View Full Version : No wedding proofs

02-11-2011, 8:34pm
Say you had a wedding and the photographer still had not given any proofs as promised and you were having difficultly contacting the photographer and tried several times (email, phone etc).

What would be the next steps that could be taken?

This was all well over 6 months ago! Wedding was over 12 months!

P.S.. asking for a old mate.

02-11-2011, 8:45pm
Is there a contract ?

Are they an AIPP member ?

Sounds to me that they need to start legal action.

02-11-2011, 8:52pm
I agree with Kiwi, we need to know more, do they have a copy of the contract etc. If wedding was 12 months ago, then I reckon a visit to their lawyers even to just discuss this, is a good place to start.

02-11-2011, 8:58pm
I've asked a few questions regarding the contract and what it states (not going on hear say then) and to confirm payment has been made in full etc.

I was wondering what avenues they would have though? (Assuming until further notice that payment has been made in full and it's in the contract)

P.S... Also trying to get a way around this without the expensive cost of lawyers

02-11-2011, 9:04pm
I'd get legal advice, via legal aid perhaps or lodge a claim in the small claims court if It qualifies

02-11-2011, 9:06pm
lodge a claim in the small claims court if It qualifies

I was thinking that. I told them to contact the small claims court and see if they can help them. Mostly though I've told them read and re-read their contract to confirm the details/time frames/dates etc

02-11-2011, 9:11pm
You're going to need an address i would have thought so why not check their physical address first and if they're there explain your only course of action will be legal unless they get the photos now. But otherwise i'd go with Darrens small claims court depending on sums of money involved.

JM Tran
02-11-2011, 9:47pm
Do you have more information/details on the said photographer? Does the person have an ABN, or physical address?

02-11-2011, 10:05pm
All paid for in full in advance. Have contracts of what we should have, and have record of how many times tried to call Also have an email from him from six months ago saying he would have it to us in a week,

Hope that might help with some idea's on what to do

02-11-2011, 10:07pm
Sounds lost to me I'm afraid

How many $, was the photographer a pro ?

02-11-2011, 10:14pm
I know was a pro but don't know how much sorry

02-11-2011, 10:27pm
Message longshot on this forum, he will help

03-11-2011, 8:22am
The Queensland equivalent of the Office of Fair trading would be able to help. Try them if it gets to that stage.

03-11-2011, 12:15pm
Fair Trading can investigate but if not then its court. Depending on the orders they want depends on the action they take. Courts can't tell you what action to follow just advise you of your options.

Have a chat to legal aid on 1300651188 to work out what action is the best one to take for your situation.

03-11-2011, 6:08pm
Ok got an update...

They contacted the photographer and tomorrow by COB they should have the proofs...

Guess it's wait and see time

03-11-2011, 7:03pm
Sounds like "the cheques in the mail", let us know

23-11-2011, 8:37pm
Wow, how to lose customers and really tick people off, if they are AIPP you can lodge a complaint. Over promise and under deliver! The poor bride must be very worried about what the images will be like.

23-11-2011, 8:57pm
I can't help but wonder why (unless contractually agreed) someone would wait so long to commence proceedings.

23-11-2011, 8:59pm
"tomorrow" was three weeks ago. So tell us, what happened ?

12-12-2011, 11:25am
Fair Trading is the fastest and cheapest way to chase this.

You'll need a contract though.