2:22pm
Non smoker for the last 20 yrs
First of all it is worth it.
No one will ever force a smoker to give it away. Especially an ex smoker that is now on a crusade (not that anybody posting here has done that) just had a few of them in my time. You are the one that will kick the habit. I started at the ripe old age of 11 nicking ciggies out of my grannies packet when she wasn't looking. At my worst I was on two packets of winnie reds 25s a day.

One of my reasons to quit was that I was going to give it all away when they went up to $1.00 a packet. I was a heavy drinking football playing truck driver and bullet proof. This is why I think it is a smoker's lifestyle that has to change first. I was real lucky and I thank whatever deity you choose that I did not (and according to the girlfriend none of this is true) have too many effects from withdrawal (bad moods, anger). I don't know how many packets of cigs I screwed up and threw out the car window on the way home after a big season (I know it was also the time when it was ok to drink and drive). I do remember after one of these nights and throwing packet 100 out the car window. When I got home I really needed a ciggy and back then nothing on the south side of Brisbane was open after 10 pm. So back in the car I got and went looking for that packet and found them, not a high point.

The thing that really gave me a kick in the bum was I was watching a show on TV aboot the effects of smoking and there was a old bloke who lost a leg due to the butts and a couple of days later he was on the balcony rolling a smoke saying he didn't have the intestinal fortitude to give up. I think that for me and this may not work for everyone it was the fact that for one year I did not go out to discos footy nights pool comps (these are the worst) no temptation what so ever. I still went out with mates after work just curbed heavy everything. Also it wasn't cold Turkey dropped down to light cigs for aboot a year before hand. My version of patches.

I do remember the first outing as a non smoker at a work golf weekend. It got pretty late in the night and I still hadn't had a lot to drink when the company yobbo found out that I had given up the ciggs waved a packet in my face and said go on have one you know you want to. I politely said ok took the packet screwed them up tossed them across the room a not so politely told him where to go. Now I cannot comment on how other addictions would affect your cause of bagging the fags but as I said first of all real real hard decisions about lifestyles have to be addressed. As some have said in these posts help is out there just ask. My company yobbo may be one of your mates egging you just to go one more drink or smoke or whatever it is you're trying to quit. I have a new quest in life. I went from a 77 kilo smoker to a 125 kilo non smoker. It's just lucky I'm cute.

Peterholy paragraphs batman

Duane Pipe
19-11-2011, 4:35pm
There would be nothing worse Peter than some Ahole trying to force a habit on you when the know full well that you are on the wagon. And well done for you Pete :th3::party6: With all the help that is out there why do we put up with our complaints, I know why because we are men unwilling to seek help! My Dr referred me to a psyche to try and control my anxiety I saw her for the first time on Thursday and she said that we will work on a lifestyle routine, Man am I going to be going through some changes :eek:

19-11-2011, 6:14pm
Sounds like a plan to me Dave. I think I said once that a journey of a 1000 miles starts with 1 step. Congrats with yours.

holy paragraphs batman:)
Are you Miss White my grade 4 english teacher?

There is just np pleasing some folks. I got the spellin rite didn I.
Ok I used spell chech I haven't.

Found the paragraph maker button on my computer yet.

11 years of schoolin to get to grade 10

19-11-2011, 6:31pm
Hey Dave , My partner is seeing the Hypno guy, I just spent 3 hrs Waiting today , The big thing is Lifestyle change and support , Get rid of the area you smoke at , Get some healthy stuff to nibble on , Celery Carrot sticks etc , It's a big change , Get rid of the stress in your life , Complete change , Hope I dont get the boot !! :D In the process :(

Duane Pipe
19-11-2011, 6:41pm
Sounds like a plan to me Dave. I think I said once that a journey of a 1000 miles starts with 1 step. Congrats with yours.

Are you Miss White my grade 4 english teacher?

There is just np pleasing some folks. I got the spellin rite didn I.
Ok I used spell chech I haven't.

Found the paragraph maker button on my computer yet.

11 years of schoolin to get to grade 10

Off to a good start for a want to be a AP member Pete :lol:... Just joking Roo :p

Duane Pipe
19-11-2011, 7:04pm
Hey Dave , My partner is seeing the Hypno guy, I just spent 3 hrs Waiting today , The big thing is Lifestyle change and support , Get rid of the area you smoke at , Get some healthy stuff to nibble on , Celery Carrot sticks etc , It's a big change , Get rid of the stress in your life , Complete change , Hope I dont get the boot !! :D In the process :(

I wish you and your partner all the best Bill and hope that the hypno works and the outcome of the stroke is positive.
I have got a really good juicer that I have used now and then but for the last two weeks I have been juicing 2 times a day some times 3....... 5 carrots a clove of garlic a slice of ginger a couple of storks of celery 2 oranges and what ever else I can find, I haven't tried a finger yet though:D

25-11-2011, 11:22am
The old days.


25-11-2011, 11:27am
There was a story about 2 old ladies chatting one day and one said to the other that she had found a great way of smoking in the shower.
"How do you do that? Every time I do the ciggie gets wet and I have to throw it out."
"What I do is to get a condom, cut a hole in the end, then the condom works like a raincoat. You should try it, it works really well."

So the other old lady goes to her chemist shop and asks for a packet of condoms.
The chemist gives her a quizzical look, as she is about 85 years old, and he asks her "What size do you want Mrs Smith?"
"Oh, I don't know, just one that will fit a Camel!":D

25-11-2011, 9:19pm
Was it the ol Camel lady/model that died of lung cancer?

29-11-2011, 7:15pm
There was a story about 2 old ladies chatting one day and one said to the other that she had found a great way of smoking in the shower.
"How do you do that? Every time I do the ciggie gets wet and I have to throw it out."
"What I do is to get a condom, cut a hole in the end, then the condom works like a raincoat. You should try it, it works really well."

So the other old lady goes to her chemist shop and asks for a packet of condoms.
The chemist gives her a quizzical look, as she is about 85 years old, and he asks her "What size do you want Mrs Smith?"
"Oh, I don't know, just one that will fit a Camel!":D


http://i.imgur.com/2yjXG.gif (http://my-camera.me/)