View Full Version : D3000 RAW files

01-11-2011, 7:11pm
Hey, I shot a couple of good shots and when I opened them in Adobe Bridge CS3, I couldn't get them to open in Camera RAW which is weird cause their all .NEF files :/ I might add that I've only recently started photography with my first DSLR which is a D3000. The file type/image quality setting is on RAW so I don't get why its not working.

Please help?

01-11-2011, 7:27pm
Abobe do not backwards support older version of photoshop with new version of RAW. So you will need a version of PS newer than your camera to support the NEF files your camera produces. Adobe only update raw support for current version of photoshop.

The other option is to use DNG converter and convert your NEF files to DNG RAW and you will be able to open those in PS CS3.

You can find the DNG converter on the Adobe webiste

01-11-2011, 7:45pm
Dude, thank you so frikken much, this just saved me (excuse the word) sh*t loads of work and headaches. Thank you man, seriously appreciate it :)

01-11-2011, 7:48pm
Be careful what you type on AP, we have rules against swearing on the site.

01-11-2011, 8:00pm
Okay gotcha boss man

01-11-2011, 8:24pm
I said bottom once and was banned for 30 days ;)

Dd you get capture nx with the camera ?

01-11-2011, 8:27pm
Hahaha that must've sucked :P

No I didn't, I only for the camera and its lens with a bag, I don't think BigW sells CaptureNX. I know for a fact thats it a great program right? From what my uncle told me its great to have

01-11-2011, 9:25pm
I had this problem with my new Pentax K-x. The camera default was for a Pentax only raw file with .pef file name. My CS2 wouldn't recognise it either. I then found out that there is a choice in the camera of the type of raw file an image is saved as. I changed this setting to the other option which is .dng & CS2 recognises this. I also have my settings to save pictures in RAW & JPEG. When the images are then saved to your computer you get a visual image - the JPEG one - next to the raw image which doesn't show the picture. Hope this is of some help.

01-11-2011, 9:28pm
I wouldn't gt nx jut for this, there are other cheaper or free options

01-11-2011, 9:49pm
I wouldn't get CaptureNX just for the raw file conversion.

You would have got ViewNX with the camera(it came on the software disk), so what you could also do, is to load this open all images that you want to process via ViewNX, and then use the 'Open With' option in ViewNX's tool bar.

At first you need to register the other software with ViewNX, and it gives you an easy way to do this .. all you do is induce the Open With options box and navigate to whatever exe file you like.
View NX will then convert the NEF into a TIFF file on the fly for ya and you then process the TIFF file in your preferred software.

You can also create a link to your fave software up in the toolbar itself if you do this regularly too.
I have a few other software that I regularly use too, and it's pretty seamless.

If you have a D3000, then the chances are that you have an earlier version of ViewNX too. You can find the latest version VNX2.2.1 on the Nikon download page.

02-11-2011, 7:22am
Okay thanks guys, I'll update ViewNX and I got the .dng converter and it pretty much solved my problems, but thanks everyone :)

02-11-2011, 10:42am
You could also just buy Adobe Photoshop Elements (either 9 or 10), and download the updates from Adobe, then you'll be able to just open the RAW files from the camera directly.

Elements is 90% of CS5, at less than 10% of the cost.

02-11-2011, 3:51pm
Even if I could get elements I would't, I'm going to be studying graphic designing soon so i'll need to get the hang of Photoshop.

02-11-2011, 4:10pm
there may be no better way to get to grips with CS5 to start with elements, just a thought

02-11-2011, 4:22pm
That may be so, but I have been using CS3 for quite some time and I've gotten pretty good at it, so I'm gonna keep going at it until I can afford CS5. At the moment I'm 15 so I don't actually have my own money to get CS5. And as I said I only got my D3000 about 5-6 days ago