View Full Version : Stolen Canon Gear

Lesley Bray
01-11-2011, 10:47pm
Today has been a bad day for me - had both my cameras stolen - 40D and 5d Mk II - along with 24-70mm F1:2.8 L zoom lens and 400mm F1:5.6L prime lens.
Stolen from a friend's vehicle in a suburban driveway while we were visiting his daughter in Como, Perth. The vehicle was definitely locked (I checked the door handles) but friend was called out of the house to move his vehicle and is not so sure he locked it the second time. Other valuable equipment in the car was not touched - GPS, binoculars; wallet; tripods (2) and Ipod. My gear was in a backpack.
The 400L is distinctive in that it has a decent chip on the barrel.
I thought my gear was insured - I personally went into the insurance company to remove my old camera (350D) from my list of gear and add my new camera. Today insurance company tells me they have no record of any of my gear. So that is something else I have to chase up and contend with - my daughter was with me the day I went in.
Right now wondering if photography is worth it - for me it is a hobby, but I take it seriously. Feel sick in the stomach.
If anyone sees my gear for sale anywhere, please let me know.
Thanks Lesley

JM Tran
01-11-2011, 11:03pm
sorry to hear Lesley, but dont let the actions of a few low-lives get you down or keep you from doing something you enjoy.

did you write down the serial numbers of your bodies and lenses?

keep us updated on the progress of the insurance claim, was it under house and content insurance or a stand alone equipment insurance?

01-11-2011, 11:19pm
thats a pretty crap thing to happen lesley...I feel for you..I really do:(

have you checked the local hock shops...I was working today in como and I do get round the hock shops..so if I see any canon gear fitting your description..Ill let you know..check a eye om gumtree and ebay for a perth sellers of similar gear..it might take a week or two to surface..but it will.. I doubt opportunist thieves will hang onto it.

better still go light a rocket under those insurance brokers...hopefully your covered ..its a shit thing to happen..its happened to me so I know the pain

01-11-2011, 11:54pm
I'll keep an eye and ear out. I'll also put it to the other WA members.
I hope you manage to get some joy with the insurance co.

02-11-2011, 5:42am
If you have the serial numbers there, check with Canon Aus. Nikon run a free service where you can record your stolen gear serial numbers with them. so if the gear turns up in future (service centre, etc), they know its been nicked.

02-11-2011, 6:45am
Sorry to hear that Lesley, I really hate lowlife thieves. Is the gear insured as an inclusion with your house or car policy? If it is you probably won't get the full amount of its value. They have a clause in there usually for around $1,000 for items that are not in the house when travelling or personal items in the car. You need a seperate policy for your camera gear.

Please do not let this spoil your hobby though. Yes, it is a big setback both financially and emotionally, but do not let this beat you. The expense of buying new gear will soon be forgotten once you get back into it and start enjoying photography again, but let it beat you and it will always be a regret and a sour point in your life.

02-11-2011, 6:50am
omg Lesley, I would be sitting in a corner rocking if that had happened to me :( I'm so sorry this has happened!! Who are you insured with? maybe you might have to go back into the branch and see them personally? they would have taken the backpack thinking it had wallets etc in it, and not even bothered with the ipods and stuff... I'd do what everyone else is saying, keep an eye on the hock shops.. it will probably end up there.. maybe go around to them and just say if someone brings this in call me? :confused013

02-11-2011, 9:57am
That really sucks mate.
I'd be checking all the pawn shops. The people that commit these type of crimes (Steal from Motor Vehicle, Break and Enter etc..) are usually looking for a very quick way to convert the property into cash. If they use a pawn shop, they have to produce ID, so that's a good way to track them if it comes through there.

Make a police report (which I'm sure you already have) and let them do some investigating. At the end of the day though, unfortunately mate in my experience it's very rare that property turns up again, that being said, sometimes it does happen. I would be focusing on the insurance company IMO.

Once again, sorry to hear about that mate.

Lesley Bray
03-11-2011, 11:53am
Thanks for the support everyone - Insurance Company still investigating and waiting to hear back from them
Police have all details of my gear including photos. I don't expect to hear of it again.
Have decided I will continue with my photography and not let the low lifes beat me. Hard part is I made sure I purchased all equipment I needed before I retired from my work - guess I'll have to go back to the grindstone to replace it all. Thommo - I really would appreciate it if you do keep an eye out for me - the 400mm lens has a distinctive chip on the upper barrel.
I answered a suspicious ad on gumtree but the camera had a different Serial number on it when I looked at it. Lesley

03-11-2011, 12:24pm
Well I am glad you are not going to let it beat you Lesley. I hope it works out with either insurance or your gear turning up. Good luck.

03-11-2011, 2:28pm
Make sure you check your local cash converters if there is one near you. I had all my gear stolen just over 2 weeks ago, I started doing some research on the net. Cash converter stores appeared to be where a lot of people found their stolen goods (not just photography gear). Luckily mine is being replaced by the insurance company so I haven't looked for my gear other than ebay, etc.

Chin up though, you'll be enjoying photography again soon I'm sure.

It's a horrible feeling I know.

06-11-2011, 12:38am
Hope the cops find your gear for you and they catch these scumbags, kinda a reall dampener on things when this stuff happens.