View Full Version : Sydney meets xmas bbq - sunday 18 december 2011

07-11-2011, 3:36pm
Can you believe that Christmas is upon us already. :christmasparty:

This year the plan is to have a CHRISTMAS BBQ at BICENTENNIAL PARK, HOMEBUSH on SUNDAY 18 DECEMBER 2011. It is fairly central to everyone and offers a variety of photo opportunities including sculptures, macro and birding, shipwreck, wetlands with a boardwalk, water fountains and spouts, viewing tower, historic Newington Armory, Olympic Cauldron, skate park and the list goes on. There is also a couple of temporary public art displays on until December 31.
We could make it an afternoon meet, have our barbie, take our shots at whatever takes your fancy and then drive up to the area that has the temporary art displays and the Cauldron and get some night time pics.


PLEASE POST IN THIS THREAD IF YOU ARE INTENDING TO COME ALONG - ANY AP MEMBER IS WELCOMED TO ATTEND. We would like to lock in this date ASAP, thus the advanced notice. Please feel free to leave any comments or suggestions.

07-11-2011, 9:31pm
I am in for this.

14-11-2011, 6:45pm
Lyn and i should be ok

14-11-2011, 7:55pm
Would love to come but flying home to WA that day for Giftmas leave. Hope you guys have a fab day. :)

20-11-2011, 7:32pm
sorry guys, I'm out for this. We've got our Xmas party with Simon's dad on that date. Have a great time. I love Bicentennial park ...:party6:

20-11-2011, 9:42pm
The Missus and I will be coming to this BBQ.
It would be nice to get some new faces along too.

20-11-2011, 9:56pm
I have that date free at this stage :D I've done a few shoots at Bicentennial Park :)

25-11-2011, 1:57pm
I may come late in the day, I have a work xmas party cruising on the harbour from noon

25-11-2011, 9:24pm
Lucky you Jo - a cruise on the harbour sounds terrific. My hubby has his work cruise this weekend - unfortunately partners ares not invited. :(

03-12-2011, 4:43pm
I would have loved to come and meet some fellow APers but I unfortunately have another function that day. One of these days i will get to a meet! If any Northern Beaches Apers want to meet up on an itty bitty mini get together, I am keen to meet some of the names I see on the screen even if its just for coffee and camera/photo chat.

04-12-2011, 9:35pm
Hi Narelle. I am planning to come along to this meet too for at least some of the time anyway. Look forward to it :)

05-12-2011, 4:51am
I think hubby and I can make it- let me run it by him. I have another Xmas do on a Sunday but can't remember which one

06-12-2011, 3:54pm
Do we have a start time and meeting point for the meet? Start time iz important so I can organise other stuff on the day.


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06-12-2011, 9:43pm
How does 1:30 - 2pm sound? We can then have our BBQ straight away which will give us time to get the better afternoon light. I think the park closes at sunset so we can then head on up to the Cauldron and the featured displays. I haven't worked out yet where a good meeting place will be - it's been ages since I have been to this park. Any suggestions?

07-12-2011, 5:39am
Sounds fine.

08-12-2011, 5:35am
Lyn and i will be a bit late.
i have picked up another Bar Mirtzvah to shoot (paid one).
It does't finish till about 2.00, so by the time i pick up the boss and get out there it may be 3.30 or so.
I wil give Narelle or Peter a call as we get close to see where you all are :efelant:

08-12-2011, 5:29pm
Pity you can't make it Judy and ktoopi. I am on holidays from now until January 23 so I would be up for a meet in the new year with you ktoopi.

OK....so far we have the following people coming:
Peter, Greg & Mary, Lyn & Paul, Emma, Ness and myself, ? Danielle & hubby.


08-12-2011, 9:21pm
Hi Narelle
I am on holidays from Friday 16th until 1st Feb so would love to catch up at some point. I will be away from December 29th to January 7th in Hobart doing the Sydney to Hobart thing as Hubby is doing his first Hobart race but after that i'm freeeeee!!

