View Full Version : Is this camera lube or scratches ?

08-11-2011, 10:32pm
This evening I performed my first wet sensor clean using the copperhill wet/dry kit I have just recieved. I performed a few dry runs with the brush first and the did about half a dozen wet runs before I was happy with the result. However I have noticed some very slight marks that dont seem to want to move(i doubt they will show in any real pics).
I seem to remember seeing these marks last time I did a dry clean last year. My question is this, Is this camera lube, or have I scratched my low pass filter with my earlier dry clean? My previous efort at dry cleaning was using the best quality nylon artists brush I could find on the advice of a relative who was the editor of a british photo magazine(so I trust him, or at least did lol).
I notice that they seem to be fainter in the after shot so Im hoping that it is some stuborn lubricant that has probably been there since I recieved the camera. Does anybody have any ideas?
I just realized the shots are in the wrong order!!

09-11-2011, 1:36pm
Apart from the area you circled, there seems to be a lot of dirt on the sensor, or on the lens.
Personally, I wouldn't rub anything on the sensor if it is dry (not even with a good brush) as it is very easy to scratch the filter over the sensor.
First thing to do when cleaning the sensor should be to hold the camera upside-down, and give it a good blow so the dust can fall out, then if this isn't doing the trick, then go for a wet clean.
Some dust particles are almost as hard as diamonds!

Those circled marks look like something has been dragged over the sensor or some liquid that has dried leaving the smears behind.

Sorry, but I can't help you regarding lubricant.

09-11-2011, 3:42pm
Sometimes when you clean the sensor after a very long time, the dust 'bakes' on (electrostatically) and you may need to use the wet cleaning method a few times.

I've had this streaking a few times too.

two thing to ensure you minimise it is.

1. (VERY IMPORTANT) shake the eclipse fluid vigorously for a few seconds.
What seems to happen is that there may be whatever active ingredient is suspended in water is separating from the water in the bottle, and the water is not drying.
The solvent in the fluid is supposed to dry instantly. Water doesn't.

This process is easy and eliminates one problem at least.

2. If you get this even after vigorous shaking, then keep on cleaning but make sure you always apply the cleaning process(ie. the swab), wipe in the same direction as you can drag the dust across the sensor from one side to the other and back again if you swipe from example, left to right and then right to left.

10-11-2011, 7:04am
thanks folks, Ill give it another try tonight.
I must admit i forgot to shake the eclipse but Im pretty sure the marks were there before this clean.The marks dont show as clearly on these reduced images but as you can seen theyre pretty faint in the after shot(the first image) so I doubt theyl show much in a normal shot. I cant be 100% certain but I think they may have been there before I did my first dry clean which is why I think they be lubricant. Anywho I'll see how I go tonight.

One problem I did have is trying to avoid getting the pec pad fibers from catching inside the mirror box as the sensor swab is a pretty tight fit in my 550D. Any advice in this regard?

Cheers Dan