View Full Version : Question about fashion parades

08-11-2011, 8:04pm
I searched around AP without much success for some solid advice on shooting fashion parades indoors. This isn't something I don't do but there was one last weekend (amateur of course) and I wanted to try my hand at this sort of stuff, but I missed out on this one. No idea how to go about it but wondering what you people thought on this type of approach:-

Lens of f2.8, shutter speed from 1/160sec to 1/250 sec. and ISO 800 to 1600. Lighting provided is pretty poor and not too sure about flash settings?? The one above was scheduled for daytime but if any members have done these events at night with only average lighting I'd appreciate some advice.

Cheers Richard

08-11-2011, 8:57pm
Hi Richard,
I've seen this subject raised before in another forum. One thing that was advised was the use of flashes (either on camera or off camera remote units). If you have the option to set up radio receivers and flash units in tripods, set them up at 45% and 30% in front of the model as they approach the end of the walkway. Another tip given at the time was to get down at about knee to thigh level so you are looking down the runway on a little bit of an angle to use the runway as a leading line.

Hope this is the sort of advice you were hoping for. Your lens and camera settings should be enough, although if you can't use flash then you may want to lower the shutter speed and do your best to catch the model at the end of the walkway as they pause to reduce blur.


09-11-2011, 8:11pm
Hi Richard,
I've seen this subject raised before in another forum. One thing that was advised was the use of flashes (either on camera or off camera remote units). If you have the option to set up radio receivers and flash units in tripods, set them up at 45% and 30% in front of the model as they approach the end of the walkway. Another tip given at the time was to get down at about knee to thigh level so you are looking down the runway on a little bit of an angle to use the runway as a leading line.

Hope this is the sort of advice you were hoping for. Your lens and camera settings should be enough, although if you can't use flash then you may want to lower the shutter speed and do your best to catch the model at the end of the walkway as they pause to reduce blur.

Many thanks for that advice, thought I would have had dozens of relies to my questions by now but guess I might be delving into OP's trade secrets and info they are unwilling to part with. I have seen advice that 1/80sec or slower would work well too?? Think it might be a matter also of shooting as "wide open" as the aperture will allow to trash the background, at least that would be my approach.
Cheers Richard


09-11-2011, 8:12pm
i just posted an example a week ago