08-12-2011, 10:22pm
Hi Narelle, there will be four of us and we might not be there for 1.30 as we'll be in the city during the morning.
If you go to this map you can uncheck/check amenities on the right hand side so you can see where different BBQs are. As there are a few in the vicinity of the bike hire place/lilies on the park so that may be a good place to meet.

Although I haven't been to this part of the park http://www.sydneyolympicpark.com.au/whats_on/things_to_do_and_see_events/the_treillage_viewing_platform it is meant to offer good views and I've seen some lovely photos of this at dusk too.

Hope that helps. There's many photographic opportunities in the area :D

11-12-2011, 10:20pm
Hi all, I might not get there until 4pm as Lesley is working until 3pm. As there seem to be quite a few that cannot make the early start, how about a later start and then late afternoon feed and then maybe go around to the shipwrecks in Homebush Bay for dusk?

13-12-2011, 7:46pm
I don't mind meeting at 4pm but I'm so not familiar with the park I'm not sure where we should park and meet.

13-12-2011, 9:29pm
The areas with BBQs are:

Blaxland Riverside Park Blaxland Riverside Park (http://www.sydneyolympicpark.com.au/whats_on/parks/blaxland_riverside_park) which also appears to have plenty of parking, toilets and interesting stuff associated with the old Newington Amory & wharf.

Bicentennial Park Bicentennial Park (http://www.sydneyolympicpark.com.au/whats_on/parks/bicentennial_park) which is the most popular spot.

Wentworth Common Wentworth Common (http://www.sydneyolympicpark.com.au/whats_on/parks/wentworth_common)

I think it is pretty much between those 3. Last time I went to the Bicentennial Park bit I found parking very difficult. I guess if there is anything on at Homebush at the time will have a huge bearing on that.

13-12-2011, 11:02pm
I'm thinking the Blaxland Riverside Park although Ilike the idea of doing some birding in the wetlands at Bicentennial Park. Lets see what other members would prefer - we have a few days to make a decision. :xmas31:

13-12-2011, 11:09pm
Blaxland Riverside Park looks interesting. I think the area is quite newly done up. Then for sunset at the wreck in Homebush Bay and I think there may be some lit up things at night if I am hanging around that long.

15-12-2011, 6:03am
I'm happy to go where you guys suggest as i have not been there before

15-12-2011, 6:22pm
So what are the details? Start time etc? Can u take dogs? I was thinking of bringing the naughty pugs

15-12-2011, 9:21pm
Narelle/Peter - I'm flexible too with your suggestions. Reading the website I think the Blaxland river park is still undergoing renos so won't look the photo yet! It might still be OK along by the river though. Realistically I won't be there until 3ish I would say but who knows! :santa:

15-12-2011, 9:58pm
Dogs on a leash are OK.

16-12-2011, 6:57pm
Ok - I think I have this sorted - it's such a large park. :eek:

How about we meet at the Wentworth Common - this is the closest park to the shipwreck viewing platform, bird hides and mangrove walks. As we are now meeting much later in the day we are not going to have a lot of time to get from Blaxland Park over to the shipwreck - keeping in mind that the park closes at sunset? see this map:

There are 4 Parking areas near the Common on Marjorie Jackson Parkway and hopefully parking will be ok. These parking stations appear to be a relatively short distance from the common if you are wanting to return chairs etc. to the car.


17-12-2011, 6:22am
Sounds a perfect place to meet. I haven't been to that park of the park before which is good. See you all tomorrow. Thanks Narelle for getting us sorted!

17-12-2011, 2:37pm
I will now be by myself, so see you around 3pm.

18-12-2011, 8:19am
Have fun everyone. Have a merry Christmas and see you all in the new year ...:santa::xmas::xmas31:

18-12-2011, 9:48am
I'm still planning on coming this arvo but have to go to westfields for Xmas shopping Uuggghh! If I come out alive Pete and I will be there